New to MFP need to lose 25 lbs...need advice!

Hi there! I am new to MFP and could use some advice on weight loss. I am trying to keep my sugar and fat intake low, but can't seem to keep my calories up. Could use some advice/motivation from the veterans.



  • oligard
    oligard Posts: 141
    im not a veteran but if you arrange your daily goal balanced,you will see the result long-trem period.but watch out for carbonhidrates
  • kristinL16
    kristinL16 Posts: 401 Member
    Can you give an example of what you normally eat?

    I personally do not do a low carb diet, but keep things balanced. My levels usually naturally match up with what MFP has set for me. If you eat grains, focus on eating whole grains like brown rice, whole wheat pasta, quinoa, high fiber-low sugar cereals, etc. Eat at least five servings of fruits and veggies a day. Eat foods with healthy fats like nuts or use healthy oils in your cooking (I know this isn't Weight Watchers, but they recommend 2 teaspoons of healthy oil a day, which could help get your calorie levels up if needed). Eat lean protein.
  • mwideman1234
    Example of daily food intake:

    B-1 cup oatmeal in the moring with unsweetened soy milk and truvia

    L-split pea soup, or any McDougall's brand soup. I will ususally eat the whole container about 200-250 cal.

    D-mixed greens salad with veggie burger, tomatoes, and cucumbers (usually a 5-cup salad)

    S-cucumbers for snack, 8 calorie energy drink, apple

    Usually ends up being around 1150 cals a day. I can't eat much more than that. I don't do much fruit or nuts now, because I am trying to reduce my sugar/ fat intake, which seems to be working for my weight loss. I noticed the more fruits/ veggies/ whole grain diet I eat, the higher the carbs. So I don't worry as much about carb intake because I know I am eating the right things. Plus the fiber is high. I guess I was just worried about my body going into starvation mode, especially on the days i exercise. It must be different for each person.

    Thanks for the advice KristinL16!
  • kristinL16
    kristinL16 Posts: 401 Member
    If you need more calories I would add some fruit or brown rice/whole grain pasta. Are you getting enough fiber? You could also have a piece of string cheese or some nuts with your snacks. You also don't have any dairy listed.
  • PepperGirl1
    PepperGirl1 Posts: 26 Member
    I was going to suggest dairy also - add a cup or two of skim milk.
  • JennyZD
    JennyZD Posts: 176 Member
    I just hit the 25lbs mark this morning. Eat enough (don't limit yourself to 1200), I think 1400-1500 is a safer number. Exercise regularly including weight lifting (muscles makes you burn more fat), drink your water, eat as clean as possible, eat protein and fiber, pick yourself up after falling, even if its every day, be happy and patient and stick with it!

    Feel free to add me so you can have some meals ideas.

    Good luck!
  • Reneegetfit128
    It is important to eat enough protein, it helps give you energy & burns fat. Don't go too low on the carbs... meaning don't make it the focus. As for calories.... just FYI, your body is like a thermostat, if you don't consume enough calories your body will go into "starvation mode" and conserve energy, as well as hold onto fat because it doesn't know when it will get any more food. Drinking water is important too..... it helps increase your metabolism, flushes out your system, and helps you to feel full. In fact, sometimes we "think" we are hungry, when really we are thirsty. When we wait until we are thirsty to drink water, we are already dehydrated. Sleep is important too, aim for 7.5 hrs, too little sleep hinders weight loss. Hope this helps!
  • janellsmellsgood
    janellsmellsgood Posts: 2 Member
    Make your calories count for you! Stay balanced.
    Also, exercise and make sure you're taking protein of any sort within 30 minutes right after your workout.
    Good luck!