P90X LEAN *Starting 3/13/12*

Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
I AM STARTING P90X LEAN TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If anyone is going to do/is currently doing/has done P90X - I would love some support or advice!!! I'd love to have some friends to support me throughout the program :smile:

I'm super excited. My husband Andrew & I have committed to doing it for the first 30 days and then seeing if we want to continue. We did the fitness test for it last night (to see where you're at and determine basically if you can handle the program) and I was pretty proud of what I can already do. I was able to do 12 REAL MAN push-ups Of course, I could only do 1/4 of a pull up Hoping to improve that.

We took our "before" pictures and i'm super excited to see where my body will be at after a month or so (we aren't going to do 30 days straight probably - i'm guessing it will take more like 45 days as we're still planning to go to the gym a few times per week).

I'm hoping to lose my last 5-10lbs with the program but really plan to focus on gaining muscles now & losing inches. I'm shooting for 20% Body Fat or LESS (i'm currently about 23%). Do you think that's possible? I HOPE SO!

TIME TO BRING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    WOW :laugh:

    It looks like i'm on my own for this! Good thing my husband is willing to suffer through it with me!
  • seesaey
    seesaey Posts: 231
    Congrats on committing to p90x!! My husband finished a round of it. I havent done the lean program, but am using the DVDs in my Turbo Fire hybrid. I bet you will be able to do the entire 90 days! Let me know if you ever have questions about p90x!
  • BOLO4Hagtha
    BOLO4Hagtha Posts: 396 Member
    I'm on week 3 of the lean program and its great! You will hurt but you will also notice getting stronger with each week. GL!
  • castro_leti
    castro_leti Posts: 1 Member
    :smile: Congrats! You'll LOVE it! I haven't committed to actually following the routines; however I LOVE so many of the workouts, I just kinda do what I'm in the mood for. I was able to lose 10lbs in 1 MONTH!!!! Of course you must make sure that you EAT & EAT LEAN :o)

    Good luck on your endeavors! I will keep checking back with you to see how it goes. :o)
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    My advice is not to do the LEAN. Do the classic version. P90X was designed that way.

    You're results with the Classic version will blow away anything you get from doing the LEAN!!
  • AshleyDR
    AshleyDR Posts: 22 Member
    I AM STARTING P90X LEAN TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If anyone is going to do/is currently doing/has done P90X - I would love some support or advice!!! I'd love to have some friends to support me throughout the program :smile:

    I'm super excited. My husband Andrew & I have committed to doing it for the first 30 days and then seeing if we want to continue. We did the fitness test for it last night (to see where you're at and determine basically if you can handle the program) and I was pretty proud of what I can already do. I was able to do 12 REAL MAN push-ups Of course, I could only do 1/4 of a pull up Hoping to improve that.

    We took our "before" pictures and i'm super excited to see where my body will be at after a month or so (we aren't going to do 30 days straight probably - i'm guessing it will take more like 45 days as we're still planning to go to the gym a few times per week).

    I'm hoping to lose my last 5-10lbs with the program but really plan to focus on gaining muscles now & losing inches. I'm shooting for 20% Body Fat or LESS (i'm currently about 23%). Do you think that's possible? I HOPE SO!

    TIME TO BRING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm starting today too...also doing "lean." I'm going to send you a friend request for sure! I'm 5'6 and 165lbs. Lets be P90X buddies :)
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Hi! Congrats on starting! You will love it! I just finished my 90 days on Thursday. I took a few days off and then started round 2, but of classic yesterday.

    Good luck with everything. If you want to add me as a friend, I can help support you....I'll be doing classic this time alongside of you but a lot of it is the same....

    I just wrote this the other day about my experience if you want to check it out.....

  • mewaybright
    mewaybright Posts: 240 Member
    P90X is actually not as hard as we make it out to be... all it takes is commitment and diligence... remember you can modify any of the moves and if something hurts... well either modify it so that it doesn't of skip it all together. If you are unable to do the pushups you can use a chair, lower the bar and do chest ups, buy a band at (Academy or ****s) with a door anchor and do them that way. I have been doing P90X since April of last year and am currently doing P90X2 with some modifications of keeping some of the P90X stuff. I started with the lean program as well and then decided I wanted to do the classic program to burn more calories. Don’t worry about bulk as women do not build bulk like men and as well the more reps (12 – 15) you do the less mass you will obtain. The program works and works well… depending on what your goal is and where you are starting at you may need to do more than one round to attain your goal but the key herein is that fitness is not a short road and isn’t over once we have obtained a goal weight… fitness is a lifetime commitment. Good Luck and if you have any questions you may inquire away and I will be more than pleased to offer my assistance to you and your husband.
  • Annafly3
    Annafly3 Posts: 63
    I completed full program P90X last summer, and want to start it again, its def. a great program! Just do your best and forget the rest!
  • osualex
    osualex Posts: 409 Member
    I'm on day 11 and have already lost inches...love it!
  • libby328
    libby328 Posts: 287 Member
    I started on Sunday! It is so far awesome ( I only have done 2 days lol) anywho good luck! You will feel it and its amazing!
  • mckshowie
    mckshowie Posts: 210 Member
    im also starting today! i didn't realize there were options, but i think im gonna do the lean and my fiance is going to do the classic!
  • akm0615
    akm0615 Posts: 29 Member
    I am in Phase 2 Week 2 of Classic. So far it has been great. Overall Lost 9" in Phase 1. Good luck!!
  • RattieLove
    RattieLove Posts: 125
    Hey girl!:D Im doing P90X LEAN too!! I'm on day 10. I'll add you for sure and we can be p90x buddies!!:D
  • eknobbe
    eknobbe Posts: 106 Member
    bump!! I started yesterday too!
  • libby328
    libby328 Posts: 287 Member
    How is everyone doing with the program? I had Legs and back yesterday and all I can say is those wall sits are killer! I have Kempo today so wish me luck!
  • empc
    empc Posts: 88 Member
    Just received in the mail. My husband and I are starting soon. Thanks for the advice.

    Is classic the way to go as opposed to Lean?
  • libby328
    libby328 Posts: 287 Member
    Ok Kempo was on my docket today... Uh no freaken way! I have zero coordination this was not possible! Idid what I could but wow I had to have looked " special "
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    Libby328 - I love the kenpo disc...but I HATE yoga. It's sooooooooo long and i'm very unflexible. Hopefully i'll improve. Today I only did 1/2 of the workout (so I did 45 minutes) and it was still killer!
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Libby328 - I love the kenpo disc...but I HATE yoga. It's sooooooooo long and i'm very unflexible. Hopefully i'll improve. Today I only did 1/2 of the workout (so I did 45 minutes) and it was still killer!

    Ding, you'll definitely improve! I was pretty pathetic at yoga at first too but after the first month or so, my body actually started craving some of the moves. All that stretching is so good for you. I definitely think it's too long but think if you stick with it, you may (almost) like it some day :)