
Hi everyone!
So I've taken up jogging this week. I've done it every night, I run at a fast pace, and I get an average of 3miles a night. I also eat pretty well too. I've been keeping under my target calorie/fat. But i've put on two pounds this week! I'm so confused! I thought I was doing really well! I have noticed muscles toning up and my shape getting better, but the weight gain kind of has me baffled...
Any suggestions on why I've put on even though I'm not exercising more and eating healthy? Thanks :)


  • linnettbenson
    linnettbenson Posts: 63 Member
    Could be water retention. If your muscles are not use to the exercise they could be pulling muscle to help heal them. I am by no means an expert. I wouldn't get to upset right yet and give it some more time.
    On a different subject, why do you say you are jogging as opposed to running? Just interested to know when does a jogger become a runner or jogging become running?
  • Atuser20
    Atuser20 Posts: 2
    Thanks for the reply :D
    As for the jogging -v- running thing... I guess I consider running as like sprinting kind of thing, whereas a slower, longer distance for me is jogging? I don't know!
  • StacieM72
    StacieM72 Posts: 5 Member
    Been running since September and lost 30+ pounds. Well, running and going through a divorce, lol. Seriously over the "starvation, not eating bc everything sickens me" stage. Since January I have added the healthy eating to the list.