Breast Feeding and calories...

Does anyone know how many 'extra' calories I need since I am breast feeding? I know 1200 calories/day isn't enough while BF. Thanks!


  • I've read about 300 extra, on top of your maintenance calories, but I'm not 100% on that number.
  • rstein18
    rstein18 Posts: 17 Member
    I've been told to try and not go under 1500, because it depleats your supply. I'm also BF but I've been aiming for between 1250-1300 a day. So far my supply hasn't depleated any, my baby is eating just as much as before. Hope this was helpful.
  • kristinL16
    kristinL16 Posts: 401 Member
    I've read different things. Until recently I had always heard that breastfeeding moms need about 500 extra calories (I am breastfeeding my 4th baby, so maybe info has changed). However, there are lots of people here who say 300. I did some research and found both amounts given, and have also read different info regarding how many calories to eat. I've read that you shouldn't go under 1800 but then LLL has info on their site saying to eat 1500-1800 calories, depending on hunger. My daily goal is 1700. Some days I am a bit under and some days I am a bit over, depends how hungry I am.

    ETA that if your supply is going down you would start to notice more fussiness from baby, wanting to eat more frequently, squirming and fussing at the breast.

    Also, how many extra calories you need depends on the age of the baby and whether or not you are breastfeeding exclusively.
  • mammaFireBear
    mammaFireBear Posts: 23 Member
    I am breast feeding and was told by the is a 600 caloric will make breast milk before you feed your own you should do what feels right for you and drink LOTS of wster