Dispirited, very little progress

I am very strictly sticking to 1240 net calories per day (with exercise measured on a treadmill) and have just logged my 40th day. I have gone over twice in the 40 days, but the week average has always been on target or under. I am 41, and 5'8". But I have only lost 3 pounds. Any advice or help please?


  • Bex522
    Bex522 Posts: 4
    How about if you try to build some muscle, because it will raise your daily metabolism even when you don't work out :)
  • Rynoman2k3
    Rynoman2k3 Posts: 152 Member
    You might be in starvation mode. What settings do you have it set to? 3lbs in 40 days isn't terrible though. Weight loss takes time.
  • tami101
    tami101 Posts: 617 Member
    I don't know what you're starting weight or lifestyle is (sedentary, active, etc.) but it seems to me like you should maybe be eating more? I'm 5'8 and have been on here for over 60 days and I net 1500 to 1900 calories and have been consistently losing. Feel free to friend me if you like, it helps to have friends on here to keep you motivated. =)
  • Set to lose 1.5 pounds per week. SW 194 Sedentary (desk job) with 30 minute workout 6 days per week. I do 40 minutes treadmill at 3.1 mph, enough to raise my heart rate to 140.
    It's been 5 weeks! Thanks orr saying it's not terrible, but it feels like it is.
    I do have a really, really slow metabolism - medicines take a really long time to have an effect, for example.
    But shouldi keep going or lower the calories more or is this just not working?
  • tami101
    tami101 Posts: 617 Member
    I would change your goal to 1lb a week to slightly raise your calories. I know it sounds crazy, but a lot of people on here swear by this and I changed mine from 2lb to 1lb two weeks ago and have lost 5lbs in the last two weeks. It's worth a shot, you'll still be in a calorie deficit and it might help jumpstart your metabolism.
  • Thanks.
  • Rynoman2k3
    Rynoman2k3 Posts: 152 Member
    See i'm 5'8" and didn't lose until i went 1.5 a week.