Runners, I need some advice for half marathon :-)



  • stingrayinfl
    stingrayinfl Posts: 284 Member
    Start hydrating on wed and have a lot of fun.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
  • Runs4Wine
    Runs4Wine Posts: 416 Member
    I have two 1/2s under my belt - and I followed Hal Higdon's training plan. So my last long run was 12 miles the weekend before the race and if memory serves me it was three easy runs around 3 miles each the few days leading up to the race.

    Honestly if you can do 10 miles, you just need to push to do another 5K :) It will be all mental at that point. So focus that it's only a 5K left (That's what I do).

    My routine the day of and leading up to a race is the same otherwise no matter if its a 5K, 10K or the 1/2 - hydrate, nothing new in the way of gear/food, and try to have fun!
  • CrazyDaisysMommy
    Like a few other people said: don't introduce new things into your diet. My downfall in my first marathon was that I bought Clif Blocks the night before. My belly was angry..very, very angry. One thing I would suggest is that when you are out there, enjoy the spectators. I always love the cheering and the high fives. It definitely helps to pass the time.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    One other bit of advice. When that gun goes off, run the race that you have trained for. Your adrenaline will be pumpin, resist the urge to go out of the gate and kill it. Enjoy the atmospheric and have fun.

    ^^^^ this

    Pace yourself (if there are pace bunnies at your race latch on to the one whose finishing time most realistically reflects your goals), your goal for your first half marathon is to finish with a smile on your face, nothing more.

    Nothing new in the way of foods in the last couple of days before the race.

    If you're thinking of using gels (and haven't used them before) try one on a non-running day and then one about half an hour before a short run - you don't want to be in the middle of your 10 miler when you find that brand x gels don't agree with your digestive system. Same thing with sports drinks, if you can try to find out what will be offered on the course - if you haven't used that brand before stick with water at the hydration stations.
  • hofficoffi
    hofficoffi Posts: 88 Member

    Great advice here!
    I have only started running in the last 2 months (Couch to 5k graduate) on Saturday just gone I went for a run and did 10k for the first time...I know its only 6 miles but I felt so elated! I am signing up to do a half marathon in October so PLENTY of time to train for it! Can't wait!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member

    Great advice here!
    I have only started running in the last 2 months (Couch to 5k graduate) on Saturday just gone I went for a run and did 10k for the first time...I know its only 6 miles but I felt so elated! I am signing up to do a half marathon in October so PLENTY of time to train for it! Can't wait!

    Never say "ONLY six miles" you realize you just did something that the vast majority of adults couldn't even imagine accomplishing? Kudos on your progress!
  • k7n2w3
    k7n2w3 Posts: 241 Member
    Ah I just love all this advice!! Thanks Gals and Guys! I didn't get in the 10 mile'r last night as planned... did 7 not 10 so I'm planning it for tomorrow with a running store on the way home where I'll try a gel around mile 7 of the 10. I hope I like the first gel thing I try!

    My goal is definitely just to finish the race with a smile... ultimately with no walking other than a water station here and there.

    and to Brian... haha YES! it's crazy I said that! A friend of mine and I tend to make that mistake often. It's amazing when we slip and say "only" in front of an amount of miles that was ginormous to us before and we pause and say "wait did i just say only????!! What am I nuts??!". :-) Thanks for pointing that out since it gave me a chuckle... considering I couldnt do a quarter mile a year ago and now it's "only 6 miles"! haha that's I guess when I realize how far I've come and how i know that others can totally do it if I could!
  • rob_v
    rob_v Posts: 270 Member

    Great advice here!
    I have only started running in the last 2 months (Couch to 5k graduate) on Saturday just gone I went for a run and did 10k for the first time...I know its only 6 miles but I felt so elated! I am signing up to do a half marathon in October so PLENTY of time to train for it! Can't wait!

    Never say "ONLY six miles" you realize you just did something that the vast majority of adults couldn't even imagine accomplishing? Kudos on your progress!

    The real funny thing is that "it's only six miles" turns into, it's only 10 miles which turns into it's only which 15 miles, which turns into it's only 20 miles which turns into, you did a 1/2 marathon, you can do a full! Its amazing that the more you train, those once seemingly unattainable distances come into focus. 2 years ago, I struggled to swim a few laps, bike a mile, and do a lap around the track. Thanks to some training, dedication and a bunch of crazy *kitten* friends, I'm training for my first Ironman! The once its only 10 miles on the bike, is now its only a 72 mile ride ;)

    You will do great, please make sure to share your results!
  • k7n2w3
    k7n2w3 Posts: 241 Member
    Since it was requested that I post after my half marathon I am :-) I did it in 2:05 and loved every minute of it. Not the best time but it was my first one and it's not a bad time so I'm not upset with it. I ran it with a friend so that added some fun to it. The weather was a little chilly but perfect for running! It was supposed to rain but it rained only up until the race started, then it stopped. I had so much energy the whole time and screamed out the mile markers and jumped on my friend who was taking pictures at mile 11 lol That probably added a minute to my time but was worth it! I didn't walk at all and even skipped a couple of the water stations. If it weren't for the hill at the end I could have kept running for a few more miles. The course was difficult with 3 miles of a steady hlll between mile 6-9. I never thought I'd run more than 3 miles and now I can't wait until my next half! It really goes to show how it is possible to go from not being able to run even a quarter mile last year turned into 13.1 miles straight. If i can do it, YOU can do it :-) (if you don't already of course)

    SW 155.1
    CW and GW 112.0
  • 19bryan57
    Clip your toe nails.
  • kurdapya35
    kurdapya35 Posts: 1 Member
    I am running my first 5K (in fact first race in general) tomorrow. The weather will be sunny and I guess 60-65. What do you recommend a first time runner should wear on race day?
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I am running my first 5K (in fact first race in general) tomorrow. The weather will be sunny and I guess 60-65. What do you recommend a first time runner should wear on race day?

    Something comfortable - preferably not cotton, a wicking t-shirt and your favourite pair of shorts (Yup - I'm superstitious, I have a pair of lucky shorts that are getting pretty sad looking.....). If it's sunny consider wearing a hat and sunglasses. In general though, get your kit laid out today, make sure you're not missing anything.

    Eat a normal dinner - no new foods - but for a 5K you don't need to worry about carb loading.

    Get a good night's sleeps and eat a light breakfast tomorrow at least 2 to 3 hrs before race time, if the race uses corrals make sure you're in the right one for your projected finish time and think negative split (run the 2nd half of the race faster than the 1st half, going out too fast will kill you) and make sure you smile as you cross the finish line - you want a good photo!