Where do you get your motivation

I need a major kick in the pants. Not sure it's motivation, I need a steady helping of stick-to-itiveness and commitment. What helps you personally to stick to your plan?


  • TheLakeBeast
    Knock Knock. Who's there? The guy who came in 2nd place. The guy who came in 2nd place who?......Exactly.
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    I keep a list of my actual goals nearby. Not the weight goals, but the goals of what I want to be able to actually DO.

    1. Run. Not run a marathon. Not run a long distance. Just. Run. Right now I can't do that because my knees can't take the weight.

    2. Play with my kids for extended periods of time.

    3. Go on a mission trip for God to anywhere he wants to send me without fear of my physical capabilities.

    When I look at that and compare it to the temporary indulgence of certain foods or laziness of skipping workout, things go back into perspective.

  • Cmh1211
    Cmh1211 Posts: 104
    my kid.

    healthy=longer life

    she needs me... thats enough motivation for me to try and make the earth turn in the opposite direction. nuff said
  • wells0707
    wells0707 Posts: 251 Member
    from within...I know where I want to be and there is only one way to get there. I am doing this for me!
  • cjmommy09
    I made a list of all the reasons I'm doing this. I try and read it often. For me...the exercise portion is where I have a hard time staying motivated...especially when I'm tired from work etc. Its just a concious choice that I have to make every day. Deciding what I want more (being lazy or being healthy) and pushing myself forward. It's not always fun but worth it in the long run! :)
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Loving these responses so far!! I learned a while ago to make it more about health and fitness than weight loss. If you're eating well most of the time, drinking your water and exercising, the weight loss will naturally follow. Go to your profile page and fill in those sections about why you want to get fit and what your inspirations are - it helps to go back and check them out when you need a kick in the rear!