Need lunch advice please.....

I'm meeting a friend for lunch tomorrow, and she's picked California Pizza Kitchen for us to meet at. (She is also 35 weeks pregnant, so I insisted she choose what sounded good to her).

I haven't been to CPK since my pre-diet days, and have no clue what to order to still be somewhat within calories, and still taste good.
I'm already planning on grilled chicken & salad or some sort of veggie for dinner tomorrow night.


  • smolina85
    smolina85 Posts: 11 Member
    Stay away from the desserts... Really high in calories
  • aiyana1228
    aiyana1228 Posts: 100 Member
    If you are careful about your other meals you can do a slice of veggie pizza and a salad with FF dressing or a vinegar and you'll be fine. Just try to avoid the high fat meat toppings and full fat dressings and too much bread. I know. I have decided any type of italian food is the hardest food to work into my measly 1200 calories. Good luck. Pizza is a hard one for most of us. You can probably even do 2 pieces if you get in enough exercise. I will keep you in prayers tomorrow!
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    Can't comment on taste, but CPK has menu nutritional information on their website. At very least you can know what you're getting.