I need some advice..

I am new to MFP and just need some advice... I am starting to eat healthy and eat within my calorie limit. I have also started working out. How often do you weigh in? Also, I have found it hard on the weekends to keep on the healthy eating part, do you give yourselves a day of a sweet treat or maybe a favorite soda or does it just make all your work you have done for nothing? It's so hard when you say I can't have this at all... What kind of tricks do you guys have to keep motivated and keep up the self-control?


  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    I usually weigh in once a week. I've never deprived myself of anything I used to eat or drink...alcohol included! I may, however, have one LESS drink or something like that.

    Other than that, log every day and you'll start to see results...sis-in-law has lost 17lbs in 3 months and of course others in the Success Stories part of the forums have lost more.

    Don't get down on yourself if you have a bad meal or bad day. We all do. Just keep moving forward.
  • mwyatt005
    mwyatt005 Posts: 21 Member
    I find for myself if I dent myself my sweet tooth eventually i will binge, you can eat with your calorie limit and still indulge in sweets you just need to be mindful of the portions. like say your at a restaurant with friends and everyone starts eating the new york cheesecake, I LOVE cheesecake i'm not going to sit there and drool over it so i order it and maybe eat half or less just enough to get the taste but not to much that waste all my hard work. The main thing that keeps me on track is I know what I want to achieve for my future goals so i just focus on that and say this is where i'm at this is where i desire to be and that's enough to keep me on track. I find fruits help with my sweet tooth as well such as red delicious apples ect. Oh and my take on weigh ins is no more then once every two weeks gauge more off how you feel and how your clothes fit, you may be down a pant size but only down a few lbs, water weight fluctuates to much to give accurate weight totals on a day to day basis plus if you set a goal of say 15lbs but only lose 10 and plateau the scale can be a huge let down but that extra room in pants or the way a shirt fits that doesn't change or lie because you know how it fit before tight baggy ect.
  • smplycomplicated
    smplycomplicated Posts: 484 Member
    Personally I only weight/measure in once a month. I know most do it much more often, but waiting that long gives me something to look forward to. :)

    Sundays are my "free" day. I still watch my portions, But It's the one day i will let myself give into cravings. I feel if you don't give yourself a treat here and there then your weightloss/diet becomes a chore.
  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    How often do you weigh in?
    Everyday out of curiosity. Officially once a week (in which I log if there are any changes in my weight).

    do you give yourselves a day of a sweet treat or maybe a favorite soda or does it just make all your work you have done for nothing?
    This one's tricky. When I started there was a good 3 months that I completely stopped consuming any soft drinks, candies or junk foods. I didn't trust myself.
    I'm 5 months into my weight loss journey now and I'm comfortable with an occasional snack. I usually limit myself to one day a week (saturday) where I'll pretty much eat what I want, but i tend to only go over my calories by 200-300. Sometimes more, sometimes not at all. My weeks always even out to 1500 calories a day, when I'm allowed 1770. So going over a day in the week is working just fine.

    What kind of tricks do you guys have to keep motivated and keep up the self-control?
    I eat back half of my exercise calories for each exercise for the most part. I don't like eating all of them back, it feels like a waste. Sometimes I do if my body needs it, but its not often.
    I have a saying I live by now - "Don't let a moment of weakness turn into a moment of regret". I've spent far too long regretting constant decisions I'd make DAILY that would do nothing but destroy myself. I focus now on being CONstructive rather than DEstructive.
    One other trick is I over-log my foods and under-log my exercises by a very small margin. I find that it helps me have a 'buffer' that I can use from day-to-day for those misc items you'd eat and have a hard time tracking, and also the misc exercises like walking around the shops or any odd activity that you don't feel the need to log.

    Just do what works for you. This is just how I've obtained my balance. Find your own balance and stick to it.
  • I find for myself if I dent myself my sweet tooth eventually i will binge, you can eat with your calorie limit and still indulge in sweets you just need to be mindful of the portions.

