2 months of workout and same weight:(



  • sandralevesque
    sandralevesque Posts: 3 Member
    remember cookies iceream and chips any SNACK from a box is not good for you these are treats and should be limited to once a week, believe that is the only way you will lose weight. keep trying,I bought afitness magazine and riped out all the really ripped girls and hung them in my cubboards that hold those treats and on my fridge to help me stay away from those kinds of things once the first few pounds come off it will keep you motivated. DIETS fail healthy eating wins.
  • radhika1
    radhika1 Posts: 20
    i am a student and have to go to the gym in the morning before breakfast!! i am trying to eat 1200 cals everyday!! and in the gym lose upto 500 cals! i guess i just dont lose cals so easily!! :(
  • radhika1
    radhika1 Posts: 20
    luckily i hate sweets so anything sweet(yes chocolates and icecreams too) i dont eat it!! even if i do its really little!! but you put a burgerr and i can eat 2 of it!! so its fastfood for me!! we go out a lot!! and also i have vodka!! not on regular basis but like twice a month!! but when i do i have 2 large!! does it also effect?
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    EVERYTHING affects you.

    Keep doing what you've always done and you'll keep getting what you've always got.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    i weigh 128 lbs and aim for 116 lbs!!

    Based on this you should not really be trying for more than a half a pound per week loss. I understand the desire to get it off quickly, but the only ones who have bodies that will allow that are people who are obese. With wanting to lose 12 pounds, and likely only needing to lose that, your body will not tolerate a large loss per week. Go to the goal tool, change your settings and then eat your goal calories.

    BTW 1200 calories is not enough unless you are very tiny. I am guessing you are eating below your BMR, and with the small amount of weight you have to lose that is not good. The only people who can consistently eat below their BMR are people who are morbidly obese, and even they would probably be better eating closer to their BMR. Here is a good thread on it http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/522858-bmr-question

    In short, if you are sticking to 1200 calories a day, you are not eating enough calories, and your body is responding by doing all it can to hold on to that fat you so desperately want to get rid of. Change your goal to .5 pound a week. Eat the calories MFP gives you as well as eating at least half the calories you burn in exercise. You may see a temporary increase in weight, but I know many who start doing that and start losing right away.
  • countrytat
    Cut out a big part of your carbs. Do high protein with fresh veggies and some fruit, dont go overboard with the fruit, it contains alot of sugar. Drink atleast 64 oz of water daily. Stay away from aything boxed...its full of junk we dont need! Good luck!
  • sandralevesque
    sandralevesque Posts: 3 Member
    Also try drinking fibre water like cystal light with fibre it will make you feel full and the fibre help eliminate fat, never go to gym on an empty stomach, eat carbs to fuel your body for the workout
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member

    well, i workout for 90 min everyday and i burn 500 cals everyday!! i am not able to push myself!!! 30 min on cycle and i lose 300 cals! elliptical i lose 200cals for 25min!! treadmill am worst at it!! i lose 50cals in 10 min! cant run more than 2 min!! i try but i hate it!! basically!! i do 300cals on cycle, 200 on elleptical, and for 30-40 min i do sides/hands/lower!
    when my food is concerned!! it varies!! i am an Indian and a rice lover!! i eat rice for lunch (when home almost 3 serving, just cant control). dinner i try eating 3 rotis but most of the time end up eating little rice!! :( and almost twice a week i eat junk!! :(
    are there any thing i can eat that wont make me feel hungry!!

    First off congratulations on working out and taking steps to getting healthier....You are on a better path.

    Maybe it's just me but I think you are really overestimating the calories burned especially on the bike. 300 calories on a bike in 30 minutes @ 128 lb. is damn near impossible. How are you estimating the calories burned.......To get them all in the same format so we are comparing apples to apples instead of apples to oranges, from what you have posted above the following is what you believe you are burning per minute per activity: bike = 10, elliptical = 8, running/walking = 5. This is exactly opposite from how it should be......Given the same effort treadmill > elliptical > bike. I looked up on a calorie estimator for your weight and running at even 5mph should net you approximately 82 calories burned after 10 minutes. The faster you run the better. Honestly I would start with reassesing how much you are burning.......Then start really recording everything you eat and keep track......Until you know these two numbers you dont even know if you are in a deficit.
  • karisma81
    karisma81 Posts: 71 Member
    Long term weight loss takes time, if you rush you will feel frustrated.

    I know it's hard to drastically cut back on anything but you can start with small changes. Gradually work your way down to the correct portions. E.g. instead of 3 portions of rice for lunch, next time have 2.5 portions and add a serving of vegetable. Then maybe the next week reduce that to 2 portions.

