1200 Calories

I've been reading a lot on the message boards that 1200 calories is very little, and could be detrimental to weight loss. Just to give a sense of where I am, I'm 5'2 and 170. My first goal is 150 lbs, than I will re-evaluate. I've lost 8 lbs so far staying a bit under/over 1200 depending on the day. I don't eat back my workout calories unless I'm hungry. Don't get me wrong, I don't think that I should be losing any faster than I am, but I want to be in this for the long haul, keeping muscle and energy. Do you you think I should be at 1500? Also as a side note, if you look at my food diary I haven't been at my best since this week as a whole ;) Also as a side side note, since I have gone over a few days I have not lost weight, but it could be due to muscle gain. And chocolate cake.


  • StarryEyed500
    StarryEyed500 Posts: 225 Member
    What's your BMR? I'd go with eating that. That's what I'm trying to do. Some days I get there (and then some!), some days I just about manage 1200 lol
    But, I'm 2 inches shorter than you :)

    If you want to keep your muscles, the least you need to eat is enough to sustain them - this is what your BMR does.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    EDIT: Yep, BMR... see above post ^^^^

    Mmmmm...chocolate cake. :)

    Personally, I think 1200 calories is fine, as long as you keep in mind that eating less than that regularly could cause muscle loss. Your body still needs a certain amount of fuel to function.

    I would recommend you calculate how many calories you burn just by being alive and how many you burn from exercise, then eat accordingly. There are some posts on these message boards somewhere (sorry, wish I had them marked for you!) that can help you figure out that magic number. Good luck, I'm right there with you!
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    Not sure where you are reading that 1200 calories is too low, A lot of us short folks are on around 1200 calories and do fine if we can stick to it.
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 728 Member
    I'm a little over 2 inches shorter then you and MFP has me set on 1200 cal as well because it's the lowest recommended amount. But that doesn't take height really into consideration. 1200 cal benchmark is ment to ensure your getting proper nutrition. So be sure to eat good foods with variety! I don't usually eat my exercise calories back and I seem to be functioning just fine on this calorie count. But then again, I am short and have a sedentary job. But I work out often... In regards to weight loss, I find that I have periods where I lose several pounds in a week and then go for weeks without any changes. Then I lose several more pounds and nothing for some more weeks. So I wouldn't worry too much about some plateau weeks. Just hang in there!
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I'm not sure what it means when people talk about "eating back workout calories". If you're looking at about 1200 calories a day, you should net 1200 calories, including exercise. I don't like to think of it as "eating back calories" because even if you're losing weight, you still need to fuel yourself depending on how active you are. Unfortunately we are not tadpoles, we can't just absorb our body fat and not eat.

    You need to do what works for you. I personally think 1500 calories is better for an active person than 1200. I try to net about 1300 calories as a 140lb 5'7" female, and it works for me.

    Mmmm chocolate cake...
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 728 Member
    I've looked into this quite a bit and ACMA recommends a minimum of 1200 calorie intake (that's intake not net) to ensure adequate nutrition when trying to lose weight. The concern is malnutrition not starvation (two totally different concepts... one can be overweight and malnurished). Of course, that's a minimum. If you body needs more, of course you should eat more.
  • nycalison
    nycalison Posts: 51 Member
    Thank you! Ok, so my BMR is 1,453, times 30% activity level , (I'm doing the 30 day shred and run around with my toddler, so lightly active I would say) equals 1,453+436=1,889. A 500 calorie deficit a day should burn a lb a week... and since my workout burns about 200 calories, if I cut another 300 calories from my food...that leaves me with 1,389 to eat and still lose. That was a lot of math, I hope its right! And that cake was so worth it btw, it was for a birthday, and special occasion cheats are ok with me ;)
  • StarryEyed500
    StarryEyed500 Posts: 225 Member
    That sounds like a good goal. Hope it works out for you :)
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    If you want to fuel your muscles and body then eat back your exercise calories.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    I bumped up to 1,500 when I started lifting weights. The biggest problem I have is now it's that much harder to keep sodium down. I love being able to eat more, though.

