Running for the first time



  • nickiw68
    nickiw68 Posts: 71
    I took up running (or jogging to be more precise) last year. I couldn't even jog for 2 minutes....but now I am up to jogging for 45 minutes without stopping. Stick with does get easier.
    I'm not aiming for any competitions or anything...just doing it to lose weight and keep fit. I'm not sure I will ever get any faster, but I don't care...I am moving and not sitting on the sofa!!!
  • mummum2
    mummum2 Posts: 415 Member
    That's great! enjoy take it slowly at first, pace is more important at this point than speed, which will come later! good stretch before and after and keep the liquid in hand! Be proud, well done! :flowerforyou:
  • conchita962
    conchita962 Posts: 327 Member
    GO FOR IT!! I started C25K in August...had never run before...I finished it. This past Sunday I ran 11 miles w/out stopping. I will run my first half marathon. If you follow the plan and get fitted for good running shoes it can change your life!

    Good luck
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    I've just got back from doing W4D1 of C25K and I feel great. Best of luck! A Zombie 5k sounds amazing.
  • kayteesb
    kayteesb Posts: 34 Member
    I have run before ( I am not a "runner") but need to get back at it. I am doing CrossFit and I find myself losing inches, getting stronger, and feeling a little bulky, which means I need to increase my carido. I am going to try Couch to 5k as well.
  • U can do it I did it last april n ran a 10k in october its suprising how ur fitness picks up x x x
  • 8 weeks ago, I wasn't exercising, and hadn't ever run more than about a mile in my life (and it'd been numerous years since I'd done even that). I condensed the Couck to 5K (C25K) into 7 weeks, and have since been doing another 5K to 10 Mile program -- and I ran 5 miles on Sunday! It's a great program, and if your journey is anything like mine, I think you'll be surprised at how much your body will respond, and how you'll absolutely be ready for each of the workouts!

    One thing that I really enjoyed was listening to podcasts by Robert Ullrey. He tells you all the walk/run transitions, when you're nearing the end, etc, and has fun, upbeat music to keep you going (seriously, every time I would start getting really tired, the music would change and help me kick into another gear). You can find the free podcasts here:

    Good luck!
  • Enjoy it! If you have a HRM use it. Monitoring it will help you make sure you don't burn out and you can enjoy the run. Remember! whether its a 7 Minute mile or a 14 minute mile it's still a mile! Good luck. Add me if you like.