Hi young mum struggling wih weight 6ft 2 nothing is working

please if someone can help me ill be forever in debt cause im at wits end ive tried all kinds of diets and everytime i feel so hungry its horrible i want something that works but that can have suffient amounts so i dont feel so tired.


  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    please if someone can help me ill be forever in debt cause im at wits end ive tried all kinds of diets and everytime i feel so hungry its horrible i want something that works but that can have suffient amounts so i dont feel so tired.


  • surfagirl1
    surfagirl1 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi there, I think we all have an ideal of what we would like to be and sometimes our genetics dont play ball> Ive been using myfitness pal as a guide to really think about my food choices and basically just think before I eat and really be conscious that if I am hungry the calories in a muesli bar are high and yet its not that filling anyway. Over the last couple of months (I have logged in every day) I think my food choices have become much healthier and even on days when I want to have a bender - I log it and acknowledge "hey Im going to have my cake and eat it too" . I have been slowly bit by bit losing the extra weight gained with my son. I have also been making sure I go for walks about 45 m,in each time 3-4 times per week minimum. Its been a slow process though because I am also breastfeeding and conscious that I need to maintain my milk etc. I think if its slow and over time your less likely to gain it all back. Do you have friends who are also battling with their weight that you can go walking with and swap advice with? Its hard when you're a busy mum aye! Not sure how long you've been on myfitnesspal but I have found it helpful and I would recommend sticking with it. All the best.
  • it was over a process of a few years so never logged it but ive been on cohens weightloss and i had a personal trainer gym everything but ive never realy had proper support never counted the calories i consume but i never eat much
    i try and stay away from junk food i just dont know what to do anymore get told so much advice its all confusing
  • surfagirl1
    surfagirl1 Posts: 19 Member
    I have heard that not eating enough can make you body go into "starvation mode" and think that its being starved and it will stop burning fat and store it instead - Im not a professional with this though. Maybe its a case of you not having enough of the right kinds of foods. I have also heard eating too much processed food (which we all do) makes our liver work really hard and doesn't help our bodies filter out the crap.

    What is your goal? BMIs are often really hard to get to and often if you are looking at someone they can look fit and healthy and still technically be over weight according to their BMI..
  • ty surfer yeah im a mum of 2 theyve jst started school and i had kids young i was never given the right support or guidence as a child to make the right choices, moved 1yr ago from my state im too scared to go out i havent got friends im too ashamed of how i look. i have a partner been together for 5 yrs im just starting to get my life bk now i have time to myself ive always had the kids with no support me n my partner went on 2 dates in the whole year last year. im getting to the point that im at a losing battle no matter wat i do ive even tried the baby food diet. im sorry if i seem like im complaining but i dont even know where to start
  • Airbear3
    Airbear3 Posts: 335 Member
    yes its all confusing...at first! since your diary is not open i am assuming by your words"i don't eat much" that this is your problem!if your like most people, when you started MFP you probably set it so you could drop 2 lbs a week? if this is true and your working out i'm guessing you don't have enough gas in the tank to make your car go! i started back 1/2/12 eating 1200 calories and burning roughly 500 cals in a day of workouts, this worked for a month and a half...then for the past 3 weeks nothing!i bumped up my calorie intake and the scale is back in action! in the search, look up eat more to weigh less! very helpful! i know somehow we all got programmed into thinking not to eat and we'd all get skinny but this is not the case. it is eat less then what we were eating that got us fat in the first place but not by any means starve! i am currently eating 1650, sometimes more and dropping again! good luck with your journey!
  • bmi is 87kgs im 140kgs now prob more im 24 i should be enjoying life
  • wen i say i dont eat much i eat 3 meals a day just not massive meals like i used when i was younger before i had kids
  • Airbear3
    Airbear3 Posts: 335 Member
    i eat 5 meals....sheck out my diary from yesterday if you want. yours is not open so i can't see what your doin
  • Airbear3
    Airbear3 Posts: 335 Member
    what's your bmr? start there! eat that! do you exercise?
  • its not open cause i just opened an account
  • Airbear3
    Airbear3 Posts: 335 Member
    click on setting..then..click on diary settings
  • my prob is wat amounts i need to eat im sorted with wats good n not im in aus food is healthy here but i just dont want to over eat
  • Airbear3
    Airbear3 Posts: 335 Member
    figure out your bmr and NEVER eat less than that! this is what your body needs to just function it is unhealthy to eat less than this ever!
  • surfagirl1
    surfagirl1 Posts: 19 Member
    Is your partner supportive? Could you go for a walk together after dinner or before dinner (with the kids so they can see you wanting to get out and do something physical). I agree with what the other lady said about needing fuel in your tank and do try to stop with the processed stuff (very hard in America I would think - I used to live there and stuff seems much more processed there than where I am in NZ). Say on my fitness pal that you are looking for friends to support you and people will join you and be supportive.
  • surfagirl1
    surfagirl1 Posts: 19 Member
    yes definitely figure out your BMR as the other lady said !!
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    what's your bmr? start there! eat that! do you exercise?


    do you exercise or strength train???
    what is your BMR and TDEE???

    log your food it helps you keep track of what you eat and what kind of calories foods have
    the biggest thing is portion control...you can eat whatever u like as long as u stay under your calorie goal
    healthier foods keep u fuller longer:bigsmile:
  • surfagirl1
    surfagirl1 Posts: 19 Member
    Get a mini scale and use that to measure portions then you can accurately put down what you ate (e.g. 100 g of potato as opposed to 200g) cereal is a really nasty one. Portion sizes (museli) are really really small and they are deceptively high in calories. I have started eating 15 almonds, chopped banana and other seasonal fruit with a bit of yoghurt - much much healthier ... if you've only just started you will be shocked with the museli :)
  • im australia foods are healthy here i buy from a store called aldi they sell no colors or preservatives we eat a lot of fruit my partner isnt very supportive he works night shifts doesnt have much time really on his hands to do much but he looks after us. the door is always there i just never seem to walk out of it i have nil motivation i get way bored too easily i feel too frumpy all the time and what is a bmr?
  • Airbear3
    Airbear3 Posts: 335 Member
    go to tools and click calculate bmr!
    im australia foods are healthy here i buy from a store called aldi they sell no colors or preservatives we eat a lot of fruit my partner isnt very supportive he works night shifts doesnt have much time really on his hands to do much but he looks after us. the door is always there i just never seem to walk out of it i have nil motivation i get way bored too easily i feel too frumpy all the time and what is a bmr?