Tips on how you found the time...

Hello group,
I'm new to adding working out to my schedule and would any advice. I work full time M-F from 7am to 5pm. I pick up my 2 kiddos and then head home to do the same routine as you all.. dinner, baths bed time ect. By 8:30 my hubby and I are usually on the couch resting up the for next day. I have eliminated our night snack to healther choices this week. Sat-Sun the hubby works and I'm alone with the kids. Hope I gave enough info for suggestions.
Thanks in advance,


  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    Oh please share!!! My schedule is almost the same except I leave for work at 5:40 a.m.!!!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I found it very hard to find the time when the children were small. Now when I don't have time during the week I make sure I go running at the weekends. In the morning so my husband can stay slouching around at home while the children watch tv!
  • fj211
    fj211 Posts: 95
    I think your only choices are to start early, early in the a.m. or get hubby to watch the kids for an hour while you get some workout time in the evening. Can you find time on the weekend to get at least two good workouts in then?

    Best of luck to you.
    NICOLED73 Posts: 183
    Hey there,
    I'm a single mother. You have to make the time for yourself. If that means leaving the kids at daycare a little longer in the evenings so that you can get a workout in. I work for a hospital and 3 days a week I use their gym right after work. Once I get home, I won't leave again so I have to do it before my feet hit the garge floor!
    I also bought the Jillian Michaels kettle bells and Shred it with Weights DVD to do at home at least 2 days a week. (It's strength training and cardio.) That is only a 30 minute workout. Could be something you can do while the kids are in the tub? Maybe hubby can bathe them a couple days a week while you do the workout?
    I also work M-F 8-4:30. My daughter has soccer practice 2 nights a week and those are the nights that I workout at home.
    If evenings are too difficult you just may need to get up earlier in the morning for some workout time?
    There's always a brisk walk with the kids in a stroller? I'm sure they'd love evening walks with Mommy and I bet they would sleep better too!
    Hope these are some good ideas for you!
    Good luck!
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    Perhaps a gym that has child care facilities. I go straight to gym before I go home otherwise I won't go/
  • I'm a single mom, I work M-F 8:30 to 5:30 and some weekends. For years I kept saying, I don't have the time! I just don't have the time! Late night work outs leave you too amped to go to bed, and not to mention finding the motivation is the hardest!

    Is it possible for your husband to pick up the kids and keep them till 6 or 6:30? Or for the sitter or daycare to keep them later? That's what worked for me. I asked my sitter, who picks up my daughter after school, to keep her until 6:45-7. Which gives me a little more than an hour right after work. I take my gym clothes with me to the office, I change as soon as I'm done and then I either head to the gym or head for my run. Even just doing this 2 or 3 days a week starting out would make a lot of difference.

    The real issue is to realize there are solutions - whether that's getting up early to get your workout in if you're a morning person (I'm definitely not!) or setting aside time right after work to do it. But you have to set aside that time and just focus on that. That's what works for me!
  • Hey Stef!

    Is there an hour or a half hour that your husband could give you that you could step away from everything to exercise? Or at 8:30 could you go for a half hour walk? Or even pop on an exercise DVD? I have also found some pretty cheap exerise equipment at flea markets, garage sales, and craigs list that you could bring into your home.

    I hope some of these ideas help.
    Everyone's situation is different, but you have to find what works for you and your schedule!

    Best of luck to you :flowerforyou:
  • muwchck
    muwchck Posts: 261 Member
    I am a stay at home mom of 2 boys, so I have more time during the day to fit in my work outs, but I haven't always been a stay at home mom either. There are things you can do with the kids. Take a family walk after dinner, and pushing the stroller gives you a little extra resistance, and therefore a bigger calorie burn. I do Richard Simmons videos, and my oldest (who's 6) loves doing them with me. Also, either getting up 30 minutes earlier (or more) gives you a little extra time before the kids are up to get in a work out video or walk on your own. After the kids bed time is another time to get in a work out on your own. I used to go for walks on my lunch at work too. You just have to figure out what is going to work best for you and stick to it.
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    First of all you don't find the time, you have to make the time.

    I would suggest a workout video at 8:30 instead of resting on the sofa. On the weekends find activities that can include the kids ... walking with a stroller, riding bikes, or my personal favorite the hula hoop. My boyfriends 6 year old daughter loves to hoop with me. OR, ask the hubby to watch the kids for 30 minutes when he gets home from work.

