Hello Everyone,

I am not New but I am a returning to MFP from being gone for a while...

I am the first to admit it is easy to lose focus or make mistakes and excuses. BUT I am not giving up...

I am in need of motivation and my biggest problem is staying motivated!




  • Emabo
    Emabo Posts: 125 Member
    Come on here, everybody is motivating and inspiring to me!
  • Hj723
    Hj723 Posts: 141 Member
    I actually just started posting a blog regarding my second motivation tool. I've been using a calendar with the big boxes as a mark off journal kind of tool. It's hanging in my living room where I can't avoid it. I mark in a big red X's the days I don't do something physical and then write what I do do down. It's been working so far, but I'm only my second month in. I only use this as a method to encourage myself to do "something". I also have my first set of before pictures posted on my bathroom mirror. Makes it hard to avoid when I brush my teeth. Feel free to add me! Everyone can always use some extra motivation. Good luck! Just remember: Just because you had one day off the wagon doesn't mean you can jump back on the next day.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    allergies. I have to keep moving because if I stop my allergies flare up. I'm allergic to excuses. :laugh:

    kidding aside, diabetes type II. I was taking 5 different meds to help control it including an injection, I lost 100 lbs and reversed it. I can easily get it again so I keep it up. That's 1 of many things.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
  • gailashton
    gailashton Posts: 292
    I have lots of friends here, many of whom have been there and done that just like me! I continue to be challenged with my workouts. The more I accomplish the better I feel. I have so many people that look up to me and I them! When you inspire others it's hard not to stay motivated. With every day I feel stronger and healthier. I am determined that I will never go back to where I was ever again.
  • LisaJ2904
    LisaJ2904 Posts: 157 Member
    MFP has been my biggest motivator...I would have give up ages ago without it and the community...Just come back everyday xx
  • Kehnj
    Kehnj Posts: 33

    @ It's so motivating, I watch tags like ' Fitspo ' and weightloss and things like that, they are very supportive and motivational. One person has a whole blog dedicated to before and after pictures. That's what keeps me motivated~
  • degilbe69
    degilbe69 Posts: 27
    That's great news! I'm a newbe and I will be back daily :)
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I keep before pictures all over the place...I am never going there again
  • geminijen77
    geminijen77 Posts: 11 Member
    When I reach a 'mini-goal' I treat myself to a new workout outfit. Keeps me motivated because I love new clothes, plus I want to wear them to the gym!
  • babipari
    babipari Posts: 18
    Take pics of myself in my underwear twice a week, this way i can keep track of where i need to work on. :)
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Make this site my homepage. So it's in my face much of the day. Log every calorie even when I went over. Sometimes way, way over.

    Get ready to work out in stages when I'm not feeling enthusiastic.

    Like get my workout clothes on. Sit back down at the computer for awhile, get shoes on, sit back down, throw HRM watch on and hair in a ponytail.

    Oh fine, I'm all dressed to workout, I guess I will.

    Drag self in other room to use XBox or out for a walk.
  • happiimilk
    happiimilk Posts: 44 Member
    Usually I log in, check the boards for new success stories and those usually help me along.

    Otherwise, I'm staring at wishlist items, or looking at my collection of dresses that I'd love to remove the panels I added to fit.
  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
    Posted a picture of my Fat *kitten* on the mirror so I had to look at it every day.
  • Cwilliams8676
    Cwilliams8676 Posts: 252 Member
    Facebook I log everyday my food and exercise and get my cheering from Fitness foodies there. I refuse not to be successful
  • I signed up for a 4 mile run that I would not be able to back out of. There is nothing more motivating then having to do something you can't fail at. I focus daily on that goal. Plus I promised I would finally get my new Tattoos and that is a huge motivator.
  • confuzzledwife
    confuzzledwife Posts: 142 Member
    Come on here, everybody is motivating and inspiring to me!

  • NU2U
    NU2U Posts: 659 Member
    Posted a picture of my Fat *kitten* on the mirror so I had to look at it every day.

    Lolol...I did this!!! :-)
  • rubysphoto
    rubysphoto Posts: 254 Member
    Every time I think of skipping a workout or over eating I say to my self "self do you want to be that fat again or stay this fat?" :wink:

    I know for me if I Skip it only makes it easier to skip again and I do not need that.
  • krissers9
    krissers9 Posts: 20 Member
    Vacation to Mexico in 3 weeks (yay!) followed by the summer. After baby #3, I really wanted to get back in shape.