Looking for INSANITY buddies

Insanity friends join me support more the better


  • jprid88
    jprid88 Posts: 17 Member
    ill join! i just finished day 15!
  • jeccawest
    jeccawest Posts: 54
    ill add! i almost finished day 2. I am sooo out of shape lol. And I am also doing Zumba and 2 miles a day.
  • GregRandall
    GregRandall Posts: 38 Member
    Insanity?? Please explain! Or is it an american thing :tongue:
  • jeccawest
    jeccawest Posts: 54
    It is a workout program that just keeps your heart rte going and going for like 35mins! It really is insane but it really makes you sweat. I have just started it so I am not a pro yet lol.
  • good work im on day 2
  • i just started to
  • its a intense workout program look it up at beachbody.com
  • talmer
    talmer Posts: 3
    I'm starting week 3 today! It's a great workout program....you just have to keep pushing yourself through it. When is over you feel so good!!! Its an INSANE workout, that's for sure. Good Luck everyone.
  • J3nnaLyn
    J3nnaLyn Posts: 125
    Just started week two this morning! Man, what a workout... I feel great though!
  • lynniewoz
    lynniewoz Posts: 9 Member
    I want in, just did Day 2 yesterday and can barely walk today. Day 3 will hopefully be a bit better!
  • csparon
    csparon Posts: 200 Member
    Insanity friends join me support more the better

    I will join, I am on day 23! :D
  • csparon
    csparon Posts: 200 Member
    ill add! i almost finished day 2. I am sooo out of shape lol. And I am also doing Zumba and 2 miles a day.

    More power to you, but how do you do Insanity + Zumba + 2 miles? I can only do Insanity!
  • Learnin2LuvMe
    Learnin2LuvMe Posts: 465 Member
    Finished my first week on Saturday!! I love it now!!!
  • Just started day 4!! feels great
  • warnerl1
    warnerl1 Posts: 25
    Insanity?? Please explain! Or is it an american thing :tongue:

    Insanity is exactly what it sounds like... it is insane lol It is a video work out that you follow at home for 60+ days. I did it about 2 years ago and have recently started it again. I love and hate Shawn T (the big bad trainer man in charge). His body is unbelievable... I will say though I can not stand the woman behind him (short black hair) she is just way better at everything than me lol
  • ullrichMEX
    ullrichMEX Posts: 58 Member
    Day 43 here :D
  • kwortham
    kwortham Posts: 48 Member
    I am on Day 15 of Insanity.
  • Hi, I started my third week! :)
    I`m not loosing weigth exactly like I wanted but I try to find a cause of this situation...
    Good luck everyone!:)

    If you`re looking for a friend - add me! :)
  • cocobrum
    cocobrum Posts: 8
    I'm down!! I just started my second week of insanity.. I am doing capoeira 2 x a week as well.
  • ME....YOU guys feel free to add me for support:)