Plateaued on weight loss

I am trying to loose 5 to 7 more lbs but for the last three weeks i have been stuck at the same weight. I am staying on track with my calories. Any suggestions on how to get it going again?


  • earlyxer
    earlyxer Posts: 240 Member
    How much have you lost so far? You have to recalculate your daily calories as you weight drops - the number isn't etched in stone.
  • satgc
    satgc Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks - good point.

    I have lost about 17 lbs and my app recalculated the calories - I am tracking to the new calories. Still no success...
  • lmkelly679
    lmkelly679 Posts: 102 Member
    I'm not sure if this is the same with you but once when i plateaued i realized i was eating the same things over and over again because i didn't know what else i could have. I ended up getting new recipes and completely changed my meals, i didn't change the calorie intake because of my weight but changing the foods alone knocked me out of it.
  • eeg23
    eeg23 Posts: 2 Member
    I think you need a cheat day. So tomorrow I suggest eating a little bit unhealthy just to mix up your body. It works for some people
  • lmkelly679
    lmkelly679 Posts: 102 Member
    yeah that does work, it shocks your system. Yesterday was mine lol just try to not go too over board.
  • MGibbs46
    MGibbs46 Posts: 18
    I'm in the same spot as you! Are you still losing inches though? Are your clothes getting any looser? You might be gaining muscle which is what you want because muscle burns more calories! I've been taking a cheat day every Saturday. I eat clean all week and track everything that goes into my mouth, and Saturday is completely FREE! This is working great for me! Also, you might want to try doing a Shakeology Cleanse. I'm starting mine tomorrow!
  • lbrsmom
    lbrsmom Posts: 18
    I am at a plateau too. I am going to try to switch up my workout routine and have a free day a week for eating yet I will still track. I have been stuck for 3 weeks. i went up about .08 lb.
    Hopefully I can kick it this week.

    Good luck
  • hmcminton
    hmcminton Posts: 49 Member
    it might help to try a completely different type of workout - if you typically do cardio, add in some weights. go take a dance class, yoga, or kickboxing ~ just changing up the type of exercise you do should help jump start your weight loss again. good luck!
  • satgc
    satgc Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for all the advice…

    I already do some of them:
    -Cheat days – for work related reasons I go out to eat and sometimes land up eating more than my fair share
    -Various workouts – every week I do aerobics (cycling), Weights and Yoga

    Will try these :
    -Eat different things – I used to eat more variety but recently have stuck to the same foods. Will change this to see how it goes.
    -Workouts – I will be significantly increasing my cycling with warmer weather coming up.
    -I have not kept track if I am still losing inches. Will keep an eye out for that.

    Shakeology Cleanse – I looked this up on the web but am not a big fan of eating processed powders. Will keep this for a future date if all else fails. I will not last a day with food that is prescribed – usually eat a lot more compensated with exercise.

    It is quite frustrating…

    Cheers, Thanks again.
  • rebelo3
    rebelo3 Posts: 51 Member
    Try upping your protein!
  • MGibbs46
    MGibbs46 Posts: 18
    I love the Shakeology chocolate flavor! I've done the cleanse and it's not that bad. Shakeology gives you alot of energy, and it decreases your appetite so It's easy to follow. They just came out with Tropical Strawberry, I haven't tried that yet!
  • earlyxer
    earlyxer Posts: 240 Member
    I agree with upping the protein. MFP recommendations are not really ideal. Set it manually at 40/40/20 and try to hit that protein target every day. Not only does it help with lean mass, but protein satiates you better than carbs or fat.