
Hi all,
I'm going on vacation starting Tuesday and I won't be back home until sometime the following Monday. I'm wondering how I'm going to "be good" when it's so tempting to go out with my friends and enjoy myself food-wise. I figure I'll eat a sensible breakfast and lunch, then let loose JUST A LITTLE on dinner, still counting my calories but having fun at the same time. Does this sound like a good plan and does anyone have any tips for surviving this next week? :wink:


  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    This sounds like a great plan. If anything, shoot to maintain that week and if you go up a few pounds on the scale, so what. It's a vacation! The most important thing is that you get back on track after. Just don't go crazy and at least try to make healthier choices most of the time. Have fun!
  • eventualrainbow

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