Wii ExerBeat

So, I was shopping around on Amazon for some new Wii workouts because I currently do the Wii Fit Plus primarily. I love doing it, but I am finding that I need some variety. I read the reviews for the Wii ExerBeat and they were pretty positive, but I was wondering if anyone has it and likes/dislikes it. It is priced very reasonable, but I don't want to get it if it is hard to get used to or it just doesn't cut it. It has a lot of the strength training, core training, flexibility, and cardio that I like, so I want to give it a try. Let me know your comments!!


  • returningmyfatsuit
    returningmyfatsuit Posts: 35 Member
    I got Exerbeat in the mail today! I played it for 45 minutes. It seems a lot like WiiFit, except it has a lot of things to unlock and just a lot more options/stuff to do. So far I really like it, I had a lot of fun with the zumba.

    I'd like to know if anyone with a HRM could let me know if it's calorie burn is accurate at all? It seems kind of high. They use the same system as WiiFit, but the calories burned here were higher than WiiFit.

    Anyways back to topic, I've only played for 45 minutes but I can tell you I highly recommend it if you like the fit/dance games at all. It's similar but better! :)