5'9" 189lbs working towards that bikini bod!

Hi Everyone!

I'm 23 and have PCOS. The weight has crept on over the last 4 years quietly - anyone else think that it takes longer to show if you're tall?! I've managed to lose 21lbs since being diagnosed in Oct 2011. Feeling a bit demotivated as it seems to be taking so long! Anyone else suffer with PCOS or just stubborn weight in general? My goal is to lose another 40lbs and confidently wear a gorgeous dress for my birthday at the end of July! I'm not sure how attainable the loss of 40lbs will be but hopefully I can get near!

CW 189lbs
GW 145lbs

Any tall ladies losing weight add me please!

I will be posting pictures as I go along :)



  • MsFat2Fit
    MsFat2Fit Posts: 59
    welcome to the 'club' - pcos is not fun but it's possible to manage it by diet & exercise...
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    Hello & yes I think it really creeps on you when you're tall! I'm 6;1 and gained 40 pounds in the last 3 years. Yikes!
  • Jennisin1
    Jennisin1 Posts: 574 Member
    5'10 and PCOS too! I have done it before and know I can do it again.
  • macpheb
    macpheb Posts: 6 Member
    Do you think it takes longer to show when losing the weight as it takes a while to show when gaining the weight? Or are we at a tall girl advantage?! I really hope it's the latter!!
  • nmterp
    nmterp Posts: 74
    While I don't have PCOS, I do know what it's like to be tall and "hide" weight. I'm the same height and have been struggling to get to 145 for a while now. I hope to reach my goal by my birthday (end of July as well). It may be frustrating, but I'm determined to meet my goals. Feel free to add me as a friend; we can motivate each other. :)
  • mrobertsesq
    mrobertsesq Posts: 2 Member
    Are you on any medications? I had the same problem, gained 30+ pounds due to PCOS. They said the cause of my PCOS was an "insulin resistance". That means that your body doesn't recognize that it's making enough insulin, so it makes more and more and more. That causes the weight gain. The doc put me on 1000mg/day of Metformin (mild bloodsugar medication) in combination with a birth control medication (Yasmin). About 15lbs came off immediately. I'm trying to get the other 15 off with diet & excercise using MyFitnessPal and so far I've lost 5lbs in the past month. GOOD LUCK to you!
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I don't have PCOS, but I am tall, 5'9, and at 175lbs (i've lost 7 in the last 2 months). I think being tall has an advantage on weight. Mine seems to pool in the hip area and arms *grrrrr* my waist is tiny though...at 29" with hips at 40".
  • Hi Coral!

    I am 5'9 as well and started my weight loss journey roughly around 183lbs. I have lost 29 lbs and was down to 155lbs and felt great. People started noticing the weight loss around 10 pounds and continued to notice as I lost more weight.

    I think it depends on how you carry your weight, but every person is their toughest critic, so others will probably notice it before you think it's noticeable.

    Good luck!
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,552 Member
    I am 5'9" and weight 187 so we are certainly in a similar situation. I am struggling with kidney disease which also helps put weight on you. Would be glad to be friends with you.
  • Hi, I am 5'10 and weigh 180. At my lowest I was 160. I hope to get back there by this summer! I'm going to attempt this in 10lb increments :)
    It is very easy to hide weight at this height. But that's how those unwanted pounds creep up on you! My clothes all still fit, but are much snugger and uncomfortable.
    I'm going to attempt JMs 30 Day Shred starting this weekend. Hope that will kick-start my weightloss!
  • WhiteCoc0
    WhiteCoc0 Posts: 160 Member
    I am tall too. 5'10 and I have just clued into the fact I have gained weight! Cant wait to see what all this working out will do with my body! Add me.
  • bionicdiver
    bionicdiver Posts: 198 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Feel free to add me! Good luck in your goals. Lot's of people out here that are willing to give help and support.
  • rrhennen
    rrhennen Posts: 60 Member
    Yes! When I confess my weight to people, they usually are shocked. Weight gain can really creep up too since the height helps "hide" it a bit better. Blessing and a curse all at the same time! The best thing I did was toss my bigger clothes. Then when the pants get snug, I know I need to fix it - not buy bigger pants!
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    Hi, I am 5'10 and weigh 180. At my lowest I was 160. I hope to get back there by this summer! I'm going to attempt this in 10lb increments :)
    It is very easy to hide weight at this height. But that's how those unwanted pounds creep up on you! My clothes all still fit, but are much snugger and uncomfortable.
    I'm going to attempt JMs 30 Day Shred starting this weekend. Hope that will kick-start my weightloss!

    30DS will definitely kick-start your weight loss! I did half of it (bc i got bored) and have lost 7lbs so far! Good luck with it. I had a hard time sticking with it because I can't stand to do the same workout 10 days in a row. You might be better at it than me.
  • 6'2ft here and 212lb:( and also a pcos sufferer with endometriosis thrown in for good measure :)

    i am a keen bike racer and my size is a hude disadvantage, i compete against passengers weighing round a bout 140 lb!!!!

    my goal is 175lb which is achevible.

    love to have some tll women for company on this :)

    plz add me, and good luck
    H x
  • I am 5'9" also. The difference is that I'm 53. At my heaviest I was 205lbs. I am now a very comfortable 163 lbs. It took me over a year to loose 40lbs (longer, if you count the yo-yo dieting). I started in Jan/09 and lost 20 lbs on my own. I joined TOPS in Sept/10 and lost the other 20lbs by the end of June/11. I look and feel fantastic! I'm not bikini ready (just yet) but with some determination and lots of exercise, maybe!
  • rain721
    rain721 Posts: 6
    Hi! I'm 5'9" too. I started out at 243 and am down 19 pounds so far with another 65 to go.

    Feel free to add me as a friend. I agree with everyone on here about the height hiding the weight gain/loss. Some people are amazed at how high my weight is because I carry the fat all over my body, the most being in my belly. I would be more of an apple shape then a pear shape. It's relly hard for me to tell I've lost any weight at all.
  • Hi! I'm 5'8" and started at 190 lbs. I totally know what you mean by the weight crept up on you! My goal was originally 160, but I'm almost there now and plan to start P90X, so I'm hoping to end up closer to 150 by the end of the program. We'll see, though! I definitely feel better about myself already after losing the first 30 lbs. Feel free to add me! :)
  • joeylu
    joeylu Posts: 208 Member
    I have PCOS. Please feel free to add me
  • hiya, im tall and big boobed, so i think it dose take a hell of a lot longer for anyone to notice if you have lost any weight. but im sure everyone will take notice of you and your bikini bod in a few months, keep it up :) x