Hi young mum struggling wih weight 6ft 2 nothing is working



  • sigh look i dunno how i can explain this any easier i am desperate to lose weight where i can have the means to do the so right now i dont have a car i cant do anything or buy anything unless my partner says so i have to live my life around him im here to ask for help ideas on what i can do maybe im in the wrong place beacuse some really dont understand what its like for me i know u say im making excuse but if i could change things i really would i really really really would atm i can only depend on my partner cause if i didnt have him id be homeless with 2 children and i have to sacrifice so much and all i want is help i just dont know what to do i know it seems easy for some to say do this do that but youve done or nearly finished your journey you dont have the tolerence for new people like me ive struggled with everything in my life to be told i dont want to lose weight is a giant slap in the face because sometimes i do starve my self to lose weight cause im desperate im a strong woman and hide my issues cause i want my family to be happy i dont want to be homeless again i dont do drugs and i just want to be healthy have a life. ty all for helping but i dont think anyone can understand me even if i told u my story you would find it hard to believe i cant do this anymore.
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    please re-read everyone's replies to you, there's a TON of good information and help in there, it seems that you have only focussed on something negative. If you want some really simple, direct help:

    log all your food (for now, don't even worry about what you're eating, just log it, and then we can help you see where improvements can be made)

    jump about at home. This costs nothing, and you don't have to be worried about being self conscious either. Even if you just run a circuit of your home, it will give you something to log on the exercises!

    think positive! I know how easy it is to concentrate on the negatives. don't! Recently, I got fired from my job, so have no income, I didn't get one I really worked hard for, and I have no idea how I'm going to afford to live. I am in ridiculous amounts of debt because I supported an abusive waste of space of an ex. I suffer from depression and anxiety, my joints are knackered, and I can't see how in the immediate future things will improve. You know what? I have nice running shoes! Yep, I'm just focussing on the positives baby!

    add friends

    Hope this helps!
  • Jordynnsmom
    Jordynnsmom Posts: 88 Member
    Trust me I understand your situation because I was there also. 3000 miles from family, no car, no friends, too far to walk anywhere, didn't know where anything was,no money, and a baby. I was totally dependant on my husband who worked long hours. I have been there. I was over weight (still am), depressed and feeling hopeless which makes it easy to not see all the things that I could do without leaving the house or spending money. All I had was the internet. You have found a wealth of information and support on this free site. If you go to youtube there are a ton of excercise videos including: Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, zumba, yoga, pilates. YOU CAN DO IT! I promise you can do it, you just need to get in the right mind set and I know it is hard to get there. Just make one positive change every day. March in place for 10 minutes. Challenge your self to drink 8 glasses of water then 10.. Just take baby steps and before you know it you will be in an awesome place. There is a saying "It's always darkest before the dawn." It is time for your dawn.
  • Hawksbillus
    Hawksbillus Posts: 128 Member
    If you haven't seen it already, this forum page has links to some great articles.


    May be helpful. :)

  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    I have been where you are and it is up to you to decide what it important to you and what you want out of life. I became a single mother at 25 with a 4 year old and a 4 day old when my husband walked away. I went back to school, got a job and raised my children. I wish I had also taken the time to take care of myself but I didn't like myself enough.

    You are in control of your life. If you are not getting what you need from your partner, then either tell him and try to work it out OR move on so that you can find someone who can give you what you need.

    Losing weight is not easy, it requires planning and effort. BUT, eating healthy is not only good for you, it is good for your children. Lean meats, vegetables, whole grains and NO junk food. There are tons of activities that you can do with your children ... my current favorite is the hula hoop. My boyfriends daughter (age 6) hoops with me everytime we have her. Start with 10 minutes of physical activity a day and work up from there. We all have 10 minutes that we waste doing nothing.

    Feel free to add me if you need a friend -- i am tough but honest. You are young and you don't want to be 45 like me and still trying to get the weight off.

