That is just sad



  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Oh man, I know how you feel. I'm not even overweight, and when I started running, I could only do maybe 8 minutes. Yesterday I ran 25 straight without stopping. =D If I can do it, you can.
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    Yes maam. If you haven't put any type of strain or physical stress on your body in a long time that is to be expected. The elliptical is hard in general for many people. Why not try something to ease into it like light jogging first? And another thing I learned the hard way was STRETCH. Take the time to do it, your muscles will love you.
    Good luck hun, DONT GIVE UP.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    When I started working out I couldn't even do a one mile "Walk Away The Pounds" DVD (which are pretty easy). Now they don't get my heart rate up enough to even feel like I've worked out (I'm talking the 5 mile version) Keep at it and you'll build up.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Don't worry, it's perfectly normal.

    The great news is that if you are unfit to start with, you make VERY quick progress!
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    Exercising and getting in shape is the best hobby ever.

    1. you start with nothing.
    2. you get better every single time
    3. you get brave and try new ideas
    4. you branch out and leave your comfort zone
    5. you end up more awesome

    Unfortunately too many people say- im young- i was born with a certain degree of fitness... i can do this. But its not true.

    You have to get better- and you have a guarantee that every single time you can go at the very least, one second, longer.

    DO it out of curiosity- just to see what happens, what tiny miniscule bit more you can do each day.

    I DARE you to be one of those few awesome people who dont quit after a month cause they thought theyd b doing more.
    I DARE you to be one of those few awesome people who, after a month, are ready to see what they can make happen in the next 30 days.

    or not, cause you dont want it bad enough yet. No biggie. We all reach that point on our own some day and no one can make us want it before we are ready.

    ^ this this this! needed to be quoted! well said!
  • Megclark37
    Megclark37 Posts: 111
    I was in the SAME exact boat as you. I'm 21 also, when I began working out a little over 3 months ago I could not run to save my life. I think I could run a block or two and that's about it. Like you, I am not very overweight. Just keep doing as much as you can.. even if it's pushing hard for a minute and working really slow for 5 and then hard again for another minute. Over time your indurance will increase tremendously. In about a month and a half I was able to start running two to three miles nonstop- something I NEVER thought I'd be able to do. So don't get discouraged- do what you can and build up! You'll be amazed, I promise!
  • Megclark37
    Megclark37 Posts: 111
    endurance **
  • heatherldietrich
    I have not exercised in a really long time. I finally bought a elliptical and put it together (which was not easy.) I can only use it for about five minutes straight before i get really out of breath/my heart rate goes too high. I have it on level one of the resistance. I will do it for five minutes then take a break and come back to it.

    I just feel like i should be able to do more. I am 21 and i am not even technically overweight according to bmi. I rarely smoke so my lungs should be in fairly good shape.

    Did anyone else have this problem when they started exercising ?

    I have a friend who bought an elliptical and had the same situation - she could only work out for so long before her heart rate was through the roof and needed a break. The way she decided to approach it was to treat it like a video game; every time she gets on she tries her best to "beat" her "top score". She's doing better and better all the time, is able to stay on longer, and her heart rate is coming down. Keep at it, and your endurance will build up too!
  • ShifuYaku
    ShifuYaku Posts: 504 Member
    Don't know if I ever had that problem with the elliptical, but when I start running, I STILL have a hard time trying to run more than 5 min in a row. I guess I just don't like feeling that pain.... the elliptical just never hurt me at all.
  • awidener86
    awidener86 Posts: 260 Member
    Exercising and getting in shape is the best hobby ever.

    1. you start with nothing.
    2. you get better every single time
    3. you get brave and try new ideas
    4. you branch out and leave your comfort zone
    5. you end up more awesome

    Unfortunately too many people say- im young- i was born with a certain degree of fitness... i can do this. But its not true.

    You have to get better- and you have a guarantee that every single time you can go at the very least, one second, longer.

    DO it out of curiosity- just to see what happens, what tiny miniscule bit more you can do each day.

    I DARE you to be one of those few awesome people who dont quit after a month cause they thought theyd b doing more.
    I DARE you to be one of those few awesome people who, after a month, are ready to see what they can make happen in the next 30 days.

    or not, cause you dont want it bad enough yet. No biggie. We all reach that point on our own some day and no one can make us want it before we are ready.

    I love how you call it a hobby because it really is.
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    Keep going~!
  • NikkieLite
    NikkieLite Posts: 126 Member
    I'm very overweight and had the same issue. But I got on everyday and after two weeks I could stay on for 30 minutes instead of 5. As long as you don't give up it will get easier and easier.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    Stamina is something you "build". It's not an inherited right.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I love how you call it a hobby because it really is.

    I know its supposed to be a lifestyle LOL but at the beginning, for my bestie and I, it had to be a new hobby we fell in love with first.

    It comes with fun stuff like its own kit, many outfits, challenges, leveling up, research, strategy, etc... i mean- compared to 'dieting and dragging *kitten* to gym' - hobbies are WAY more fun :P
  • usernamejoe
    usernamejoe Posts: 219 Member
    Don't give up whatever you do! Keep at it and you will build up the ability to go longer. Happens to almost everyone
  • srhula
    srhula Posts: 25 Member
    First order of business........ don't get down or criticize yourself!! That's instant sabotage!! Just get on there everyday and you will slowly see that you are able to do more each week. The important part is being consistent!! Stay on the message boards and when you feel weak and discouraged, let everyone know so they can lift you back up! Keep it up, keep smiling!! Good luck!!
  • tinamina78
    tinamina78 Posts: 241 Member
    I rarely smoke so my lungs should be in fairly good shape.

    I think you should research this one a bit more. Smoking is terrible for your lungs, even in small amounts. That, and endurance takes time to build. Keep up the good work, you'll find yourself going farther longer soon! :flowerforyou:
  • srhula
    srhula Posts: 25 Member
    Great post!
    I love the DARE challenges.
  • lorenzoinlr
    lorenzoinlr Posts: 338 Member
    I got a home elliptical in December after using a Lifestep at the gym. Bear in mind, I though I was in decent shape as I'd been working out. That thing kicked my butt. I resorted to the lowest level of tension and struggled to get a full routine. Fast forward a couple of weeks and the workouts went from discouraging to enjoyable.

    1. Stick with it, things will get a whole lot better.

    2. Stop smoking, even a little. It doesn't take much to affect your CO2 levels.

    3. Budget for some new clothes.
  • 2swtdee
    2swtdee Posts: 14
    Yeah I had the same issue when I first started working out it was hard for me I also smoked. But once I quit smoking it became much easier. Now I am at the point where I can run 2min straight and walk for 2 miles.( that one month after quitting) So don't give up because nothing happens over night. Good Luck