Shape Up For Summer...Who's Up For The 12 Week Challenge :)

I'm attempting, and am inviting you to join me, to do the 12 week summer challenge

Summer generally means lovely weather. With lovely weather comes a smaller wardrobe & if your anything like me I dread getting my summer wardrobe out of storage.

I've made the decision that this year I will lose weight for summer so I don't suffer this year in the heat and the ailments that come with it (if like me your a little bigger you will get where I'm coming from) like I did last year.

So in these next 12 weeks I'm going to work that little bit harder to try and shift at least 25-30lbs in this time, and continue to shed at a decent rate throughout the summer, so I can make this summer more comfortable and not be embarrassed to do more with my son :)

Please feel free to join and track your progress over the next few weeks here :)

Your Start Weight?

Your 12 Week Target?

Why Are You Shaping Up For Summer?


  • klecourtois
    klecourtois Posts: 10 Member
    I'm in!!!

    Start weight : 150

    12 week target : 135

    Why? I'm getting married July 31,2012 in Jamaica and need a push to get bikini ready!! :)
    ** Add me as a friend
  • eperkins83
    eperkins83 Posts: 1 Member
    I accept your challenge!!

    Start weight: 172 lbs.
    12 week target: 154 lbs. (lose 1.5 lbs. per week)

    I'm not shaping up for any specific event - just really need to do something!

    Good luck =D
  • VeryYellow123
    VeryYellow123 Posts: 14 Member
    This sounds brilliant!

    Start Weight: 172 lbs

    12 Week Target: 154lbs

    (So exactly the same as eperkins83 haha)

    Why? So I can fit into my little WHITE dress, which isn't the most forgiving of colours!
  • I'm in

    Start weight: 135lbs
    12 week target: 120 lbs

    I want to look Fabulous in my summer outfits.
  • Brilliant :)!!!

    Would you all be up for logging progress on this post every Monday??

    Start Weight: 212lbs (As Of 12/03/12)

    Target Weight: 182-187lbs

  • jillbernhardt
    jillbernhardt Posts: 12 Member
    I'm in!! We are finishing up Biggest Loser at work (I am in the lead) but I work best with some group motivation.

    Starting weight: 188 lbs.

    12 week goal: 163 lbs. (25 lbs GONE!)

    Reason: To wear those cute Summer sundresses without feeling like the fat girl everyone thinks should never wear those dresses!

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • HisMissus
    HisMissus Posts: 119 Member
    I'll join you.

    SW: 241lbs

    12wk goal: 223lbs (under 16 stones) so want to lose 18lbs

    Reason: to feel a little less frumpy in summer tops and floaty dresses
  • KimR87
    KimR87 Posts: 295 Member
    ill join :-)

    Start Weight: 216
    12 week goal: 190
    Reason: Would love to get a cute bathing suit this year and not just whatever fits and looks alright
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    I'm in!

    Start weight 164
    12 week goal: 150 (nice round number)

    Reason, I like short shorts, and don't want to be an eyesore...
  • dianer75935
    dianer75935 Posts: 186 Member
    I am in

    Start weight 253.2

    12weeks from now 240

    I want to be out of the 20w's for swimsuit season and not be embarrassed
  • naprestsleep
    naprestsleep Posts: 55 Member
    I am in

    Starting weight 304
    12 week goal 275.

    I have a party with old friends and my vanity has me wanting to impress. Plus I am doing a 62.5 bike ride around that time so I need as much weight off and be in healthier shape.
  • rae_mayer
    rae_mayer Posts: 226
    I'll give it a shot!

    Start Weight: 243 lbs
    12 Week Goal : 220 lbs

    My reasoning is because it's summer and if I reach the 12 week goal, I'll be 75 lbs lighter than last summer!
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    Ohh...I'm in! I don't have anything in specific to get ready for, but lots of fun summer stuff. Son's swimming birthday party and camping!

    I've never been one to be super self conscious in a bathing suit, but I definately wouldn't mind looking better in a cuter one! :)

    CW: 203
    12 week goal weight:185
  • I'm up for it!!

    SW: 233
    12 Week Goal: 200

    I want to be able to wake board this summer!!
  • klecourtois
    klecourtois Posts: 10 Member
    Wow!! Look at us all!!! I like the whole "weigh in" messages once per week!! Great idea!

    Should we start a group?
  • radhika1
    radhika1 Posts: 20
    me too!!!
    start weigh: 128 punds
    12 weeks: 116 pounds

    need to attend cousin's wedding on may 31st, ppl there are slim and stylish i dont want to be the odd one out!!:D
  • BigCat175
    BigCat175 Posts: 38 Member
    12 Week Challenge
    Starting: 262
    12 Weeks: 240
  • Count me in! I don't have anything specific to get ready for this summer, but want to get this first 25 pounds off!!!
    CW 175
    GW 150
  • Wow!! Look at us all!!! I like the whole "weigh in" messages once per week!! Great idea!

    Should we start a group?

    What an amazing idea :)..if anyone else would be up for joining this as a group let me know & i will make one up for us :D
  • I'm in!!

    Start Weight: 215

    12 wk goal: 200

    Reason: 2 reasons. 1) if I get down to 200lbs for the first time in my military career I won't have to take the body fat test (which I failed last cycle). 2) This fall I plan being able to pass the FBI academy fitness test requirements with flying colors!