How often do you weigh yourself?

I have been at this a couple of weeks and weigh myself every morning. Problem is, on days I don't see any movement, I get discouraged. Any advice?


  • tguarino1
    tguarino1 Posts: 10 Member
    FWIW, I picked Sat Mornings, as soon as I wake up.

    Weight loss isn't measured daily, week to week should be good.

    Most of losing weight is mental, the physical part is easy :) Its the mental part to not eat that small bag of chips when you REALLY want them.

    The lbs will come off, I would work on your ability to control your diet.
  • I weigh once a week..You will get discouraged if you weigh least I do!
  • Steelheart7
    Steelheart7 Posts: 1,056
    I weigh myself daily .. lol .. morning and night. I like to see the difference from night to morning. One thing I had to do was learn to use the scale as information .. not affirmation that what I am doing is good. You can't get overly excited by a gain and overly excited by a loss. It is information .. like a temperature. Now ... when your clothes get loose, or you can do the stairs without getting out of breath .. that is the stuff you get excited about. Your inches lost .. etc. That is solid proof that you are losing. Weight can fluctuate so easily .. so if you choose to weigh daily you need to take it all in stride. Not let if affect what or how you feel or eat.

    That is my thought anyway. Hope it helps some. :smile:
  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member
    I weigh myself every day, more out of curiosity than anything else. I record the weight once a week.

    It sounds like you would benefit more from a weekly weigh-in. If you get discouraged when you don't see change, don't do things that would discourage you.
  • tenas
    tenas Posts: 121
    I used to weigh once a week but ended up going overboard the first couple days of the week with a mindset of "oh I can just make it up the rest of the week". I recently switched to weighing in daily to stay accountable every day and am doing much better now.
  • I weigh once a week. Also, I am not going so much by the numbers, but how my clothes fit. Your body will fluctuate daily so don't get discouraged.
  • I don't weigh myself at all maybe once a month. The reason being weight can change from the morning to the afternoon. Weight can change if you are filled with water or by the full moon lol that was a joke. I really believe in how I look in the mirror. I did p90x and taking the before 30 60 an 90 day pictures. Results is what I was looking for. I agree when I first started on my weight loss journey I would weigh myslelf everyday. It was not a healthy mindset. Take a picture of yourself now print it and hold it with you and tell yourself I am not going to look like that in 30 days. Take a pic in 30 days and say I am gonna do everything to not look like that.