    Also, for energy I recommend sublingual vitamin B12. If after a few months of really managing your food intake and exercise there really isn't any progress, you need to talk to your doctor about checking for thyroid or other health problems.
  • MelanieAG05
    MelanieAG05 Posts: 359 Member
    Reading through this and your comments I think you haven't gotten to your "ready to take it off" stage yet. I was there, I think we all were. Before your ready, I mean really ready to take the weight off there will always be road blocks and excuses. Measure and weigh your portions. Log everything that you put into your mouth. Instead of sitting while watching tv, stand up and move. Do twists, side bends. Just move your body. Drink water. Lots of water. Please change your way of thinking and your I don't have time mind set. I am in your situation. I live over 3000 miles from my family. I have no breaks from my daughter, she is not in school yet. She is with me 24 hours a day. I also run a business, where I make, package, market, etc every single product. I made myself a priority. It only takes a couple minutes to measure and log what I eat. I also mostly eat what my family does, but I use a seperate pan and cook my food without oil, etc and make substitutions. It has added maybe 5 minutes to food prep. YOU CAN DO IT. Stop thinking of dieting and make a lifestyle change. Your family will thank you for it,because when Mom is happy everyone is happy.
    Good luck and I hope you don't think I am just out to be mean. Honesty is the most important aspect of weight loss. Really, I know you can do it!

    I agree with this ^^^^

    It might be a good idea to make one small change to your lifestyle every week - baby steps instead of one massive jump into it.
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    First things first.......stop and take a deep breath!!! Forget about all the stuff you've done in the past to lose weight, stop thinking about all your failures in losing weight and forget about all the crap you learned about before (it was most likely wrong). TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF YOUR NEW HEALTHY LIFESTYLE!!!! You need to start thinking about now. Also PLEASE remember that you did not gain this weight in 3-6 months so it won't come off in a short time either!!! Be patient, you will have plateaus, you will have setbacks in weight but remember.....this is about getting healthy. The weight will follow!!!

    Now, set up your profile. It looks like you have around 2300 calories to work with. You should not feel hungry on this. I may be shorter than you but I was easily eating 3000 calories a day before I started on here and lost a bunch on 1200 calories but realized with research that is too low for me. I can feel completely satisfied and full on 1400 calories (more when I exercise). Now you need to plan.

    Losing weight is no different than raising your kids, being a mother, working, etc. It takes commitment, perseverance and planning. I will sometimes pre-log my whole day so that I know how many calories I have to snack with. Please feel free to look at my diary. I still drink alcohol and have treats but I either work for them or work them into my calorie count for the day.

    The first thing you should do, in my opinion, is spend a week tracking your food. Record everything that goes in your mouth so you can see what you are really eating. You may be consuming calories that you don't realize (I have a friend who drinks 4 cans of REGULAR soda just during work and wonders why she can't lose weight) or you may not be eating enough.

    Then figure out the calories of your favorite meals, put them in and start planning healthy meals and snacks. And eat them. If you exercise, record it and eat back your exercise calories. I didn't and found that I didn't lose weight because I wasn't properly fueling my body.

    But this is a new day, a new way to look at food and a new idea on getting healthy. Today is my 215th day logging in. In my first 6 months I lost 30 lbs. I also plateaued for a total of 11 weeks total because I THOUGHT I was eating right but I wasn't eating enough. I don't even know what I weigh now because I gave up my scale for lent but my clothes fit better, my resting heart rate is down, I finished the C25K program and now can run 30 minutes or more (I'm only at a 4.9 on the treadmill but that's running for me), and I feel better about myself. The scale can be damned at this point!!

    Please don't get discouraged. Diets don't work, lifestyle change does. And now you are on a wonderful site that has so many people who actually have a clue about how to properly work out and eat right to fuel your body properly. I just started at a gym and did most of my working out at home. Go to the library and check out some Jillian Michaels (or as I like to call her, Satan) DVDS and start there. Walk around the block, play with your kids, clean (it's in there). You can do this. Feel free to add me. I've been told I'm inspirational.......that still blows my mind!!!
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    see my other problem is taller women need to consume more because the bigger frames use more energy its only been the past few years that its been a study i just havent found a diet that i dont get hungry on that i dont get sick on cause i constantly feel hungry on diets hell i could eat a salad slowly and be hungry half hour later i eat multigran low gi bread no cereals ocassional chocky not every day good cuts of meat but im still feeling tired and just got nothing really to look forward to in life that can give me the motivation

    i could never find a diet i was not hungry on either
    i am only 5'1
    you got plently of calories to work with
    i don't follow a diet...i just eat more healthy
    not as much junk and portion control, portion control

    look at other peoples diaries and get some healthy idea and log all your food so u know how many calories you are getting
    and start exercising with those kids

    you can do it girlfriend!!!!
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: