does anyone do Zumba on here?? :)

i just got into Zumba about a week ago at my local gym, and i was just wondering if anyone has any success stories from it :)

also, feel free to add me. im new and lookin for some new friends


  • kellabella83
    I LOVE Zumba!!! I've never taking any classes but I have all their DVD's and I think there great. I also have the book written by Beto Perez called "Ditch the workout, Join the Party". It's really inspiring and helpful, it makes you want to do Zumba right after reading it. They say you can burn anywhere from 500 to 1,000 calories a hour, depending on how much you put into it. I just started doing it a month ago and I've definitely lost some weight. I wont weigh myself bc the scale is my enemy lol.
  • sportyskylar
    id like to know this too! It def works the abs..
  • kayla_leeann
    thanks! everytime i add this to my exercise on here, they dont have zumba! and i know regular dancing doesnt burn nearly as much calories. so thanks for the numbers on the cals! ill add that on here. ill have to check out that book too. and when im going zumba, im 20 minutes into my hour class and im sweatin and beat red haha so i put a lot in it

    and i know what you mean about the scale! haha
  • trinitylyons01
    trinitylyons01 Posts: 126 Member
    I LOVE Zumba! I also have the dvd's and love the various workouts. YES, it does work the abs and all the other parts. The dvd's that I have come with a special ab workout too. (I haven't done it yet because I love the other workouts). I've been doing Zumba for a few months and for the first couple months my calves were sore every single day. (Since then I've lost about an inch and a half in my calves).

    If you hate traditional workouts - even if you love them - Zumba makes you love cardio and want to keep dancing!
  • trinitylyons01
    trinitylyons01 Posts: 126 Member
    Oh, feel free to add me as a friend if you want. :happy:
  • Mellowmar98
    Mellowmar98 Posts: 13 Member
    I started going one night a wk I know go 3 times a wk and I am currently waiting on my video to do it at home. I havent seen the results like I want (mainly bc I have to get my eating under control) but I have lost 7lbs. I also have noticed the workouts have gotten easier. I would suggest anyone who doesnt enjoy going and working out on machines to try Zumba.
  • Mellowmar98
    Mellowmar98 Posts: 13 Member
    Go to it gives a more acurate calculation of calories burned.
  • fordjen16
    Love Zumba, started going about a month ago. its really intense and I actually sweat, so it must be good xx every Wednesday is Zumba night
  • kayla_leeann
    OMG! i JUST went to that site and i think its awesome how i can punch in my weight and all that and it will tell me how many calories i burn. sooo cool.

    forjen16, i go mondays and tuesday. i REALLY feel the burn in my legs by tuesday so i dont over do it after that. but once my body gets used to it, ill go more. they have it monday and tursday, twice on wednesday, and thursday. feel free to add me :)
  • kellabella83
    I'm going to check out that site in a minute. I want to go to a class, I think it would be really fun. I just dont want to go alone, none of my friends are really into and if they are they dont want to go to a class. I think they feel embarrassed. Even though they shouldn't. Like I said before I started doing the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and I thought I was dying lol. It made Zumba feel like a piece of cake. It made me realize that if I want to loose enough weight by summer that I have to start doing either her videos or more circuit training. I still do my Zumba though after every 20 minutes of Jillian Michaels shred and I feel like Im getting even a better workout. Oh and I think I know about the abs dvd you'r talking about. It's called Flat Abs? I actually just tried it the other day and it really does work your abs. I love it.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I love Zumba more than any other workout. I know I have no rhythm and probably look horrible dancing lol but I still love it. I get a great workout and the instructor I choose to go to is awesome. She's crazy (in a good way) and so much fun. I always come out sweating but feeling great at the same time.
  • mel_b_angel
    I love Zumba, and have experienced some weight loss success with it, definitely. Since starting on my healthier kick, I've lost 18kg doing weight watchers online, Zumba 2-3 times a week (1 class, 2 sessions on dvd/PS3) and walking loads. i love Zumba because I love dancing, and its a great way for me to exercise, and think of it as a more fun, dance type thing than actual exercise.

    Now I'm doing Curves circuit, Zumba, walking and other dancey exercise dvds. I think what works best, is exercise you can enjoy.

    I'm actually going to a Zumba concert in a month or so, should be a blast!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I love Zumba! I lost a lot of inches doing it for 60 days about a year ago. 4" from my waist alone. I lost 2lbs per week during that time as well.
  • meechi53
    meechi53 Posts: 195 Member
    I've been doing it 2x a week for about 7 weeks plus serously watchin the calories on MFP and am down 13 lbs :-) I'm kind of at a plateau this week though because I didnt go last week as I was traveling for work for 8 days.
  • Package02
    Package02 Posts: 97
    I had a friend that asked me to do this with them and I agreed never having heard of "zumba" before. I had no idea what it was so after agreeing to do it I went online and looked it up. Looks so exhausting and I didn't see any men in the videos XD Is this something that men do too? Is it a good workout? I'm curious and a bit nervous about what I got myself into lol
  • yogibella
    yogibella Posts: 321 Member
    Looks so exhausting and I didn't see any men in the videos XD Is this something that men do too? Is it a good workout?

    If men can Zumba, I think it's totally sexy!! My fave instructor is a buff muscular man:)

    I love it too, cuz it doesn't feel like a workout. Just super fun. Is it wrong that it makes me want a tropical rum drink afterwards?? :drinker:

    Can anyone recommend a good DVD? Would love to do some at home:)
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    I LOVE Zumba! I also have the dvd's and love the various workouts. YES, it does work the abs and all the other parts. The dvd's that I have come with a special ab workout too. (I haven't done it yet because I love the other workouts). I've been doing Zumba for a few months and for the first couple months my calves were sore every single day. (Since then I've lost about an inch and a half in my calves).

    If you hate traditional workouts - even if you love them - Zumba makes you love cardio and want to keep dancing!

    Do the ab workout, its awesome.
    You can burn up to 1000 calories, but it depends on your weight as well as how much you put into it.
    I log it as aerobics, I put either high or low intensity depending on how hard the workout was.
  • Flissbo
    Flissbo Posts: 302 Member
    I did my first Zumba class last week and added it to the database (taken from

    It's fun isn't it :-)