    Before each meal, drink a big glass of water - it will help you to feel full so you don't overeat. Keep drinking lots of water.

    You should log everything you eat and when you eat junk, measure out a portion and put it in bowl - don't eat from the bag and have no idea how much you ate.

    Eat snacks before you get hungry (if you wait till you're hungry, you'll want to eat junk) e.g. crunchy veggies with a yogurt dip (I like dahi with chili and garlic as a dip).
  • donnamorad
    donnamorad Posts: 22 Member
    I am middle eastern and we eat rice alot too. I gave up rice a while back. If I want rice I eat brown rice. I was having a problem too with not seeing changes until I switched my eating habits. I eat clean. Basically, don't eat what man made. Eat lean protein at EVERY meal so that you will feel full. I noticed with myself that in the mornings I was eating alot of carbs (oatmeal and fruit) and by the time lunch time rolled around I was starving. I talked to a nutritionist who told me that I should be eating lean protein at every meal. Once I started doing that I noticed the weight coming off and I was not starving by the time lunch rolled around. As for the workouts, I change it up. I teach Zumba so that is twice a week for me. On the other days I do interval training on the treadmill (walking on an incline, running, jogging and sprinting) and circuit training (weight training). I also use a heart rate monitor and know how to work out effectivly in order to burn fat and not sugar. If you are part of a gym, meet with a trainer and talk to them about what is best for you. Don't focus so much on losing weight fast. Rememer that slow and steady wins the race. Good luck.
  • UpToTheChallenge
    EVERYTHING affects you.

    Keep doing what you've always done and you'll keep getting what you've always got.

    ^ This.
    I love it. Well put.
  • radhika1
    radhika1 Posts: 20
    well all the machines show how many cals i burnt!! so thats what they show!! i know i am supp to burn more on treadmill and then elliptical and then bicycle!! but thats how i burn!!
  • jjlewis78
    I wouldn't put such a huge goal of 5lbs a week ...trust me, I wish I could do that too but to keep it off go slow! I am on my 4th week and I thought I would go down another pound but I gained...but I am confident that this is going to work for the long run! Everything I read says that the food diary is the best way to go!!! Keep your chin up!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Those numbers are notoriously inaccurate. If that's the only measure you have, then fine, but I'd cut them by about 25% probably.
  • SilentRenegade
    SilentRenegade Posts: 245 Member
    Well, I know for me if I eat a lot of carbs, I stall on weight loss, in fact I gain. Try upping your protein a bit, and definitely your calories... Also, you have 12 lbs to lose. Remember, initially if you're heavy, you will lose those first pounds FAST... but then it slows down. What works for me is eating MORE veggies, and to up my calories, I cook them in coconut oil.

    I was on a 1200 cal a day plan for a while and nothing was happening, so I upped my calories to about 1600 a day thanks to some nice forum posts on here, and I've been steadily losing ever since. I have a lot more to lose than you, but somebody already said, maybe shoot for .5lbs a week instead of 2.

    And remember, the scale is not the end all for this unless you're aiming for that weight because you wrestle or bike ride, or do something that requires a certain weight class. I don't know how tall you are, but 128 is a dream for me and I'm 5'6"!
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    well all the machines show how many cals i burnt!! so thats what they show!! i know i am supp to burn more on treadmill and then elliptical and then bicycle!! but thats how i burn!!

    First of all, you can't depend on the machines to show you what you are burning. The numbers are off.

    Second, weight loss isn't magic. Burn more calories than you eat. It's simple. There are a lot of people offering you advice, but everytime they do, you have an excuse. There is no "magic answer" - you either work for it or you don't.
  • radhika1
    radhika1 Posts: 20
  • karisma81
    karisma81 Posts: 71 Member
    You're doing your best with the cardio and I think that's good. Running is super hard for most beginners but don't give up. Alternate running one minute, walking one minute and keep that up for as long as you can. Tons of people do the Couch to 5K program with a lot of success. If you have an iPod or smartphone try downloading C25K app or mp3 which will give you cues when to run and when to walk.

    It sounds like your main problem is overeating and you know it. Again, log everything, consider changing your diary under "Settings" to public so people can give you feedback.

    As others have said, protein helps you to feel full longer than carbs. If you don't like to eat a lot of meat, you can supplement with a whey powder (sold at grocery stores, walmart etc) dissolved in milk. Eggs are notorious for keeping you full as well as high fiber foods like vegetables.