    Even ten minutes of activity is better than nothing. I hula hoop in my living room while I watch TV. If I watch more TV, I sit on a yoga ball instead of the sofa to strengthen my core.
  • I am in a similar situation. I have a 6 month old and a 12 year old. I get up at 5am and do Zumba for 45-70 minutes, depending on how long I think the baby will sleep. I work from 8-5pm and the hubby works from 6am-6:30pm. In the evenings I try to get in an additional 15-20 minute work out of Zumba. (I'm not sure if you have any gaming systems Wii, Xbox etc. But if you get the Zumba dvds for those you can do 3 different time levels of class. Short is 15-20 minutes, Medium is about 45 minutes and Long is about 65-70 minutes). I also joined curves so I can work out 3 days a week for 30 minutes there. You may also want to check out gym memberships if you have the funds, most of them have a daycare center you can use in the evenings or on weekends. Another good idea is investing in a jogging stroller so you can take your children with you and run/walk at the park or in your neighborhood.

    I hope this helps. I'm not sure where you live or how old your children are so it might be impossible, but maybe it'll give you an idea. But honestly, the best option I've found for me are dvds I can do before or after the kids are up. :) Good Luck. If you need a friend add me and I'll help keep you motivated.
  • Mom0fTwo
    Mom0fTwo Posts: 326 Member
    what are your breaks like? I used to get 2 15's and a half hr. I would eat on my 15s and go for a walk on my half :)
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    My schedule is pretty much the same. I walk on my breaks everyday. I also try to walk the dog in the evenings. Occassionally, I'll jump on a video game like Just Dance or Wii Boxing. I try to look at exercise as more of an increase in activity then just your typical going to the gym to work out. When I go shopping I park the farthest from the doors, and I take my time to shop. There are ways to get exercise in on every schedule.
  • celticmuse
    celticmuse Posts: 492 Member
    If you can find time in the evenings on Tues/Thurs to work out for 30-40 minutes, and work out once on the weekend, you will be well on your way. The trick is to commit to it, and schedule in, just the same as any other appt. If you only have 30 minutes, I recommend the Jillian Michaels DVDs.

    Good luck!

  • paruls86
    paruls86 Posts: 188 Member
    Hey i don find tim in d morning so i workout at night... M trying to wake up early and fit in a walk... But... I wolud afvice walking ... A lot whether u are gng off for work or picking up supplies... Walk... It keeps your heart rate up and if you do it several times a day you'd be burning regularly... If urs is adsk job den do leg raises and stuff...
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    Find a gym with a day care center... and really early hours.

    I work 7:30-3:30 but have an hour and a half commute each way. After work each day I pick up the kids from afterschool and go directly to the gym I normally get there at 5:30 and workout for an hour. Then it is home to cook dinner and all that good stuff.

    Come baseball and football seasons i coach for both of my kids teams... so that has me going to the gym at least once a week at 5am before catching my 6am train.

    Weekends I get my workouts done first thing, at the gym when they open the doors at 7 and Sundays i am out running once the sun breaks the horizon.

    It is not easy but it is the only way it works for me
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    You can get up 30 minutes early.
    You can take 30 minutes of your lunch break.
    You can take 30 minutes while your husband takes care of the kids and gives them baths and puts them to bed.
    You can take 30 minutes at 8:30 instead of relaxing.
  • mcelledge
    mcelledge Posts: 68 Member
    I'm not sure how far you drive to work or what you do . What about during lunch? can you go to a nearby gym or curves or maybe even just a walk around the block ( fast walk in tennis shoes) is there an inside place like a mall you could walk at during lunch on rainy days. Saturdays that are pretty maybe you could take the children to the park? or walking trail? get a friend to go along to help watch them. Good luck you can do it. 30 minutes at at time is better than nothing.
  • CalJur
    CalJur Posts: 627 Member
    You will NEVER find time. You must MAKE time. Discuss with your spouse/significant other if that helps. Workout very early or late at night but time is there. We all lead very busy and challenging lives but you have to make the time as you do for other things in life.
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 833 Member
    I was in your spot except I was a single mom. How I fit exercise into my day was to take the kids to the park and we would ride our bikes there. Do a quick workout video at home before getting ready for work, and exersice with the kids. My son used to love to lift the little 2 pound weight like he was superman.

    After the kids grow I found I no longer had someone to keep me accountable and that was when I lost it. Now I use my time to work as my work out by taking the bus and getting off a few blocks before my stop so I walk or riding my bike. I also keep a resitance band at my desk and take a walk to the park durning lunchand just spend a quick 20 minutes with the band.
    NICOLED73 Posts: 183
    I know sometimes it's easier said than done.
    But if you truly want this and are ready for it, you'll make the time.
    Your husband is going to have to help. Talk with him about it.