P90x questions

Hey guys ~ started p90x tonight, I am a little embarrassed to say I only made it through half. I realize it is day 1 ( lean btw) but I am wondering if anyone else started like this and still saw results. I plan on doing day 2 tomorrow I just don't know what's the best way to proceed! Thanks in advance!!!


  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    Force yourself to keep going. If you need to hit pause so be it. Do not skip a day, (Your body will hurt). The results are worth it. You will finish!!!

    Try to keep adding more weight or reps. Take pics now to keep seeing progress.
  • libby328
    libby328 Posts: 287 Member
    I did take pictures... Made me wanna puke lol hence starting the program, besides it being hard as hell I got this massive headache. It obviously is intense, but keep going keep going
  • arbelkin
    arbelkin Posts: 3
    My wife and I just started out 5th week...I was in serious pain after week 1 but it soon faded and we are both committed...i am more flexible then i have ever been. I still cannot get through 1/2 the ab ripper stuff...STICK WITH IT AND DO WHAT YOU CAN....you are way ahead of any body else...
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    When you feel like your going to puke or pass out hit pause and drink some water. If you still feel like your going to puke after a minute then stop, if you feel better keep going. Your endurance will increase overtime
  • libby328
    libby328 Posts: 287 Member
    My wife and I just started out 5th week...I was in serious pain after week 1 but it soon faded and we are both committed...i am more flexible then i have ever been. I still cannot get through 1/2 the ab ripper stuff...STICK WITH IT AND DO WHAT YOU CAN....you are way ahead of any body else...

    Good job! I love ab ripper by far my fav ab routine! You guys are doing great
  • EssentialElement
    EssentialElement Posts: 7 Member
    Hey I have been doing Beachbody workouts for about a year plus now. I absolutely love the results. I went fro 285 to 220 and I still have a ways to go. I enjoy working out to their routines that I decided to join and become a coach. Check my site out. www.darlenefitness.com. I push play every day...or there about and dig deeper. Don't get discouraged if you did not make it through the entire workout. Keep at it. If you can not keep up just do what you can do but keep going. There will be some routines that you do better than others. Eventually you will master them all. Let me know if you need any advice and or need a coach. I am free just like the myfitnesspal app. lol If you have not signed up already for a beach body page then you can use my link to do so. That way I will be your official coach if you don't have one.
  • EssentialElement
    EssentialElement Posts: 7 Member
    Great job. Keep at it. Don't give up. Keep pushing play...and pause when you need to. Ab Ripper will be a piece of cake for ya. Then you will try AbRipper 2 and the fun really begins.
  • jsjaclark
    jsjaclark Posts: 303
    Make sure you drink enough water - not just during the workouts but before and throughout the day. The headache could be caused by dehydration.
  • libby328
    libby328 Posts: 287 Member
    Great job. Keep at it. Don't give up. Keep pushing play...and pause when you need to. Ab Ripper will be a piece of cake for ya. Then you will try AbRipper 2 and the fun really begins.

    I did ab ripperx after my son was born AMAZING RESULTS! Thank you for offering support I appreciate it! I will for sure check out ab ripper 2 sounds fun :)
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    JUST KEEP GOING. Do what you can, at your OWN pace. I was doing Ab Ripper X three times a week and after about 2 months, still wasn't able to do the full video, but I could feel a difference in my muscles. Last night, I did my first Insanity workout and literally thought I was going to die. My chest and throat were burning and I had to take a LONG break (a few minutes) to catch my breath and get the burning to go away. After that, I jumped back in and was fine the rest of the time.

    Your body is capable of SO much more than you think. Sometimes it just gets scared and panics. That's when you tell it to SHUT UP, SUCK IT UP, and keep going. :happy:
  • HotBodUnderConstruction
    I think some of the workouts are fun...although I have to modify almost all of my pushups because I have a fairly weak upper body :p
  • shepar79
    shepar79 Posts: 9 Member
    I love P90x!!! The first week is the hardest, by far:) Trust the program and keep pushing play - even if you think you are too sore, give it a try. Good job getting through half of the workout!!!! If you made it through half of the workout this time maybe next time you will get 3/4 or all the way through. The people in the video have already been through the program, so don't compare yourself to them, but do keep track of your reps because they will get better!!!!
  • tcleeton
    tcleeton Posts: 10
    I probably make it through 35% of P90X the first time. I did it once..... but honestly find high intensity strength training must less work, and much more productive than p90x. I dropped from around 28% body fat to 17.... on my way to a 6 pack (8-12% body fat) in the next month or two.

