New to MFP

Hi everyone, I just decided that I need to get serious with my weight loss. I recently started trying to do weight watchers but the whole points thing doesn't really work for me. I've dealt with being over-weight for a good portion of my life. I'm 21 and decided that I need to get thin so I can really enjoy my time in my twenties like I should be! I find myself not really enjoying the summer months because all my friends want to go swimming and I never can because I'm too embarrassed to wear a swim suit. SO, it's finally time for a change! I want to lose between 75-100lbs. I'm here to help and try to motivate others and to get some motivation from others as well. Well thanks for reading! :)


  • kp1439
    kp1439 Posts: 343 Member
    you welcome .. u are in the right place ... u can do it ..
  • babipari
    babipari Posts: 18
    Halloos and welcome :) this site is perfect for motivation !
  • feline1989
    I completely understand how you feel, I'm 22 and I have the same problem. I think we'll make a great team!