HIIT RUNNING... plz help!

do any of you do HIIT running? i am still a bit lost as to what exactly HIIT is.. is this a good example?

1 min - brisk walk
2 min - fast run
1 min - brisk walk
2 min - fast run

back & forth??


  • sportsforfun
    Yes, this is a good example. Typically HIIT involves going as hard as you can for 1-2 minutes and then resting for 1-2 minutes. It is very intense though so the first few times you do it, you will not be able to do many cycles. Build up as you gain more experience.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I do HIIT about twice a week, and my routine looks something like this:

    10 mins warm up (comfortable run pace 5.0mph)

    1 minute hard (7.5mph)
    1 minute walk (3.7 mph)
    3 minutes moderate hard (6.0 mph)
    1 minute walk (3.7mph)

    Repeat the last 4 steps about 3 or 4 times (sometimes more if I'm feeling extra energetic)

    Cool down 5 minutes (3.5mph)

    It's helped my distance running quite a bit, and definitely kicks my butt!
  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    Sure, that works. I do HIIT sprints, love 'em! So 7-8MPH and then you hop on & on. 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off for 30 minutes. GOOD fat torcher!! :)

    If you do them I'd love to hear what you think!
  • Ritz266
    Ritz266 Posts: 1
    Yes, short intervals of high speed followed by short intervals of rest period is usually interval training. There is no exact time as such. I do a 1 min of all out run and then 1 min of walk and repeat it 6-7 times. I usually do a 30 mins jog before I start with hiit.
  • gaia3rd
    gaia3rd Posts: 151
    This is from another post, but is one of the best all-around explanations I've seen.

    What is HIIT?
    HIIT stands for high intensity interval training. You work really hard for a short burst and then have an active recovery period.
    You would repeat this workout routine numerous times for the best effect.

    The Benefits of HIIT
    Ramps up fat burning.
    HIIT provides a great workout for your legs.
    The intense intervals allow for the release of fatty acids into the bloodstream. Additionally, HIIT results in increased HGH levels.
    Finally, and possibly most importantly, HIIT results in EPOC, an after-burn effect which causes you to burn calories for hours after your workout is completed.

    Sprint Interval Length
    There are a few components of HIIT that you can vary. The first is the length of the sprint intervals. Shorter intervals of 15-30 seconds allow you to exert more effort during the sprints. This increased level of effort will result in a stronger release of HGH. Additionally, these shorter intervals will release more fatty acids into the bloodstream.

    Longer intervals of greater than 30 seconds require more perceived effort. These result in a greater number of calories burned. Additionally, these longer intervals deplete glycogen levels (carbs) allowing your body to burn more fat after the completion of a workout.

    Recovery Length
    The recovery length also impacts the effects of HIIT. This is the walking or jogging portion of the workout that allows your muscles time to recover. The length of recovery is relative to the sprint interval. If you sprint for 30 seconds and recovery for 30 seconds, the ratio is 1:1If you sprint for 15 seconds and recover for 45 seconds, the ratio is 3:1.

    The longer the recovery in relation to the sprint interval (2 or 3:1), the more effort you can exert in the next interval.
    This increased effort will again result in a stronger HGH release. Additionally, longer recovery reduces the risk of overtraining.

    A short recovery relative to the sprint interval (1:1) results in lactic acid buildup, glycogen depletion, and a greater after-burn effect (EPOC). However, this can lead to a greater risk of overtraining.

    The first phase
    The first part of the workout is short interval HIIT with a long recovery ratio. For these intervals, you sprint 15 seconds and recover (jog) for 45 seconds.

    You can beging with a warm up for 2 minutes and then perform 8 sets of this type of HIIT for a total workout of 10 minutes.

    For the second phase, You could perform 25 minutes of steady state cardio (light paced jog). This provides an active recovery for your muscles.

    The final phase
    Is performing long interval HIIT with short recovery periods. This will fully deplete your body of glycogen allowing for a greater after-burn effect and fat burning once your workout is complete. You could perform 1 minute sprint intervals with 1 minute of jogging.

    The sprint intervals for this portion are not as intense as the first phase, by necessity as your muscles will be slightly tired. It’s best to keep this final phase to around 10 minutes as well.

