Not eating enough?

I have a small problem.

At my current weight, I'm not really focused on the weight number per say, but mostly on being toned. I've done 30 days shred, I'm doing Ripped in 30, Fastfix, Shred with Weights. And I run. So, I usually end up burning over 700 calories.

Now, I have gathered that you can't be in a deficit when you want to get muscles. Problem is, I'm never that hungry. Even when my general diet was 1200 calories (plus work out), I couldn't eat all that. I planned to, but it never happened. I just... I'm not hungry. I eat, I do, when I'm hungry. And I even eat pizza, but I never really reach my calories count. Even now, I'm afraid to up my calories count because then I'll just be in a bigger deficit.

I don't really know what to do. I mean I'm in a deficit all the time, I'm not losing weight, or even inches (even though I do see a difference :/) so, all and all, I'm confused.

If I *need* to be over my calories count to bulk up... but I'm not hungry, what should I do? I don't wanna stuff myself when I'm not hungry, because then I just feel sick.


  • wordpainter09
    wordpainter09 Posts: 472 Member
    How long have you been on that plan? It's good to listen to your body and your body might not be hungry.

    But the reason might be because it's gotten used to so little. I had similar issues when I was eating 1300.

    I couldn't lose any weight at that level because there was literally nothing left to cut. I was also running and eating that amount.

    I've slowly worked up to eating more. Not saying you need to do that, but it's worked for me. I have more energy and haven't gained any weight, and if/when I cut back I'll have something to cut from.
  • MissyLibra
    MissyLibra Posts: 40 Member
    Well, I started my plan at 1400-1500 + I was eating back all the calories from my work out (so like 500~800). That was 3 months ago.

    Then a month later, I lowered to 1200 because I wanted to lose weight. I did that for a month and now for the last 3 weeks ish? I've just been not setting a limit for myself. I eat when I'm hungry. But I still never hit very high.

    I weight 117 right now, and I'm 5'2ish. So I know I'm in a healthy weight, and I have hips (not like fat on my hips, I just have semi-large hips), so I can't be like 105 or something or it won't look right. It'll be too skinny. But I do wanna tone up. Because it's a bit flabby all over right now.

    I did think maybe it was because I was eating little for a while, but I am trying to push in as many calories as I can without making myself feel sick, but it doesn't seem to be working. Granted it's only been 3 weeks.
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    How long have you been on that plan? It's good to listen to your body and your body might not be hungry.

    But the reason might be because it's gotten used to so little. I had similar issues when I was eating 1300.

    I couldn't lose any weight at that level because there was literally nothing left to cut. I was also running and eating that amount.

    I've slowly worked up to eating more. Not saying you need to do that, but it's worked for me. I have more energy and haven't gained any weight, and if/when I cut back I'll have something to cut from.
    ^^^ This!

    I was just reading an article (link is at home, darn it!) where "Jane" was eating a low calorie diet. She also was working out. Her body had reached equilibrium, and the scale wasn't budging. Because "Jane worked out and burned a lot of calories, adding more workout wasn't the right thing to do.

    There were good reasons why her body reached equilibrium (her food intake was too low) and the only way to break it was to eat more. But, in the beginning she started to gain weight. In "Jane's" case, she was really in a deficit ... like she was only eating 700 calories a day. Her body was ready to store in fat it could, which is why she initially gained weight when she upped her calories.

    I'm not saying your are like "Jane", I'm pointing out that our bodies can be mean and nasty to us, and we have to figure out what the trigger will be to break it! For you, adding more calories probably would cause you to gain weight (assuming your caloric intake is much higher than Jane's).
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    Oops, my post above may not have been relevant! Sorry!

    If you want to tone up and you are exercising, you need to fuel your body for that. It's possible to add muscle at a deficit, but I'm not convinced that is what you want (or need). My guess is that you want to replace some of the fat with muscle. This would likely result in minimal weight change, but with a noticeable change in how you look.

    Make sure you are fueling your body.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    Hoping to get some ideas :smile: I also have trouble eating enough and feel sick if I try to eat when I'm not hungry.
  • wordpainter09
    wordpainter09 Posts: 472 Member
    Well, I started my plan at 1400-1500 + I was eating back all the calories from my work out (so like 500~800). That was 3 months ago.

    Then a month later, I lowered to 1200 because I wanted to lose weight. I did that for a month and now for the last 3 weeks ish? I've just been not setting a limit for myself. I eat when I'm hungry. But I still never hit very high.

    I weight 117 right now, and I'm 5'2ish. So I know I'm in a healthy weight, and I have hips (not like fat on my hips, I just have semi-large hips), so I can't be like 105 or something or it won't look right. It'll be too skinny. But I do wanna tone up. Because it's a bit flabby all over right now.

    I did think maybe it was because I was eating little for a while, but I am trying to push in as many calories as I can without making myself feel sick, but it doesn't seem to be working. Granted it's only been 3 weeks.

    That sounds like a good weight to me. What kind of running do you do? I do HIIT (high intensity interval training) at least 2x per week on the treadmill in addition to long runs. That helps a lot to tone. I also do lots of crunches and some weights (just started reading the New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women) I noticed a LOT more energy to do these things once I ate a little more.

    Again, that's not for everyone and you have to do what works for you. But some targeted exercises might help re: toning. If you can afford it try a trainer, they help so much! Even a few sessions can teach you some exercises that you can use for months/years.

