working out with a cold :(

I hate this. I have the worst cold ever. I feel like I have to blow my nose every 2 seconds. My poor nose is red and chapped from blowing and hurts so bad. Ughhh. How am I going to keep exercising while I feel like total poo? :(:(:(:( Any advice?


  • I have been in the same boat! I took from Friday to today off from exercising, but was going stir crazy so I did it today - only made it 50 minutes out of my hour and I was dying... but I feel better actually. More energetic and I blew my nose and coughed so much crap out I can breathe better!
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    I learned about "the neck rule" awhile back....if the cold is above your neck (sinuses, throat), you are technically "ok" to work out. If it's not (chest), then you shouldn't. So technically, you should be ok.

    But I know EXACTLY how you feel, i think I have the same cold, my nose it SUPER running all the time. I have decided I don't want to exert myself (the neck rule be damned) but maybe go for a long walk. But be sure you stay hydrated! Your body is trying to flush the germs out of your body with its snot, and it needs water to do that!! :P

    Feel better!
  • rwss
    rwss Posts: 1
    Take two tylenol, do 15 minutes of cardio and work up a decent sweat. Cover up nice and comfy sleep. Repeat each day it works. no dairy.
  • MrsLong1980
    MrsLong1980 Posts: 181 Member
    I'm with rwss - rather than killing yourself trying to do the same thing as when you're healthy do just a little and get the uckness off your chest. I've had a cold / cough and have kept up with my exercising just not going full pelt :)
  • LexyDB
    LexyDB Posts: 261
    You pick up a cold for a reason, maybe your immune system needs a rest? Take this as a few days off and when the cold as gone (48 hours if it is a cold) you won't have lost anything and the rest would benefit you.
  • imtriagain
    imtriagain Posts: 104 Member
    I'm the same. I started back today and although not completely recovered I did feel better for doing something. I tend to get colds that linger so once I'm over the worst of It figured I'd get back to it I hadn't trained since last Thursday (which incidentally probably made my cold worse).