    So there you have a 45 minute HIIT workout that I believe is the best cardio for weight loss. This routine should allow you to burn belly fat fast no matter how close or far you are from your ideal weight.
  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    Yep thats pretty much it!
  • allegram
    allegram Posts: 117
    That sounds great! When you're starting out, you'll need longer rest periods (3:1) and gradually increase your high-intensity to match rest time. Looks like everyone's giving you some great answers. Have fun!
  • XoSaraoX
    XoSaraoX Posts: 97 Member
    i do it on the treadmill, speed it up too 7.0 (for me thats fast haha) then sprint for 30 sec (go by super slow) then jump on the sides for 10sec then back on for 8 reps.. doesnt seem like much but i was crazy out of breath and my heart was beating soo loud!
  • hennyben
    hennyben Posts: 317
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    do any of you do HIIT running? i am still a bit lost as to what exactly HIIT is.. is this a good example?

    1 min - brisk walk
    2 min - fast run
    1 min - brisk walk
    2 min - fast run

    back & forth??

    For the most part you have it. When you are on interval (this is known as your work load) you are giving maximum effort. Typically I do not see anything over 1min but that is not saying that you can do more. Just harder to maintain maximum effort over longer periods of time. HITT training not only increases fat burn but also increase aerobic / anaerobic capacity and V02 Max. Some studies have shown that HITT training can possibly have better benefits in regards to aerobic capacity over steady state training. I personally take the approach "Hit it Heavy, Hit it Fast, Hit It Hard". Workouts are extremely intense but I can get the same benefits if not more over a 20-30min time span of HITT intervals as compared to 60min+ of steady state training in my target heart zone.
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    i do it on the treadmill, speed it up too 7.0 (for me thats fast haha) then sprint for 30 sec (go by super slow) then jump on the sides for 10sec then back on for 8 reps.. doesnt seem like much but i was crazy out of breath and my heart was beating soo loud!

    Tabata Intervals FTW!!! Hardest damn thing I have ever done. Those 30sec feel like a min and the 10sec breaks feels like only 2sec have lapsed.
  • Destiny424
    Destiny424 Posts: 52 Member
    wow amazing responsese thankyou for the info and help guys..

    has anyone seen great progress to weight loss / fat loss doing hiit? what does YOUR hiit workout look like??
  • XoSaraoX
    XoSaraoX Posts: 97 Member
    i do it on the treadmill, speed it up too 7.0 (for me thats fast haha) then sprint for 30 sec (go by super slow) then jump on the sides for 10sec then back on for 8 reps.. doesnt seem like much but i was crazy out of breath and my heart was beating soo loud!

    Tabata Intervals FTW!!! Hardest damn thing I have ever done. Those 30sec feel like a min and the 10sec breaks feels like only 2sec have lapsed.

    when i first was told about it i was like 4 mins is like nothing oh boy was i wrong. i agree 3000% "hardest damn thing i have ever done"
  • zafferFL
    zafferFL Posts: 402
    do any of you do HIIT running? i am still a bit lost as to what exactly HIIT is.. is this a good example?

    1 min - brisk walk
    2 min - fast run
    1 min - brisk walk
    2 min - fast run

    back & forth??

    Not hiit. Where is the HIGH intensity? 2 mins is too long.
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    do any of you do HIIT running? i am still a bit lost as to what exactly HIIT is.. is this a good example?

    1 min - brisk walk
    2 min - fast run
    1 min - brisk walk
    2 min - fast run

    back & forth??

    Not hiit. Where is the HIGH intensity? 2 mins is too long.

    In this example of running 2min could be a little long but if you are cycling we do 2's all of the time at 90% MHR
  • WishfulShrinking331
    WishfulShrinking331 Posts: 244 Member
    I've done the sprints in the past...30 seconds on - 30 seconds off and it really makes me sweat!! I love it and it's quick enough that you won't get too tired or too bored and you can fit in as many reps as minutes you have to spare :happy:
  • moniquelessard
    When I do HIIT, my hard intervals never exceed 45 seconds. They are usually 30-45 seconds with 30-45 seconds slow-moderate walk in between.

    To mix it up I sometimes do the entire HIIT workout on a 6-8% incline.
  • moniquelessard
    PS. you should download a HIIT app, where you can customize your intervals. I downloaded the free app called "my interval timer pro". Only crappy thing about it, is that it doesn't run in the background. But if you have a music playlist going, then start the app, it's great. It talks to you too and changes the screen color of your phone as you change intervals :)
  • sheri02r
    sheri02r Posts: 486 Member
    I just started today! The highest I got to was 8.5. I've heard HIIT is great for burning fat, and that seems to be the consensus on this thread. I hope so!! :) Good luck!
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    PS. you should download a HIIT app, where you can customize your intervals. I downloaded the free app called "my interval timer pro". Only crappy thing about it, is that it doesn't run in the background. But if you have a music playlist going, then start the app, it's great. It talks to you too and changes the screen color of your phone as you change intervals :)

    ^^^ Must agreed!!! BRAVO!!! :drinker: