Hello Myfitnesspals

Hello everyone,

I am new to this site and was introduced through a coworker/friend. Although it's only day two on this site already I am very excited.
I have been tracking my food and exercise and being accountable for my actions I feel will keep me motivated. You know we all say " oh I am going to join.... and I am going to lose ..... by ...." And we all start out strong but then we have a bad day at work or our kids have been fighting in the other room while you are trying to clean up from dinner and before you know it, you've fallen off the wagon. You accept one day to just relax and it turns into 2,3,4,5 and before you know it it's been weeks. I have a motivation. My best friend is getting married in August and I NEED to lose this weight and get back into shape. I do not want to be the fat bridesmaid hiding in the back of the pictures anymore. I have a great support system and although my boyfriend means well telling me I am beautiful just the way I am, it doesn't help some days when I need that extra push. hehehe
Well day 2 here I am and here to stay for a while.
- Christina


  • kp1439
    kp1439 Posts: 343 Member
    you are lucky to have such a good co worker ... thank him/her already ... this is amazing place to be .. good luck with your journey ... u can add me if you like ..
  • suebussell
    I am new to this, this is my 2nd week. I have already lost 2lbs. I am doing the race for life in June and my goal is to run the whole 5k. I am also trying to lose some weight, and want to lose 2 -3 stone if I can x
    Good luck
  • Crzy4socc3r
    @Sue - That's amazing! I wish I had the knees to do a 5K. A couple of months ago I tore my meniscus. As much as it's in an area that can heal itself the doctor has told me that I need to start out at low impact. The pain I experienced with that was enough to scare me to pieces to want to do a 5K. I wish you the best of luck and I know you can do it! Keep up the great work!!!

    @Kp- She is a fitness instructor and nutritionist. She's been a great help and motivator. I can't wait to start seeing the results! Congrats on the 29 lbs lost already! What an accomplishment!
  • jo20xjo
    jo20xjo Posts: 6
    Hi Christina, I'm new to this too and only just discovered the website. I was just using the app on my phone before but this site is great for inspiration and motivation.

    Feel free to add me!

    Good luck x
  • Jules221
    Jules221 Posts: 69 Member
    I have been with the site since the beginning of the year and absolutely love it. Anyone can add me if you want.
  • Stinkerbelle84
    This site is fabulous. I love it! Welcome everyone =)
  • Newatthis1
    im new to this also.....

    and seems to be a wonderful site....