    Re: calories, I felt weird eating more at first. I eat stuff like nuts/peanut butter or chocolate (in moderation) to keep my calories up to a healthy level. Also cheese/non-diet bread etc. Eating more definitely doesn't mean junk, although it does give freedom to enjoy! My diary is public if you want to look at it.

    Here's a group where a lot of people are trying this:
  • MissyLibra
    MissyLibra Posts: 40 Member
    I run outside. One hour every day. There's straight, uphill, downhill, a little bit of everything on the path I take. I use to do it at my school's gym, but there was an incident and its closed. But I use to do it on the treadmill there.

    Uh, maybe I should try that.

    One of my problems, well I'm sure it influences, is, I work out late. I have school and work, so I usually work out at like 8~10 (except for my running), so obviously it's late, so I'm not that hungry anymore. I would like do it earlier, but I don't have time in my schedule.

    I would love to have a trainer, I just can't afford it right now. But, you're right, maybe if I could save up for a few sessions, even that would be helpful.

    Thank you! I will take a look! :) It might help give me some more "caloric" ideas, ahah. Thank you :D And I'll check out the group! :)
  • taryn_09
    taryn_09 Posts: 196 Member
    Hoping to get some ideas :smile: I also have trouble eating enough and feel sick if I try to eat when I'm not hungry.

    this was me to a T! and well sometimes still is. if you're like me (which kind of sounds like you are) your body is use to the little amounts of food your allowing it. (not necessarily because you're restricting yourself but like you said you arent hungry) and now your stomach has shrank. up until last month i was content with maybe eating 1000 cal. per day if that & then running about 3-6 miles. never ate back the calories never was hungry and well got to skinny.
    after seeing just what my bmr is (1324 and then with doing nothing 1580) i tried to set a small goal of aiming for that 1580 (really i need 1800-2000 for my running) and i felt sick to my stomach from trying to eat.

    best solution for me was make protein shakes. it was easier on my stomach to drink rather than eat but it helped get calories in and then i started adding more solids. once your stomach gets use to having food frequently itll stretch back out a bit making the sick feeling start to go away. im still a bit sensitive sometimes but its nothing like it use to be, hopefully that idea can help you a bit :D
  • MissyLibra
    MissyLibra Posts: 40 Member
    Protein shakes, I didn't think of that. It does take me more time to feel full when I'm drinking rather than eating. This might help.
    Thanks :)
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    Taryn, thanks! So funny, because I am drinking a smoothie right now :smile: I need to get some protein powder to add. I dont work out too hard, and am just over halfway to my goal weight so definitely not too skinny.
  • taryn_09
    taryn_09 Posts: 196 Member
    anytime! and yeah protein shakes have become my best friend. i typically do a scoop of muscle milk lite + half a banana + cup of ice + silk almond milk. totals about 185-240 calories depending if i get the chocolate milk :] hahaa. but tastes like a shake not that chalky protein bs lol. oh and then lifting weights (even for just toning) helps trigger you being hungry as well. i noticed i started putting on muscle & oh boy do i get hungry way more now.
  • crdav13
    crdav13 Posts: 53 Member
    This is totally me and I finally went to see a nutritionist over the weekend because I was so sick of working out and not seeing results! I'm only on day 1 of my plan but the things she told me make sense so I'll give it a try. She didn't really change my calories but did have me change my nutrients - lower the grams of fat I was getting, increase my fiber and protein. I asked about protein shakes and she said it was better to get my protein from food or even a bar (we both liked the think thin ones). She said that your body is looking for fuel and when you give it protein in liquid form it doesn't work as hard since its already liquid then if you were to give it actual food. I don't know yet if any of this will work yet, but I thought I'd pass along the info I got from a professional! :)
  • Snapplejac
    Snapplejac Posts: 65 Member
    @wordpainter - Thanks for the link. I used to go the gym every day as well as walking a couple of miles to work -couldn't lose any weight at all. So far I've been under my calorie in take every day I've been here! I'll have a read of that group and see if I fall into that category.
  • Cross_fitter
    you have to eat to feel hungry and when that happens it means your metabolism is finally kicking in and it's an amazing feeling ie ' I'm so hungry' so then you feed that hunger every 2-3 hours. It's so important for glycogen levels and to continue losing weight. Once that efficiency kicks in and you increase your lean muscle mass you'll need to increase your calorie intake to continue that weight loss. Make sure you're on enough calories in the first place eg: 150-200lb should be between 1500-2000 calories with protein being 113g-150g at each meal-at least 4 meals but 5 is more desirable so break the total protein down even more to suit 5 small meals......remember this changes as you get leaner :)
  • JazzKitten28
    I am struggling with exactly the same issues right now. I have lost nineteen kilos since I had my baby, have recently hit a major block even though I am doing more intense workouts, 5 a week an hour each time. Have been doing some reading and the advice on here is pretty consistent with what I've read - you need to eat more. One resource called it 'calorie cycling/zig-zagging'. So you basically add more calories and also, have more occasional treat meals. I am the same as a lot of you, I am very much used to eating restricted meals and snacks, so I will struggle trying to get more food in there. Especially when you've lost heaps of weight sticking to a particular routine, it's scary to change your diet!!! But based on the advice here I'm gonna take the gamble so hopefully I can get rid of the last few kilos I want to, always the hardest to budge :s