Hi newbie (ex.Cambridge lass)

Well really as the title says!!
I did the Cambridge diet for 3 weeks on just under 500 cals a day and it nearly finished me off - well I lost 14lbs in 3 weeks BUT felt crap for most of it. Really cold and weak. I don't think it was a healthy and sustainable thing to do as I ate normally over the weekend and put back on 4lbs!

So here I am to try and do things sensibly. Am really scared I've messed my metabolism up.
I think I do have issues with portion control and hopefully logging it on here will help me - so day 1 here I come!!


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    If you normally eat a lot of carbohydrates much of the weight gain will have been replenishing your glycogen stores and the associated water stored with it.

    If you're looking to continue to lose weight what calorie intake are you targetting - 1200 ?
  • jessmarkat
    Hi thanks for your reply - yes I was thinking of 1200, do you think this will be low enough?
  • mrseelmerfudd
    mrseelmerfudd Posts: 506 Member
    hi jess,

    dont go any lower than 1200, or your body may go into starvation mode :)
  • RunsForFood
    RunsForFood Posts: 110 Member
    Gosh I've already eaten almost 500 calories just this morning! Haha
    I have a big problem with portion control too, last week I just ate regularly to see what I was really taking in and it was crazy, it really put it into perspective for me. So now I can start this week and watch my portions and I know where exactly I tend to go overboard. I'm on 1200 a day too and I feel like for the weight I want to lose it's too high. I'm going to try to stay under 1200 a day and see how I feel about it!
    Good luck, I hope MFP helps you out :)
  • jessmarkat
    Yes I think I was in starvation mode whilst doing Cambridge & looking back I don't think it really was healthy!
    I'm going to try & stick to just under 1200 as well, MFP looks great, I've still got lots more to explore on it!:smile: