Hi young mum struggling wih weight 6ft 2 nothing is working



  • surfagirl1
    surfagirl1 Posts: 19 Member
    BMR is how many calories your body would burn if you stayed in bed all day. Go to tools I think and its under that - its interesting to know it
  • i only heat egg for breaky cause its easier to manage and eat wat the family does when i cook mash veg and meat or pasta like spag im new to all this and completely lost and i dunno if i can measure everything i eat i really dont have much time im a housewife
  • i need a holiday find out who i am i need a break to think. its too overwhelming
  • Airbear3
    Airbear3 Posts: 335 Member
    only if you let it become overwhelming! change your brain! good luck
  • thebigbige
    thebigbige Posts: 99 Member
    How much water are you drinking too? That can be a huge factor, especially if you use a lot of salt.
  • Sam426f
    Sam426f Posts: 47 Member
    I'm am with you and have found it increasingly difficult to lose weight with age and after having a child.

    However, I agree with the other ladies, the only way to be sure that you're eating enough or too much is to spend time logging EVERYTHING you eat and ALL of your exercise. That is the only way to get a true picture.

    My diary is open, feel free to have a nose, I have good and bad days!

    Feel free to add me as a friend :smile:
  • lol u make it sound easier then it really is ive tried its why i need help
  • surfagirl1
    surfagirl1 Posts: 19 Member
    I am an at home mum too for the year with two kids (2 1/2 and 8 months old). Try cutting down the pasta apparently pasta and bread turn to sugar in your body - what I learnt in terms of portion control is one quarter meat one quarter carbs and half (the plate) full of veges. Record what you eat on this site and make sure you are eating enough like the other lady said - when you calculate your BMR. All the best its 11.24 in NZ time for bed
  • its comforting to know that we are all human and have a good and bad day i just need t find a way that works best for me
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    Hey foxyliz, the first thing you need to know is that you can do this.

    The second thing you need to know is that it doesn't have to be hard.

    The third thing is that you don't need to eat some crazy faddy diet to lose weight.

    And the fourth thing is that you've come to the right place to get your lifestyle on track so you can get to where you want to be.

    Take it slowly and start at the beginning. Did you fill out your goals and enter your details correctly? if you did then MFP has calculated how many calories a day you are allowed to eat. If you're anything like I was when I started (6ft, obese and with a sedentary job) you'll be allowed about 1600-1700 calories a day to achieve a 2lb a week loss. That is a reasonable number of calories a day and there is no reason you should feel hungry or deprived at that level.

    Now all you have to do is control your calorie intake and expenditure to stay within that limit. Plan your meals so you know what you'll be eating. Use scales to measure your portion sizes. Log EVERYTHING you eat, good or bad. It's a good idea to log BEFORE you eat so you know in advance if you're making good choices. If you're going to go over for the day go out for a walk for an hour and burn some calories.

    Friend me if you want. I'm a year further down the road than you are, and I've lost 40kg in that time. I didn't do anything that you can't do.

    Ultimately it's up to you to decide to do it. You're worth it, aren't you? And your kids are worth it too!
  • see my other problem is taller women need to consume more because the bigger frames use more energy its only been the past few years that its been a study i just havent found a diet that i dont get hungry on that i dont get sick on cause i constantly feel hungry on diets hell i could eat a salad slowly and be hungry half hour later i eat multigran low gi bread no cereals ocassional chocky not every day good cuts of meat but im still feeling tired and just got nothing really to look forward to in life that can give me the motivation
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    If you're eating a healthy diet, getting enough to eat and getting sufficient sleep you shouldn't be tired all the time. Have you been to the doctor?

    Have you spoken to the doctor about wanting to lose weight?
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    i only heat egg for breaky cause its easier to manage and eat wat the family does when i cook mash veg and meat or pasta like spag im new to all this and completely lost and i dunno if i can measure everything i eat i really dont have much time im a housewife

    I am also a wife, mother and work full time out of the house.............oh and I am 48 years old. I have found the time to purchase a small scale, measure the food before you put it on the plate (that is not a hard step). I realize that you are very confused, but there are alot of good people on here that just gave alot of good suggestions. How bad do you want this? I am not trying to be mean (I know how hard it is to lose weight), But if you really want to lose weight, you have to make adjustments to your life and schedule to accomodate the weight loss.

    If you are a stay at home mom, bundle those babies up and go take a walk with them. That can be a good start to your exercise. When you cook, don't eat a huge plate of spaghetti or potatoes, measure it out and eat a moderate plate. Oh, and you can have snacks (even a little bit of the bad ones). You are a tall girl and I see from your diary that you have quite a few calories for one day. If you add exercise to that, you can have more to eat.

