
maddiey Posts: 231 Member
I've been interested lately in buying a juicer because I've heard some great things about juicing, and how healthy is.

Anyone's opinions on this? Do you like it, is it too expensive? Have you noticed any difference after starting juicing? I want to start getting more vegetables in my diet and this sounded like a tastier way to do it, or is that the wrong thinking?

Thanks for replies in advance! :)


  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    I have a coworker who juices and he likes it but he did say you have to make the investment for a good juicer, otherwise there will be many veggies & fruits the machine won't be able to handle.

    So the bottom line is do your research!
  • maddiey
    maddiey Posts: 231 Member
    Okay thanks that makes sense... I was over for dinner at my cousin's last night and they're really into it! Their jucier seemed to handle everything... they just shoved it down there lol
  • bentobee
    bentobee Posts: 321 Member
    Check out the documentary Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead on Netflix. It follows a couple people who radically turned their health around from juicing. It was really amazing.

    I immediately started comparing juicers on Amazon after watching it!
  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    Well, juicing is both the easiest and the hardest things to do. Part of what makes it hard is that alot of the information is hidden within "fringe groups" law raw foodists or folks who go on juice fast, And they will often bog you down with rules that may or may not care about.

    First stop is to get a juicer, I would recommend finding one used or askin a friend if you can borrow theirs for the weekend. It will give you a chance to see it in action

    I starting juicing this week and WOW, I can really tell a dfference. Now, I'm not doing anything fancy, I'm still eating regular meals, bu once a day, an hour before I have a meal, I drink he juice.

    I would vey much recommend it. Its the first time in years that I had no problem gettin my green vegetable in!
  • _Cheyanne_
    _Cheyanne_ Posts: 97 Member
    i just got one! its definitely a great way to get your veggies in.. there's plenty of things you can do to make it taste better too if you find it a bit tart. i had my first veggie drink the other day and i just drank it with a straw. i can never get myself to eat veggies so this is a good fix for me. i highly reccomend it!
  • GKay56
    GKay56 Posts: 4 Member
    I have one. I use it 2-3 times a day. I am doing soy shakes with fruits and vegetables. Example spinach and grapes, 1/2 banana, celery, and a clementine. I have ibs and the jucing helps.
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
    I also watched * fat sick and nearly dead* recently and it inspired me to start juicing....I started this past monday. I am not doing a strict juice fast, as I can not bring it to work.. ;) but I am usually drinking vegatable/fruit juice for the last 2 meals of the day at home. At work for breakfast I am making fresh squeezed citrus juice... I got an inexpensive citrus reamer @ tjmaxx....so I will usually do two small oranges, half a meyer lemon, and half a ruby red grapefruit...then the rest of my breakfast is the other half of the grapfruit, and pumpkin seeds on the side... some days I will add half a scoop of protein powder to my coffee like today.

    The rest of the day I am just munching on fruits and veggies whenever hungry, and sometimes a few nuts. For lunch I have a salad loaded with veggies, and coconut oil and Apple cider vinegar as dressing... Most of the time no meat or dairy...though once in awhile I will.

    I like a lot of variety...and i'm picky...and so far the juicing is going well ;) If you like creamsicles, try carrot, cucumber, spinach, granny smith apple, pear and some fresh pineapple.... add some vanilla protein powder... DELICIOUS!

    A lot of people reccomend the expensive juicers, the guy in the movie uses a breville... While I think that's great if you can afford it, I had to go cheap for now. LOL. I actually LOVE my juicer! Black and Decker, 30 bucks at walmart... easy to clean etc. For now, it's doing the job!

    I definatally can tell the juicing is making me feel better overall...the only time I noticed any difficulty, was the other day after an intense zumba class... most of the class i had great energy, but then near the end, I crashed..started feeling dizzy etc...and when I did my weight training session right after, I was not terribly effective. I likely could have remedied that by eating something within the hour before...such as a piece of fruit...i got busy at work and forgot to.

    Go for it, and definatally watch that movie if you can! It was amazing and well done!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I would much rather eat my calories. :drinker:
  • i really suggest juicing! it is sooooo healthy .You get lots of nutrients from it I just throw whatever i want in to the juicer. Like this morning I put celery spinach orange strawberries bluberries apple carrot..and it tasted pretty good! I believe what you put in your body will make a huge difference on how you feel..so juicing for me is an easy way of getting alot of my vitamins,because I know that I will not eat all of those veggeies in one day,especially while taking care of my kiddos...this morning i made my 5 and 1 year old apple orange and carrot juice and they LOVED it! I would suggest watching FAT SICK and NEARLY dead...great documentary! I would borrow a juicer and see what you think....I think you will like it..give it a week..at least once a day and see how you feel.. take care..