Please give me your 2 cents!

I have almost lost 10 pounds over 3 months. I calculated my calories for my height and weight and age to maintain my weight is 1900 roughly. That is for a sedentary lifestyle. I am not losing weight. I have been kind of stuck at a plateau for 3 weeks now. Should I up my calories from the recommended 1200 since I workout at least 4 times a week (about an hour to two hours a day)???


  • rfarinha
    rfarinha Posts: 388 Member
    It's impossible to give advice of any value if we can't see your food diary... =(
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 894 Member
    short answer: yes!

    I am 5'1", started at 193.6lbs, currently at 153.2
    I got stuck at 168 up and down within 3 pounds for a few weeks. I was a 1200 calorie eater and i work out fairly heavily 3x week. I cautiously upped my calories only to 1400 and within 2 days those stubborn 2-3lbs were gone. I have lost steadily since then and i am now increasing my workouts and wil increase my daily calories to 1500-1600 along with that.
  • arr0528
    arr0528 Posts: 119 Member
    I made my food diary public, not sure if that will help or not.....
  • arr0528
    arr0528 Posts: 119 Member
    short answer: yes!

    I am 5'1", started at 193.6lbs, currently at 153.2
    I got stuck at 168 up and down within 3 pounds for a few weeks. I was a 1200 calorie eater and i work out fairly heavily 3x week. I cautiously upped my calories only to 1400 and within 2 days those stubborn 2-3lbs were gone. I have lost steadily since then and i am now increasing my workouts and wil increase my daily calories to 1500-1600 along with that.

    I am 5"4' and am very similar to you!!! I could always try it, I am just scared because I have my wedding in a month.... I don't want to gain what I have already lost.
  • kanatagrandma
    I've found out that you also must count your carbs, fat and protein intake. Apparently, if you consume too many carbs, weight loss is harder. But you must balance that out if you are exercising. Foods are high in carbs, I've discovered, much to my frustration! has good information on the right formula for your weight loss goals.
  • mama_beth
    mama_beth Posts: 23
    I started out strictly maintaining 1200 cals a day. The first month the pounds melted away and then BOOM!! nothing...I got stuck at the same weight for 3 week too. I had a couple days where I thought I had eaten too much and was pretty nervous about weigh in day....I just knew I had blew it!! But much to my surprise I had lost almost 3 lbs in a week and have lost a pound a week since then. Try upping your calories it worked for me. I've lost 17 lbs in a little over 2 months.
  • arr0528
    arr0528 Posts: 119 Member
    So I calculated my calories on and to lose 2 pounds per week, it wants me to eat 1134 calories a day!!! That is way under 1200!!! So confused at this point.....
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    So I calculated my calories on and to lose 2 pounds per week, it wants me to eat 1134 calories a day!!! That is way under 1200!!! So confused at this point.....

    Honestly, you should only be aiming for 1.5-1 lb per week weight loss. I need to lose more then you and I am only doing 1 lb a week for my own sanity. Also, a 1200 calorie diet only works if you NET 1200 calories. So yes, I do believe you need to eat more. Some days you have WAY too large a deficit.

    As for carbs, some people have issues with them and some people do not. I do just fine with carbs in my diet and see no need to restrict it more. It is not a be all, end all sort of thing.
  • arr0528
    arr0528 Posts: 119 Member
  • hdlb123
    hdlb123 Posts: 112 Member
    I know this is a Grey area, everyone's a different opinion, but I believe WHAT you eat matters too. Everything in your diary is processed, and I don't see any fruits are veggies? Have you considered making a few changes to incorporate some non-processed,fresh, real foods? It might help.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    I know this is a Grey area, everyone's a different opinion, but I believe WHAT you eat matters too. Everything in your diary is processed, and I don't see any fruits are veggies? Have you considered making a few changes to incorporate some non-processed,fresh, real foods? It might help.

    Normally I don't jump on the processed vs non-processed foods things because I eat a mix of them. However, I do have to agree with you in this case. It is one thing to eat processed foods here and there when time is tight, but just about every item listed is processed. Some fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and the like would not hurt and would most likely reduce sodium.