    Good luck to you and really read the comments on here.....................they will help you:bigsmile: :heart:
  • wow miggins 40kg is exactly what i want to lose and youve done an awesome job to do that in a yr. i feel like im starting my life again now the kids are in school i tried so many times to lose weight after they were born i lost so much weight from morning sickness then ut it all bk on everything ive tried to make work just ends up going against me and with NO support at all i just lost hope ty all for your input wish me luck im gonna make this see saw stop or ill die trying :explode: :laugh:
  • yeah ive been to the doctors i tell them i want to do something about it cause i hide my weight well he goes oh your fine u dont need it just get excerise everytime ive looked for help theres been nothing there ive auditioned for the biggest loser aus even weightloss tables that are 120kg a month health shakes appetite supressants im tired cause im depressed the doctors keep telling me its the situation im in atm not having help i just keep faling in through the cracks and cause i have a really good memory i cant forget anything makes me feel worse cause i was doing so well after i had my kids lost so much weight got down to 100kgs i was so close to my bmi now im just a blimp
  • Jordynnsmom
    Jordynnsmom Posts: 88 Member
    Reading through this and your comments I think you haven't gotten to your "ready to take it off" stage yet. I was there, I think we all were. Before your ready, I mean really ready to take the weight off there will always be road blocks and excuses. Measure and weigh your portions. Log everything that you put into your mouth. Instead of sitting while watching tv, stand up and move. Do twists, side bends. Just move your body. Drink water. Lots of water. Please change your way of thinking and your I don't have time mind set. I am in your situation. I live over 3000 miles from my family. I have no breaks from my daughter, she is not in school yet. She is with me 24 hours a day. I also run a business, where I make, package, market, etc every single product. I made myself a priority. It only takes a couple minutes to measure and log what I eat. I also mostly eat what my family does, but I use a seperate pan and cook my food without oil, etc and make substitutions. It has added maybe 5 minutes to food prep. YOU CAN DO IT. Stop thinking of dieting and make a lifestyle change. Your family will thank you for it,because when Mom is happy everyone is happy.
    Good luck and I hope you don't think I am just out to be mean. Honesty is the most important aspect of weight loss. Really, I know you can do it!
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    One step at a time. You don't need a 'diet', you need to switch to a healthy lifestyle. If you start eating now the way the 100kg version of you eats then you'll gradually lose weight until you weigh 100kg. No shakes, no supplements, no appetite supressants required; you just need healthy food in reasonable portion sizes.

    Exercise doesn't have to be hard either. I was too embarrassed to be seen exercising outdoors when I started, so I used EA Sports Active on the PS3 and went out for walks.

    It's as difficult as you make it. It's as much a mental challenge as a physical one. Find foods you like that are filling and low calorie. Eat plenty of veggies. Get outside and walk.

    Your doctor sounds like a #&%*, BTW.
  • Sagefemme76
    Sagefemme76 Posts: 45 Member
    It can seem daunting, but support makes it all achievable.....and you've certainly come to the right place for that!
    The diets which left you feeling hungry and lousy were probably far too low in calories for your height. I'm 6ft, mildly active lifestyle and MFP has me on 1800 calories a day (and I eat back some of my exercise cals too!) I'm losing about half a kilo each week which is a safe and sustainable amount which I can be sure is fat and not lean muscle. That amount would probably terrify most women wanting to lose weight. We are constantly sold the idea that reducing intake to 1000-1200 cals will make us lose, but that's simply not the case. We are all different and us taller girls simply need more fuel to run our bodies.
    I've only been on here a few weeks, but I'm really loving all the support and being able to track my food and exercise. It really does make you think more about what you eat and soon the best choices become automatic.
    Feel free to add me as a friend and I'll be happy to cheer you on :) I'm in Aus too and, when my first child was born, was living in another country with no family support, so I know how that feels too.
    You absolutely CAN do this and you DO NOT need to go hungry. We're all here to help.
  • Hi there, I'm new to this too and reading your post I'm in a similar situation. I live in Sydney and have 3 kids I'm 121kg and have set my goal of getting down to 90kg by christmas. I''m currently seeing a naturopath and she put me on a 6 week detox to help me get started. I have done this before and it's been a god send. Basically there are 3 phases each lasting 2 weeks. If you are the type of person that has been having trouble losing weight in the past I would absolutely recommend this. I literally didn't want to get out of bed on a morning because I was soooo tired, if I could I would sleep all day, didn't have the energy to clean, wash the dishes or do the laundry. I've been on the detox for 2 weeks now and have lost 2.5kg. I have a fatty liver which doesn't help my situation so the detox is perfect.

    Add me as a friend if you like and we can do it together. Keep smiling and chin up :)
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    Lots of good suggestions from everyone here, as always!

    With a 2300+ calorie allowance there's no WAY you should ever feel hungry unless the stuff you're putting in isn't the best - the other option is that you may actually have something out of whack with you, and I would definitely recommend seeing a doctor to rule that out!

    As for Aldi - well if it's the same Aldi that we have over here in the UK a lot of the packaged foodstuffs are very processed / high in preservatives and sodium etc. Once you start filling out your diary you will find 2 things probably. The first is that everyone here can give you more accurate pointers about your diet intake. The second is that it might open your eyes to where you are going wrong and not even realising it! It took me a good month or so to get into the swing of how much I could or couldn't eat of something - so many times I'd go over without realising until I let my log tell me as it is.

    Keep on here and reading threads for motivation, sounds counter productive cos when we're on the interwebs we are usually by default sat on our backsides, but I find it really does help me "think" fitter!

    Now your kids are at school, even if you're too worried to do any exercising outside, there's plenty you can do indoors for free - I tend to do cardio exercises at home by following the wii "my fitness coach" daily.

    weigh your food - you will be AMAZED at how far over your calorie allowance eyeballing amounts can take you!

    Add me as a friend!