Last night at dinner....

Ok so last night my boyfriend and I went out for dinner to celebrate my 85 on my 2nd exam of my 2nd semester of nursing school... I had a few meltdowns last week thinking the worst about my test and just feeling sorry for myself... Not proud of that last part at all.. Anyway and so I have felt the extra weight that I have gained recently especially of course when I put my jeans on and pretty much anything that has to do with clothing, including my pajamas.. Now you know you got a problem when that happens. Ok back to the story, so I put my jeans, tank, and a sweatshirt on and we go. It was so uncomfortable to be wearing that outfit. I constantly was worried that my crack was showing, which is not flattering for anyone, never mind someone trying to squeeze into some jeans.. I was constantly pulling my tank top down and my sweatshirt!! oh and my pants up... The point is after dinner I felt worse because now I am full. I felt so terrible in that outfit, and I don't want to feel that way!! I know what it feels like to lose weight and put clothes on and not have to worry about if my jeans are too tight or is my crack hanging out or is my fat hanging out somewhere.. It is a great feeling I have to say. It is not the most important thing in the world I know, but I want to feel good again. I am not going to stop until I do. There!!! So anyway I just wanted to share that. I know that I am not alone, but I want to keep remembering these things, because it is those things that will keep going forward or if I fall off to get right back on! :embarassed:


  • Oh my gosh. I know that feeling and HATE it... I empathize with you... it's terrible terrible TERRIBLE being uncomfortable in your own skin!!! It makes you feel so trapped.

    You are strong. You can do this. Use it as motivation :)