  • jacqui1612
    jacqui1612 Posts: 128 Member
    I weigh in once a week. I had the same problem when I started using MFP wanting to fall into the bad habits on the weekends. After a few weeks I found I didn't like eating the bad stuff anymore. The first few weekends might be hard with you having to be very strick with yourself but once you get into a habit and your body isn't addicted to the bad stuff anymore you won't even feel like eating it. The occasional treat is neccessary though, be it a little bit of cake or chocolate or fast food. You'll probably find that you don't really want anything if you allow a treat every so often. When you have these though try to stay within your calorie goal.
  • kbeckley11
    kbeckley11 Posts: 203 Member
    For Lent, I am requiring myself to stay under my calories everyday. However, I make sure that I leave room in my calories for a fudge bar :) Before Lent, and again after Lent, I do allow myself one day where I don't pay such close attention to my calories. In the first 2 months that I did this, I lost 20 pounds. So, I think you can eat what you want some days and still see results.
  • jhartram
    jhartram Posts: 165
    I weigh in once a week... any more than that and I'd lose my mind. As for sweet treats, I either find alternatives (Coke Zero instead of regular coke) or I just pre-log my desert and build my day around it. As for self control, I find it a lot easier to keep myself in line when I can look at my ticker and see lost weight... It shouldn't take long once you start eating right to see some loss. 7 days a week I keep MFP up on my computer screen and it reminds me that I'm making progress.

    That being said, I don't think there's anything wrong with splurging every once in a while... just climb back in the saddle the next day and you're good, and don't make a habit out of it.

    The other thing that keeps me on track are my friends on the site... I can post that cheesecake is begging me to eat it and they'll rally (either telling me I can resist or offering options like more cardio or half a portion). On that note, if you need more supportive friends feel free to add me... I pay back the support I get from everyone!

    I'd say good luck on your weight loss goals, but luck has little to do with it so instead I'll say YOU CAN DO THIS because you decide you can!
  • waterwing
    waterwing Posts: 214 Member
    I weigh in once a week on a Friday morning... I find it helps because I can either be a little nicer to myself on the weekends or completely abuse myself for a bad week.

    In terms of treats etc.. you could adopt the Spike days or just "budget" enough calories for whatever it is you happen to be craving. I think knowing that nothing is totally ruled out is a pretty freeing thing and definitely contributes to the success of this program for a lot of people.

    Good luck with your goals!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    There is a lot of great information here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/457-unofficial-mfp-faq
  • stefkhan
    stefkhan Posts: 27 Member
    I normally weight in every other week on a Friday morning.
  • wittlelacey
    wittlelacey Posts: 412 Member
    I'll be honest, I have no idea how many times a week I weigh in. Sometimes it's only once, and sometimes it's a few. I don't obsess over it, but I like to be aware. It helps if you join a group where you weigh in once a week! Sometimes separate groups have separate weigh in days, so you're obliged to weigh in more than once. I have noticed that MOST people on MFP give themselves a "cheat" day. This means different things for different people-some people binge/splurge, some go out to a resturaunt, and some just have a favorite snack or two. I've heard the "it's just one day" explanation, and it really is only one day so the results will still come! Personally, I don't plan this kind of day in case it just happens. And it does. I spend a lot of my boyfriend, who likes to go out to dinner and go get ice cream and whatnot, so I try to eat as clean as possible and save up my "cheat" calories for when he and I are together. So I do allow myself treats. It's hard though, I know! The weekends are hardest for me as well. Honestly, what's worked for me is to keep myself occuppied. Try painting your nails, going for a walk, making plans, do something to keep your mind distracted! Remember; you don't want to sumbit to emotional eating and bored eating! When it comes down to it, your motivation should be your goal. If having a blown up picture of your "goal" body as a reminder will help sustain your self-control, go for it. Imagine yourself at your goal weight, imagine the confidence and the new wardrobe and the perks that come with feeling great about your health and your body. You can do this (: Feel free to add me!
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    Hey there! Read this first:

    Ok, now that you've adjusted your calorie goal, look at this way. You have X amount of calories per day to eat before you even exercise. You can fit alot of food into X amount of calories. Then when you work out, you have that many more to eat. That will give you plenty of room to eat junk food along with healthy food.
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    I work out on Saturday mornings (the only day I get up out of my bed to work) so I can eat out on Saturday nights LOL
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Balance in all things. If you are over today, cut back a little tomorrow. As long as you basically AVERAGE the recommended level.. as long as you are accurate on portions, you should be ok. Don't get discouraged if you "miss it" one day ... just pick it up again tomorrow. As far as the weighing thing.. Just about once a week is best BUT I usually do it daily... Don't get discouraged as we will all have daily fluctuations due to water weight, etc. Also, don't leave out exercise. You can eat more calories if you burn them in exercise. A balance of cardio, flexibility and strength training work best.
  • happinessforevercm
    Thanks Everybody for your feedback! It has helped me make my plan more clearly! Let's do this! :)