    I'd really advice you to look into high intensity workouts. I work out 45 minutes, twice a week.... and the results kill P90X. You build muscle when you rest, and a good strength training program can keep you burning fat for 40-72 hours. P90x is primarily a cardio workout, but it does build muscle...... but the effects only last 3-4 hours after your workout.

    You can definitely achieve results either way....... strength training just tends to be faster, and a lot less effort.

    Stength training works for both men and women and provides us each with different benefits..... men tend to define and bulk because our bodies have testosterone, and the ladies tighten, lean up, and tighten because they don't.
  • Kelynallen
    As Tony says, "Do your best, and forget the rest." Just modify. It is amazing how even just your second time going through the same dvd your body responds so much better. Now to make myself start it again. : ) "Cheeseburgers-bad, fries-bad, Coca-cola...oops I said it! Drink your water people!" Good luck.
  • reztib
    reztib Posts: 151 Member
    I started my last week on Monday. I had a few "should I run to the toilet" moments. I was sore this week up until a few days ago. I am doing the Classic module but I am also trying to lose weight. I would do cardio but building up strength is my secondary goal. Tony even says don't be embarrassed to hit the pause button. I will echo a lot of what others say. P90X is intense. If you have to modify, do it. You know your body best and will be able to tell what you can and can't do.
  • tdismydog
    tdismydog Posts: 42 Member
    have not done p90x but am going to through insanity. somewhat similar best advice is dont get frustrated!!! I took me til today to get through the warm up of insanity without stopping. you have the dvds even if you need a day off you can start again the next day!!! Both workouts are hard they kick your butt, but they make you feel so good when you finally make it all the way through!!! Good Luck!!!
  • trijohnny
    trijohnny Posts: 15

    I am week 4. I started out only being able to finish half, like you tonight. I will get better I promise. Congrates on starting it. Keep It Up>>>>
  • libby328
    libby328 Posts: 287 Member
    I had a pretty bad tailbone injury and stopped all physical activity! Well just decided to start p90x right away before talking myself out of it! I am way excited to be able to finish!
  • tzeoli86
    tzeoli86 Posts: 75 Member
    The key is to just show up everyday. When I did P90x, even if I didn't feel like I could do it, I would just commit to turning on the dvd and standing there in front of the tv. Then I would do whatever I was able to do, modifying where needed. You can always modify the workouts to what you are able to do that day!!! The trick is to just keep moving. As far as the first day....I also felt nauseous the first day! Its just something about going back and forth between pull-ups and push-ups that makes you queasy. Hang in there...everyday isn't like that!!! Don't feel guilty for not keeping up with the people on the dvd...they have all already gone through the whole thing at least once!!! Hope this helps.
  • NateDad
    NateDad Posts: 55
    Modify, pace yourself, and don't try to keep up with Tony and the gang until you're on day 80 or so. I'm on day 2 officially, but did a few of the workouts last week for "fun". Do what you can with the weights you can. The bodyweight exercises (pull ups push ups squats etc) are hard if you aren't used to them (I'm certainly not). In which case, just do what you can, modify if you can (use a chair to help with pull ups, use lighter weights, do push ups on your knees). Remember, the people on the video are people who have FINISHED P90X. They make the video so that it's still hard at the end of the program. For people at the beginning, we have to do less. I overdid it on Plyometrics my first time, trying to keep up with Tony, and died halfway through. The second time, I was a lot better about pacing myself, not trying to keep up, but do a level that was hard for me, and I was able to make it through strong.

    You can do it, too. Do your best, forget the rest. You don't have to do even half what they do, just do what you can. By the end, you'll be amazed at what you can accomplish.