the beginning of a diet is awful

I have been used to eating alot & snacking alot & eating out alot. I ordered me the body by vi meal replacement shakes & cut back on my eating and snacking, I i felt sick and weak today. I have noticed before when i tried dieting before that the first week or two, when cutting back on eating, i felt weak, sick, and hungry till i got used to it after awhile. I guess when my stomach shrunk, it got easier. I have started dieting again, and this time, i hope i can stick to it. I will just be glad when i get over the first week or two. Is it normal to feel this way when you first go on a diet?


  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
    I don't think it's normal. You may feel hungry but sick and weak no! You may not be eating enough. It's important to not starve yourself or you won't be able to stick to it. Make sure you eat enough protein.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I can't do diets because they make me feel deprived. Instead of dieting, try just exercising portion control for a couple weeks - eat the foods you love, but in smaller quantities. Start eliminating as much processed stuff as possible, and replacing it with non-processed. Take it slowly and don't expect quick results. Might be easier on you, body and soul
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I have been used to eating alot & snacking alot & eating out alot. I ordered me the body by vi meal replacement shakes & cut back on my eating and snacking, I i felt sick and weak today. I have noticed before when i tried dieting before that the first week or two, when cutting back on eating, i felt weak, sick, and hungry till i got used to it after awhile. I guess when my stomach shrunk, it got easier. I have started dieting again, and this time, i hope i can stick to it. I will just be glad when i get over the first week or two. Is it normal to feel this way when you first go on a diet?
    That is because you have created too much of a deficit. Ship the body by trash back and eat correctly.
  • Miss_Hiker_Pants
    Miss_Hiker_Pants Posts: 229 Member
    Try snacking on fruits and Veggies. Not from a can tho. Either fresh fruits or frozen unsweetend, & either raw veggies or steamed (not boiled). This will fill you up fast. I do lots of fruit smoothies with no milk or sugar, just add water & ground flax seed.
    I usually put in a banana & frozen peaches. mmmmmmmmm. put in a food processor or blender. You should never be hungry.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    i dont do diets. I eat less, eat healthier, hit my calorie goals, eat back most of my burnt calories, and stay consistent. I don't cut out anything other than soda pop. I quit that 2 years ago and dont miss it. I still eat bad stuff but in moderation.
  • prettygirlhoward
    prettygirlhoward Posts: 338 Member
  • turbomachine1
    turbomachine1 Posts: 22 Member
    Yeah I feel the same way, i always feel weak and sick at the beginning of a diet, specially after exercising...and i don't have as much energy as when i was eating unhealthy food....But from what i gather it is because my calorie intake is too low,... :(
  • chelso0o
    chelso0o Posts: 366 Member
    sorry if this sounds harsh.... but... diets don't work, diets don't work, diets don't work, diets don't work.

    To have long term results you need to have a lifestyle change. Examine your eating habits, start slowly, and replace good habits with bad-- GRADUALLY. If you completely overhaul your life in one fell swoop you will freak out and stop because it will feel like a diet.

    How do I know this??

    Over the last year I have lost and maintained a 50lb weight loss. It takes a lot of hard work, but it is a great thing to do for yourself. :) Please don't have a "diet" mentality. I promise, making small changes and eventually having more good days than bad will give you the results that you want.
  • ebonie101
    ebonie101 Posts: 95 Member
    i agree with the person who recommend fruits and veggies. i switched my eating lifestyle(wont call it a diet) and try to eat one serving of fruit and veggie and lean protein or yogurt with each meal and always have energy.

    for example

    two boiled eggs, salad and banana in the morning for breakfast

    low fat(1.5 gram of fat or less) yogurt, apple for lunch

    chicken breast, broccoli, and apple or kiwi for dinner

    if not too late then another snack of fruit.

    thats my usual day since i go to college sometimes i cant eat every 3 hours but this way of eating keeps me up and not feel weak. i hope you find something right for you with out feeling down. good luck :)
  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    Hmmm. I think it depends. (Not a very satisfying answer, I know!) I *don't* think you should feel "sick" and weak. Whenever that happens to me, it usually means I'm not eating enough. Sometimes when we switch from unhealthy to healthy foods, we miscalculate how much food we actually need. I think that's when its especially important to count the calories and don't "overdo" the deficit.

    BUT. I often have the feeling of "not feeling exactly well" on the first few days. Your body will run on whatever you give it...but if you drastically switch the fuel, your body has takes a few days to adjust. So...if I've been eating a scone and latte for breakfast, McD's for lunch, and mexican takeaway for dinner, my body learned to run on that. So, when I suddenly switch to cereal, a chicken salad, and a normal, home cooked meal for dinner, its going to tell me "I'm missing something" for a few days. NOT weak or sick, but...that feeling of not feeling satisfied, even though I've just had my 2nd bowl of beef stew. What does it want? That scone! So, I just give it a 3rd bowl of beef stew instead. By day 3, things usually even out. People deal with this in different ways...some white knuckle through it. I don't like feeling deprived, so I just throw healthy food at it...not necessarily low cal "diet" food...but good quality food. So yes, I have been known to eat 3 bowls of mung beans or beef stew, have an extra bowl of rice cereal, or eat two sweet potatoes instead of the one I had planned. I know there are tons of "calories in, calories out" proponents out there for whom this is heresy, but an extra bowl of rice, veggies, or sweet potatoes probably isn't how most of us got fat. And even if it wouldn't do so in the 2 or 3 days that your body will take to adjust.
  • TanyaCurtis
    TanyaCurtis Posts: 630
    U should up ur calories a couple hundred, u don't want to feel starved, ever! That's just a set up for a binge