Getting fit while taking antidepressant/antianxiety medicati

ojell Posts: 748 Member
I'm not NEW here, but I didnt know where to ask this. I've always heard that people gain weight while taking these medications, but why is that?

Is it possible to NOT gain weight, and continue to LOSE weight or do the medications themselves cause something to change in your body making it more difficult?


  • SarLem81
    SarLem81 Posts: 115 Member
    I've been on Paxil and Zoloft and I didn't have any problems with gaining weight on either medication. I found my weight fluctuated the same as it always has. When I gained weight, I had no one to blame but myself. I took myself off of Paxil because I didn't like it, but not for weight-related issues. I've had no problems with Zoloft. If anything, I'm able to focus more on being happy and healthy because I'm on it.

    I'd be curious to hear if anyone has had problems with gaining as a result of their medication, though.
  • tm_2012
    tm_2012 Posts: 1

    I take Wellbutrin, right now I am taking a low dose but when I was taking a higher dose I actually lost a ton of weight without trying. Now that I have dropped my dose, I have put a few pounds back on so I am working out and trying to eat right to get the weight back down.

    In the past, I have taken other antidepressants that really made me gain weight. Wellbutrin seems to be the only thing that works that opposite way.

    Good luck.
  • hippofabulous
    hippofabulous Posts: 54 Member
    I take Lamotrogine, Cipralex and attivan and frankly feeling better leads to me being more active. I know they say some meds like hinder weight loss but I've never been able to blame it for weight gain, I blame that on my own laziness & inability to get active which might be a symptom of mental illness for many people.
  • amyECT
    amyECT Posts: 1
    I have gained over 150 pounds while being on antidepressants, anti-anxiety, and antipsychotics for the past 14 years. I've been on them all and I have finally got on the right combo. I also take paxil, but I think Seroquel has helped the most in the gaining of weight. I decided that I am going to get healthier, lose weight, and just feel better about myself. I am here for you all, hope to hear from you!
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 748 Member
    I've asked my mother this as well. She had lost tons of weight and then started taking Celexa and gained like 20 lbs, but I asked her if she was still exercising and eating right. She said no. So, I can't help but think that's why she gained the weight.
  • jayne_mel
    jayne_mel Posts: 173 Member
    I'm on Seroquel and it hasn't affected my weight at all.
  • chubbytiff
    chubbytiff Posts: 61 Member
    I take Effexor xr and am on a high dose. I am not having any issues so far with weight loss. I do beieve that some medications can make it harder to loose weight. Maybe it makes you hold water or maybe it makes you feel hungry. If you feel that your meds are making you gain a ton of weight then maybe you should talk to your doctor about switching your meds. Some are more weight friendly than others.
  • Shannota
    Shannota Posts: 308 Member
    I started Lexapro after a miscarriage in January 2006. The Dr. said it wouldn't cause weight gain, but I gained about 10 pounds a month from the minute I started it (in March 2006, I think). I did get pregnant with my son in August and she kept me on the meds, saying there was no link to birth defects (from the commercials I have been seeing, that may not have been accurate information). Anyway, I started at about 175 and ended up at 292, so BIG weight gain for me.
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I take prozac (fluoxetine) and as far as I know it has not impacted my weight loss...see ticker below. ;)
  • Reckabek
    Reckabek Posts: 487 Member
    I was 155 before i started this bought of meds, celexa, trileptal and haldol. I put on 100 lbs nearly within a yr and a half....then outta the sky blue i got fed up with it and have lost 95 lbs since in the last yr. i think the meds just cause u to get hungry? And that bottemless pit feeling makes u wanna feed it! Which causes weight gain! Thankfully ive been able to control it now and lose!
  • VeggieKelli
    VeggieKelli Posts: 232 Member
    I'm on Lithium, and have been my whole journey. I think it's harder to lose weight on them perhaps, and it's more typical to gain, but ultimately you're in control. I've lost over 30 lbs on them and am still going, so it can definitely happen if you dedicate yourself and realize that it might limit your results a bit! Good luck!
  • cawleen
    cawleen Posts: 23 Member
    I don't believe anti-depressants are too bad for weight gain. It's the anti-psychotics. The worst is olanzapine (Zyprexa) followed probably by high doses of Seroquel. The doctor took me off of olanzapine after a 100 lb weight gain. Unfortunately, just this week, the manufacturer is not making the new medicine I was put on, so I'm back to olanzapine.
  • NewFitKeri
    NewFitKeri Posts: 190 Member
    I've been on every mixture you can name and yes I did drastically gain weight...I went from about 150-160 to 230 and almost into CHF... I'm on better medications now...I don't think I'm gaining weight from them but I do think we have to fight a whole hell of a lot harder against the chemicals we unfortunately have to put in our bodies..but I'd rather have my sanity and work harder than to be unmedicated :):)
  • lexidell46
    lexidell46 Posts: 143
    I am on Celexia and Have been for years. It has slowed down the weight loss. but I am also on Albuteral I think the later has more to do with it more than anything. I have noticed when I have to use it more the slower my weight reduction is.
  • I take max doses of Wellbutrin and Lexipro and hormone replacement therapy because I have been in menopause since 2001 due to a tumor they removed in my stomach. Once my body got use to the wellbutrin, it didnt have the same weight loss effect it did before. It does dull the taste of everything so I find myself craving sweets. (which i have never liked before). I have heard the Lexipro and HRT often cause weight gain but I have no excuses and need to get to a healthy weight and stay there - regardless of medication. I dont plan to stay on these meds much longer so I need to be in control my health!
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 748 Member
    All of this is excellant information everyone. I appreciate your replies! Thank you all so much!
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I love that we are all a bunch of crazies together!!
  • k_pattie
    k_pattie Posts: 34 Member
    I've taken [or am taking] Lexapro, Prozac, Xanax, Buspar, Strattera, and Wellbutrin for anxiety/depression. Found that the medications that made me feel lethargic -- lexapro and prozac -- I did gain weight because I didn't have the energy to go to the gym [isn't it supposed to do the opposite?! lol] but once on Buspar and Strattera, I was able to better focus on my weight loss goals and not binge. I was recently put on Wellbutrin and have noticed that my cravings have subsided but I think that is due to my happier demeanor / no longer eating as an emotional outlet. HOWEVER I have heard from many people that they were able to lose weight on Wellbutrin and it is one of the only anti-depressants that does not have weight gain as a side effect. If you gain weight while on Wellbutrin it is due to lifestyle choices and/or other medications. Hope this helps!!

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