    Oh, and I'm the same height as you but a bit smaller.
  • BandForAlyAnne
    BandForAlyAnne Posts: 321 Member
    i recently had the lapband and had convinced myself i shouldnt go over 1000cals. well that wasnt working for my body. so i bumped up to 1200 cals and i started losing again. i think 1200-1300 cals is a healthy range for anybody who wants to lose weight. but if your worried you can always go to 1400 cals on those days you burn a lot of cals. :) my advice: listen to your body. it will know what it wants. DONT let ANYBODY tell you you are not eating enough or are eating too much. somebody always has an opinion. i found that 1200 works for me and im still staying healthy. sombody else might need more. it all depends on the individual. :)
  • ashcan92
    ashcan92 Posts: 8
    Thats in teresting because I'm 5' 10" and my calorie intake ia also at 1200. I spoke with one of the Health Tech's at my work and he suggested that I bump it up to 1600. I found that 1600 (of healthy food) is actually a lot. After staying with it for about a week I've been able to eat at or under 1200 calories. It's even better when I see that I worked back some of those calories, but I feel like if I were to "eat back the calories" then I would have to binge eat.
  • bbriscoe13
    bbriscoe13 Posts: 175 Member
    I am also 5'2 and started at 175. I started eating 1200 calories, but didn't exercise much. When I did I usually didn't eat my calories back and still lost weight just fine. Some weeks were better than others, but I always lost. Lately I have been having to eat back my workout calories, but I am still losing weight! Listen to your body. If you are hungry you should probably eat or drink some water, especailly when you work out. Good luck! :)
  • ashtonvv
    ashtonvv Posts: 144
    I am 5'2 and I have to net at LEAST 1660, to keep my body going or I crash in a few days. Do your BMR you might be surprised at how many calories your body needs to keep going. This is the calories you would burn doing nothing all day, literally laying in bed unmobile. I find that mfp sets the ratios low, even fats and carbs. Not knocking anyone that is on a 1200 cal habit, but I find that it didnt work for me at all, I hit a stand still at 5 lbs. I upped my calories to 1660 net and ate back half of my exercise calories and the weight literally dropped off, so yes I am proof that higher calorie intakes DO work and work well. Do your numbers, find out what YOUR body needs.

    www.fat2fitradio.com/ <-- this site has every calculator you will need.
  • nycalison
    nycalison Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks for all of the advice! I love all of the feedback, I honestly don't feel deprived at 1200 calories on a normal day, I just have to remember not to go under, and not get crazy if I go a little over. The listening to my body part is going to be the hardest part of this journey, since I can confuse hunger with thirst, boredom, rewards (what got me into this situation) and the part that thinks less food=thin
  • kkester63
    kkester63 Posts: 28
    Eating back your calories exercised ... depends on who you ask. I've asked doctors, nutritionists and trainers. The split is about 50/50 yes or no. My doc, trainer, and 1 nutritionist say it's not necessary. That you need to take in enough nutrients vitamins, minerals etc... to prevent malnutrition and it can be done with supplements and a 1200 cal diet. 2 Other nutritionists suggest eating your target calories be it 1200, 1600 etc... and eating a significant portion of activity burn cals as well. Personally I follow the eat a set amount guideline. I have my blood work done bi-weekly and a urine test monthly. No problems detected, no signs of malnutrition etc.

    So consult your physician or trusted professional nutritionist etc... follow the guidelines they give you and enjoy your life and progress to the goals you have set. Everyone is different and what's right for you is for you, what's right for others may not be.
  • wells0707
    wells0707 Posts: 251 Member
    I am about the exact same size as you. It set me to 1200 also. Sometimes I am under and sometimes I am a little over. I lost 10 lbs a few months ago when I wasn't tracking what I ate. Now that I am I seem to be at a plateau. Im hoping its just my body getting used to the new eating style. :)
  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    Great info i dont eat all my work out calories either. No problems at all.
    Eating back your calories exercised ... depends on who you ask. I've asked doctors, nutritionists and trainers. The split is about 50/50 yes or no. My doc, trainer, and 1 nutritionist say it's not necessary. That you need to take in enough nutrients vitamins, minerals etc... to prevent malnutrition and it can be done with supplements and a 1200 cal diet. 2 Other nutritionists suggest eating your target calories be it 1200, 1600 etc... and eating a significant portion of activity burn cals as well. Personally I follow the eat a set amount guideline. I have my blood work done bi-weekly and a urine test monthly. No problems detected, no signs of malnutrition etc.

    So consult your physician or trusted professional nutritionist etc... follow the guidelines they give you and enjoy your life and progress to the goals you have set. Everyone is different and what's right for you is for you, what's right for others may not be.
  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    Bumpity bump
  • JoHola
    JoHola Posts: 43 Member
    Im 5"1 and my calories is also set at 1200 and I eat my exercise calories the majority of the time. I find 1200 is fine although it usually works out that once a week I go over by about 400-500 calories :blushing: (meal out with friends, Sat night out drinking etc). I have still lost about 1lb a week so its working for me :happy: