2 months of workout and same weight:(

i have been workingg out from 2 months and i have still got the same weight!!! i very badly want to lose weight!! i am food freak and cant control myself when i see my favs!! pls suggest me a proper deit to lose 5 pounds in a week!!


  • 30togomoveit
    30togomoveit Posts: 116 Member
    Eat fruit/veggies, protein, dairy, water, limit "junk" snacks and it will come off. I am not sure about 5 lbs a week but it will come off.

    Are you changing up your workout routine?
  • zafferFL
    zafferFL Posts: 402
    what are you eating?
  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member
    Do you log your food? If so, open up your diary so we can take a look at it.

    Most diets won't get you to lose 5 pounds in a week - the average healthy person should be aiming for no more than 2 pounds a week. Losing water weight may increase this, but there's no magic way to lose that much weight that quickly (at least no healthy way that will keep the weight off).
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    A pound of fat is 3500 calories ... losing five pounds in a week means 3500X5 = 17500/7 = 2500 calories per day. That means you need to reduce your calorie intake and/or burn off 2500 calories each day to lose five pounds of fat. Four hours of jogging burns about that much for a 200lb person. Seriously ... five pounds per week is not sustainable or healthy.

    From everything I've read, safe weight loss is usually considered to be 1 or 2 pounds per week. Some people lose a lot of water weight initially, but that comes back. If you do manage to lose five pounds in a week, it's not fat you're burning. My opinion -- if you've been working out for two months and haven't seen any results, you're going to have to work on your relationship to food. Being healthy doesn't mean giving up what you love forever, it means knowing when you're hungry, knowing when to stop, eating slowly and enjoying your food as well as maintaining healthy levels of physical activity. It's about awareness of the act of eating as much as what you're putting into your body. You might find these sites helpful:

  • SilentRenegade
    SilentRenegade Posts: 243 Member
    Have you measured yourself? Do your clothes fit better? Just because you lose 5 pounds doesn't mean you're going to look better. Plus, losing 5 pounds in a week is asking for trouble from the scale for next week when you go back to eating bad foods again. I've been slow on weight loss, but have been steadily losing inches off of my hips, waist, and thighs. To me that's more important because that is what determines how I look in my clothes,not what the number on the scale says.

    Additionally, if you are eating a lot of calories and junk still, it's almost like you're counteracting all of the hard work you do when you exercise. I would not stop exercising, but overhaul what you're eating, but that does NOT mean to starve yourself thin... eat a balanced diet that is within your calorie range if you are logging your food. It takes time to do this, sadly... trust me I'm also very impatient, but I've realized that the short term fixes do not work in the long run and it's just harder the second and third time to get the weight back off.
  • meglynne1987
    meglynne1987 Posts: 382 Member

    Additionally, if you are eating a lot of calories and junk still, it's almost like you're counteracting all of the hard work you do when you exercise. I would not stop exercising, but overhaul what you're eating, but that does NOT mean to starve yourself thin... eat a balanced diet that is within your calorie range if you are logging your food. It takes time to do this, sadly... trust me I'm also very impatient, but I've realized that the short term fixes do not work in the long run and it's just harder the second and third time to get the weight back off.

    Agree! This is so true! Make sure you are balanced.
  • 30togomoveit
    30togomoveit Posts: 116 Member
    I agree on the measurement part.

    I wasn't having big losses (for me, I consider 2 lbs or more a big loss) but I have lost 8 inches all over since Jan 19th (as of this past Thursday, 3/8) .
  • FitLady4u
    FitLady4u Posts: 4 Member
    First off, good for you for working out for two months! Hang in there you have probably just reached a plateau. I know they stink, I'm in one myself. I agree with the above comments about 5lbs in one week being too much. But maybe changing up your work out routine will help you bust through your plateau. For example if you do the treadmill often, try instead doing the elliptical, or circuit training. Good luck. :)
  • radhika1
    radhika1 Posts: 20

    well, i workout for 90 min everyday and i burn 500 cals everyday!! i am not able to push myself!!! 30 min on cycle and i lose 300 cals! elliptical i lose 200cals for 25min!! treadmill am worst at it!! i lose 50cals in 10 min! cant run more than 2 min!! i try but i hate it!! basically!! i do 300cals on cycle, 200 on elleptical, and for 30-40 min i do sides/hands/lower!
    when my food is concerned!! it varies!! i am an Indian and a rice lover!! i eat rice for lunch (when home almost 3 serving, just cant control). dinner i try eating 3 rotis but most of the time end up eating little rice!! :( and almost twice a week i eat junk!! :(
    are there any thing i can eat that wont make me feel hungry!!
  • radhika1
    radhika1 Posts: 20
    i need help!!! and i understand that 5lbs is too much!! so i shall target for 2lbs!!

    PS: i opened my food entry!! pls go through and suggest!!
  • radhika1
    radhika1 Posts: 20

    well, i workout for 90 min everyday and i burn 500 cals everyday!! i am not able to push myself!!! 30 min on cycle and i lose 300 cals! elliptical i lose 200cals for 25min!! treadmill am worst at it!! i lose 50cals in 10 min! cant run more than 2 min!! i try but i hate it!! basically!! i do 300cals on cycle, 200 on elleptical, and for 30-40 min i do sides/hands/lower!
    when my food is concerned!! it varies!! i am an Indian and a rice lover!! i eat rice for lunch (when home almost 3 serving, just cant control). dinner i try eating 3 rotis but most of the time end up eating little rice!! :( and almost twice a week i eat junk!! :(
    are there any thing i can eat that wont make me feel hungry!!
  • Kaia_BS
    Kaia_BS Posts: 5
    Whenevr you're hungry DRINK WATER :D It's amazing and makes you full :) Or diet coke, hardly any cals. I also like crab sticks- super low on cals (like 15 per stick) and easy to nibble on two and feel full :)
  • radhika1
    radhika1 Posts: 20
    and also!! i lost my sides!! ppl have notices it too!! have become more curvy!! but nothing else!!! hands , theighs, butt!!
  • vy6184
    vy6184 Posts: 2 Member
    I agree with everyone else, try switching things up (i.e. upping resistance or incline on the elliptical or going backwards instead of forward for a few minutes). It's not about being a super athlete or a nutrition guru.. it's about doing what is sustainable and workable for you. I will say that food plays a HUGE role in losing weight. If you want that much rice, make sure you are evening it out with lots of fresh fruits and veggies. If you know you'll have a large lunch full of calories, try making a healthy smoothie in the morning. I always aim to intake around 300 cals for breakfast and then go work off all of it at the gym. When I get home from working out I will have a small snack (key word- small!) :) because I know my body can burn that fat faster than when I am just sitting around. Potentially working out closer to lunch time will help you to burn those calories easier (i.e. having lunch after a workout). You are doing awesome sticking to the workout portion for 2 months though, so you should be commended!
  • justindsm
    justindsm Posts: 6 Member
    What do you weigh now? What is your goal?
  • Temple_Fit
    Temple_Fit Posts: 299 Member

    well, i workout for 90 min everyday and i burn 500 cals everyday!! i am not able to push myself!!! 30 min on cycle and i lose 300 cals! elliptical i lose 200cals for 25min!! treadmill am worst at it!! i lose 50cals in 10 min! cant run more than 2 min!! i try but i hate it!! basically!! i do 300cals on cycle, 200 on elleptical, and for 30-40 min i do sides/hands/lower!
    when my food is concerned!! it varies!! i am an Indian and a rice lover!! i eat rice for lunch (when home almost 3 serving, just cant control). dinner i try eating 3 rotis but most of the time end up eating little rice!! :( and almost twice a week i eat junk!! :(
    are there any thing i can eat that wont make me feel hungry!!

    I was once a white rice lover but I stay away from it because I know I can go over board. When I do eat rice I have brown rice or quinoa. Oatmeal in the morning can be pretty filling. Find healthier alternative to your junk food, like fruit. I don't buy junk food because I know if I bring in the house, I'll eat it until it is all gone. If you are not doing so, log your food so you can compare your good/bad days so you can make adjustments to your diet.
  • radhika1
    radhika1 Posts: 20
    i do try drinking water but after a while i pee a lot and feel hungry!!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    With less than 30 pounds to lose, you should aim for one pound a week. Two pounds a week isn't a realistic goal.
  • radhika1
    radhika1 Posts: 20
    i weigh 128 lbs and aim for 116 lbs!!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    If you can't control your eating it almost doesn't matter how you exercise. You HAVE to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight. And even if you could/were, 5lbs in a week is VERY difficult, virtually impossible to do in a healthy way.

    I think you need to look at yourself and be honest about what you can realistically accomplish.