So fustrated and disapointed!

I'm trying hard to focus on the positive, I really am - but after playing with the same damn 10 pounds since January 10th - I'm completely disheartened. I work out at least 3or 4 times per week (40 minutes cardio/weight training) and try very hard to eat nutrition - not junk. I thought I had the diet part down - but I am just NOT losing.

I try low carbs/low fat/higher calories/lower calories - *kitten* ton of water.. my change

I guess it could just be the 40's kicking my butt - but to only lose 7 pounds( and less then 5 inches total) since January 10th (and mostly just shuffling the same 3 pounds the past few weeks) makes me want to just cry.

My trainer says no carbs after 6pm and do your cardio in the am before breakfast - ok - scale still doesn't move

I suppose I should focus on the not gaining/exercise is good for you part - but at 209 pounds...I SHOULD be losing.

I suppose the fault is my own having expectations - my 25th HS reunion is at the end of the month and I THOUGHT back in the beg. of Jan "Hey, I can probably lose 20 pounds by then" - HA - not.

I'm struggling to remind myself of the bigger picture/to trust the process - but today's weigh in with yet again,no loss - was a bit overwhelming but this morning, I'm just disappointed and upset with myself.

Vent over - thanks for listening


  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    I'm guessing you probably slimmed down a bit but weight practically the same.

    You are working out three or four times a week for forty minutes and building muscle.

    Muscle is denser than fat. This is a good thing.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Not to be rude but you really arent eating fresh.. in fact you dine out alot at restaurants and take-out places that really are part of the problem of not losing weight.

    You have quite a bit of prepackaged/processed foods in your diary (Ruby Tuesdays, Oscar Mayer, Bertuccis, Dunkin Donuts, McDonalds, Boston Market, Arnold, etc)... Dont be fooled by Boston Market, by the way: roasted chicken is great, its what they use for marinations is what makes it horrible! You really should consider not going to places like this and actually eating real foods made at home, or only dining at restaurants that make foods fresh from scratch and that can accomodate requests.

    When you eat take-out foods, you are really overloading on sodium, preservatives, additives, etc. After viewing several weeks of your diary, I see about on average, 50% junk/fast food restaurants, 25% fresh whole foods, 25% not-so-bad but could be better.

    You really could amp up your daily vegetable intake - preferably the lower carbohydrate varieties. Darker the color vegetable the better.

    Protein is staggering - you are not consistently consuming enough protein given the workouts you are doing.

    You have a golden opportunity here. You do show signs of eating more wholesome foods, youre just not 100% dedicated enough to it.

    Make sure you are weighing your foods with a scale if you 'think' you are accurate by sight... I betchya you would have an eye-opener at how askew the portions are versus reading the scale....

    You can do this, but you have to really revamp your diary intake ....
  • kimiec
    kimiec Posts: 62
    Well one thing your right about is the 40's kicking your but I am in my 40's and losing weight is so much harder. I am wondering could you be change it up to offen and not sticking to one thing for a peirod of time. As for losing 20 pounds if by what they say now days you should lose only one pound per week so thats 20weeks so to lose 20 pounds that fast you arent going to. Maybe even check with your doc to rule out any medical problems that could be hindering your weight progress.
  • jellybean41
    jellybean41 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello Michelle,

    I feel your pain!!! I too am in my 40s and I do think it makes it harder to lose weight. I have been like a yo-yo ever since I had my children but I never had a hard time to lose the weight when I put my mind to it. This time around, not so easy!!! My 25th HS reunion is next year and I have planned to lose at least 40lbs before then. I joined this group before Christmas, and I have only lost 3lbs, discouraging to say the least!!!

    I do hope, however, you don't give up!!! You will see the pounds start shedding, not as fast as you would like but they will come off!!! I think you are doing great and should be very proud of yourself!!!!!

    Keep it up :)
  • michelleinpa
    michelleinpa Posts: 68 Member
    Not sure to how to edit this - but unfortunately(well, sort of ) I travel a ton for work - so sometimes, restaurants are unavoidable . I appreciate everyone taking the time to offer feedback.. Giving up is not an option, but it's head bang on wall levels of frustration ..
  • Tell your trainer that he/she needs to go back to learn nutrition. None of that nonsense of working out before 6 am, no eating past 8 pm makes any sense in the grand scheme of things.

    One question, are you taking measurements? If not, then you need to and throw the scale away. The 3 digits mean NOTHING. Inches are what matter and a healthier outlook on life. If you follow MFP and are in a caloric deficit, you will lose inches. The 3 digits will follow sooner or later.

    Do not give up. We all did not become overweight yesterday, so we cannot expect it all to come off today.