


  • monalissanne
    monalissanne Posts: 159 Member
    Greek yogurt. It's also a low cal, low fat alternative to sour cream or mayo so it's easy to incorporate if you don't want to eat it alone. The first time I ate it I was amazed by what happened.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Make sure you're getting both soluble & Insoluble fiber. The insoluble kind help the most in this area: green leafy veggies, beans, popcorn, bran, oats are some examples

    Also, make sure your diet is not too low in fat, this keeps things from moving along also.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Try some magnesium.
    Magnesium is the best choice - just not too much!:smile:
    Very true. I was told to take a magnesium supplement but didn't bother looking up the side effects. :laugh:
  • seebeachrun
    seebeachrun Posts: 221 Member
    Magnesium citrate or milk of magnesia. These are for occasional constipation though. If you are experiencing regular constipation you need to review your diet and figure out if you need to add or increase a food group or supplement to your diet.
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Cut back on the cheese?
  • MissCheese
    MissCheese Posts: 195 Member
    I have an Organic Bio yoghurt most days.

    I 'think' I get a good mix of soluble and insoluble fibre, I basically try to keep my diet as varied as possible but it is low in fat most of the time. Will look into that. Thanks.
  • kimiel51
    kimiel51 Posts: 299 Member
    Fiber One Brownies!!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Movicol from the doctors is working for me. Also found dates to really help in the past x
  • Tzippy7
    Tzippy7 Posts: 344 Member
    some yoga poses are helpful, you can google yoga poses that are good for digestion. also, COFFEE :)
  • jared767
    jared767 Posts: 76
    I have been gradually increasing the amount of fibre in my diet but just recently find I'm a little bunged up. I drink plenty and the foods I eat are mostly fruits and veggies so are full of water.

    The amount of fibre I am eating is not excessive in any way, maybe 18g a day at the moment, sometimes more.

    Any tips on what to do other than drinking more water to help in the toilet department?

    Drink 1-2 glasses of water first thing in the morning. Have breakfast after an hour or two. You'll feel it coming after about an hour.
  • kyrakoala
    kyrakoala Posts: 32
    I would try to stay away from laxatives, because they're unnatural to your body and can cause severe water loss. (Also, your body grows accustomed to it and it will take more and more each time to get the same effect)

    I use Triple Strength Fish Oil. I take it anyway as a supplement, and I can see a difference in my bathroom habits when I miss it for a couple days. For me, it keeps things flowing regular without harsh effects on my body.

    Good luck!!
  • Jillcra
    Jillcra Posts: 4
    Make sure you are drinking enough water it helps to have easy regular bowel movements. Also, I found this fiber chart very helpful when increasing your fiber intake, it outlines foods and the amount of fiber they contain:
  • Anisima
    Anisima Posts: 16
    My cousin with similar problems told me that he found on the help for his problems.I heard the tips from here are very goo to combat constipation problems.
    I hope this helps.
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    try all bran, its the ONLY type of fibre that works for me.
  • Gonna get blasted for this, but smoke a cigarette. Or eat a coconut. Works for me...
  • I didn't know to much Iron could block you, but have you tried Epsom Salts for natural relief?