am i the only one who needs to lose over 100 pounds?



  • me! and im excited you asked cause i just jpined and i was thinking the same thing
  • AshliColon
    AshliColon Posts: 70 Member
    Wow! There sure are a lot of us! I rang in the new year at 275 lbs wearing a size 22. I've managed to shed 47 pounds since then and still have nearly 90 lbs to my goal weight. MFP makes it so easy to keep you on track and gives me hope that I will ring in 2009 having reached my goal!

    --ash :flowerforyou:
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    I just joined today, and I am actually midway through my journey. December 24th 2006 I looked down at a scale and saw that I was 320lbs. My jaw dropped. I'm currently 250, and I feel incredible. My goal is 200, but I wouldn't mind getting to 190 eventually (below that I'm going to look emaciated).

    You're not alone. You have a long journey ahead of you, but the benefits you reap are so amazing you can't even imagine them - especially if you've been larger your whole life (which was my story).
  • fun4pooh
    fun4pooh Posts: 3
    I miscarried in 1999 was depressed and went up to 270 lbs. I dieted and lost 75 lbs in 2000. Then in 2004 I had my sunshine (a beautiful little girl), went through a divorce and gained weight again. I am now 227 lbs. I have a goal of 40 lbs. I know that I should loose more but if I set smaller goals it is easier to reach them. I am a size 16 now but they are tight. So I would like to be a solid 14 and maybe a 12. When I reach that goal then I will evaluate a new goal. It helps to document my food so this site has bee good for me.
  • rose8989
    rose8989 Posts: 1
    In my teens, I was almost 250 pounds at my heaviest. I’m 25 years old and 160 now, and jog 3 times week, for the first time in my life. The way I did it is to look at it like I only needed to lose 1 pound for the week. And never kick myself if I didn’t make it, just that I had to try harder. You can do it, but it’s going to be a long journey. (It took me about 3 years) good luck!
  • ok......first take a deep breath, then remind yourself that just because there's some extra weight , that doesn't define you as a person, or make you any less wonderful. I refuse to get on the's a number, not the defination of whats "normal". Yesterday morning I caught a glimspe of some very large thighs in the mirror and immediatly became discouraged, but I put on my clothes, and felt better. My pants, which 3 weeks ago left a lovely red mark around my waist, you know the kind....your pants are so tight, at the end of the day your left with a reminder of the waistband. Well they were not tight. I wore them all day at work, and the only red I had at the end of the day was the tomato in my salad!! So take it slow, dont think of how much you need lose, but focus on daily victories. Good luck smile and treat yourself to a bubblebath!!!
  • heavenluv
    heavenluv Posts: 12
    I was always a small person growing up. At 18 was 126 and I'm only 5 foot tall. I had my 1st son in 1993 after giving birth I was back to 126 , had my 2nd son in 1994 after the birth back to 126 then in1995 got pregnant with twins was in a 4x maternity clothes after the birth was back down to 126, But lost my daughter 1 hour after birth. I want through a major depression and woke up one morning weighing in at 200 that was in 1996 and now as of today I weigh 227. I joined this site last Thursday and Yesturday I started my first day with watching what I ate and actually walked for 20 min at the park. The site has given me hope and my goal is to get down to 130lbs.:wink:
  • KathyR
    KathyR Posts: 67 Member
    It's great knowing i am not alone with this battle and i congratulate all of you for doing so good so far. I am a lil discuraged today, i don't even like myself right now, but i know it will pass, its just getting through the day to start a new day. You have all given me hope and kind words or wisdom and i am greatfull for that. hugssssssss
  • weightlossinprogress
    weightlossinprogress Posts: 132 Member
    Your not alone - I have 60 more lbs to lose!!!!
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hey, this thread is AWESOME!! Just what I needed to hear! :love:
  • hmmmm
    hmmmm Posts: 607 Member
    I hate all this weight on me but I have set smaller goals along with my ultimate goal to lose 118lbs to be 140. This is possible if we just continue to take it day by day and meal by meal. If I mess up I just jump back on that wagon. I hope to have the rest of the weight off by march of next year. Good luck to you
  • GravyGurl
    GravyGurl Posts: 1,070
    There are alot of people here that have the same, if not more, weight to lose. I'm one of them. I joined the day after my 47th birthday 3 weeks ago and love what I see on this site. The support and tools, the help that people give for whatever is needed or asked is great! I hope you enjoy it!
  • Me_Im_2b
    Me_Im_2b Posts: 165
    You're not alone...

    I have been overweight for all of my life!

    I started out at 276 lbs and a size 22-24
    My goal weight is around 140, so I'm chugging along on the over 100 train with you!

    I know you can do it!:happy:
  • KathyR
    KathyR Posts: 67 Member
    had a bad day today but had a couple of people from mfp reach out to me and i am so greatfull and i finally stopped crying and tomorrow is a new day hugsssssssssss to all
  • KathyR
    KathyR Posts: 67 Member
    had a bad day today but had a couple of people from mfp reach out to me and i am so greatfull and i finally stopped crying and tomorrow is a new day hugsssssssssss to all
  • KathyR
    KathyR Posts: 67 Member
    have no idea why the same post is on here twice, sorry everyone
  • I currently weigh 255 lbs and my goal weight is 150 lbs, so you are definately not alone. Just remember that even a 5-10% weight loss can drastically improve your health. In other words, every pound lost is a victory!
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Thanks Kathy for getting us talking...
    I have 50 to lose, and I too have had bad days. It seems overwhelming but then I try to think that if we lose it slowly it may not notice it's gone. Also lifestyle changes take a long time to form.

    You are amazing for having gone through cancer and back surgery. Take it a day at a time (I am trying really hard to remember that one) and the other one I am struggling with is Life is a journey, not a destination.

    Good luck.

    And thank you everyone for sharing. You really made my day, I am not alone. I am glad I can share freely here.
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
  • KathyR
    KathyR Posts: 67 Member
    You all are doing a wonderful job getting healthier........ i am proud of each and everyone of you :smile:
    I have been losing 2 pounds a week sense i started on here. My pants are loser on me and im feeling healthier, my back don't hurt as much and i can feel my blood pressure isnt as high. And i am sure my cholestoral level is down no doubt. I hug each of you and we can all get healthier together cause no one should ever feel alone in the battle to be healthier. :flowerforyou:
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