I can feel my vein moving

Last night while I was doing pushups in my strength training routine, I could feel the vein in my right arm where the elbow bends moving. Every time I'd push up, it felt like a really big twitch and when I'd stop, I could see the vein bulging. I compared it to my other arm and those veins were normal. It didn't hurt, but it felt incredibly gross and scared me. I had a DVT over a year ago in my right leg and I just kept thinking, "I have another blood clot and it's moving toward my brain/heart!" Has anyone else ever experienced this before? Is it bad? I didn't do as many pushups as I could have because it seriously icked me out. Right now the vein looks normal and flush with my skin again, but last night it looked just like it does when a nurse wraps that rubber band around your arm to get the vein to puff up to draw blood. Please tell me I'm not dying lol.


  • rawfitness
    rawfitness Posts: 68 Member
    I wouldn't worry about it. When you exercise, the blood vessels in your muscles dilate and your blood flow increases. The increased blood flow delivers more oxygenated blood to the working muscle.
  • jillyt85
    jillyt85 Posts: 161 Member
    Ok thank you. That makes me feel better.