
pcbta Posts: 227
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I seem to be in an energy slump of some kind. Yes, I'm going to go get my blood checked..last time it was just fine.
I am a busy mom of part time outside the home...full time inside the home:happy:
I don't know...every night after supper I lay down and am almost instantly asleep!!! that is NOT like me at all...
I have been drinking caffinated beverages a bit, but won't drink green tea. Is there anything that really truly boosts up energy levels...something that lasts all day???
I should mention that I take lots of vitamins and minerals daily...



  • I love my vitamins and minearls...and as far as energy slump I love my B12. I take at lunchtme and gives me energy way into the evening.
  • bates
    bates Posts: 122
    I love my vitamins and minearls...and as far as energy slump I love my B12. I take at lunchtme and gives me energy way into the evening.

    Just a heads up, but recent studies are out that are showing taking vitamins/ multi vitamins are as good for you as previously indicated, based solely on the fact that they are not naturally occuring vitamins/minerals.

    But back to the original poster, make sure you are eating right, getting in your daily calories, etc. Caffinated drink help for the short term, but tend to have the "crash" you are explaining. I also noticed myself that if I havent eaten for awhile/not eating certain foods I get cranky and slugging, particulary I attribute this to a low blood sugar level and once I get something healthy in my stomach I start feeling more energetic/less grumpy
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