honeslty.... i feel like i've had that moment a few times, but i always always always fall off again. I think i've had enough, nothing is worth this, and i'm going to do whatever it takes to loose this weight!! I'll work out and eat healthy, take it slow so i don't get overwhelmed, etc. etc.... I'll be more into this than the time before, and i'll just KNOW that this will finally be the day that is the beginning of the rest of my life.

and i fall off again.

SOOO FRUSTRATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

any advice out there????


  • Stepmom1
    Stepmom1 Posts: 155 Member
    You can only stay on it... :wink: If you fall off, all you can do is to get back on again.

    What are you finding as your stumbling block? The food or the exercises?

  • Christi6604
    Christi6604 Posts: 245 Member
    honeslty.... i feel like i've had that moment a few times, but i always always always fall off again. I think i've had enough, nothing is worth this, and i'm going to do whatever it takes to loose this weight!! I'll work out and eat healthy, take it slow so i don't get overwhelmed, etc. etc.... I'll be more into this than the time before, and i'll just KNOW that this will finally be the day that is the beginning of the rest of my life.

    and i fall off again.

    SOOO FRUSTRATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    any advice out there????

    I wonder if you have foods that are "off limits"? I don't really, but I choose when to have them. For example, I wouldn't eat a carb heavy meal on a rest from exercise day. I'd wait until the next cardio day. Generally, it's just not worth it to me to expend the calories on those items. It takes a while. Be patient with yourself. I would say, remember that this way of eating has to be sustainable. Don't worry too much if you eat a bit extra or the "wrong thing"....the important thing is to consistently eat better and exercise over time. You'll see results doing that. :)
  • blondiecheme
    blondiecheme Posts: 15 Member
    I definitely agree! I feel like I've been trying to lose the same 10 pounds for 3 years : ( I would say you just need to track everything and get back on every time you fall off. Don't use the "I'll start on Monday" excuse because you had 5000 calories on Friday, just pick it right back up.

    A friend of mine once said, "Eating bad all day because you binged on some ice cream in the afternoon is like stomping your phone to pieces after dropping it. If you just pick your phone up off the ground, 99% of the time you will realize its just fine." I think we tend to have an all-or-nothing mentality about healthy eating and really blame ourselves for little slip ups. Its life, its ok for use to screw up sometimes : )
  • dburdi02
    dburdi02 Posts: 16 Member
    Just keep getting back up! We are human, we aren't good at everything we do on the first try. Athletes train for YEARS to get to competitive level, eating healthy and exercising regularly is no different. We have to train ourselves to make the right choices. You indulge in one meal, eat really well at the next, didn't exercise three days in a row, call it your break and get back to it. I too am guilty of this, but we have to stop beating ourselves up for these little slip ups and look at it as a learning experience.

    I just wish it were easier!