1 week into MFP...some encouragement please!



  • ladybrittain
    Hi, I just had to chime in on this because I feel your pain. However, you have to move. I was in the same predicament but I had to ask myself, how bad do you want this. I'm 51 years old and it is hell trying to get this weight off after you enter menopause. I have been stalking MFP since I started this journey and all of these stories have inspired me to keep going. I hate exercising but I know that if I want to loose this fat I have to keep moving. I suggest you start out with small goals. That is what I did. I started getting to work a half hour early and started walking the parking lot before everyone gets there. I put that Ipod on and I walk to the music. Once I started that I was walking on my break and lunch break too. The pounds started melting away. I put every item I put in my mouth into my food diary. I was utterly shocked at how many calories where in three small slices of frozen pizza, so that won't be on my list anymore, at least until I reach my goal. Also, watch your sodium levels. I had lost 15 pounds then gained back 3 and just couldn't figure out why that happened. After I went over my food diary I saw how much sodium was in that pizza. Once I changed a few food items, I lost them back. Now I have other co-workers walking with me early in the morning. You can do this. This journey is not easy. It is not about how high the mountain is but how you get to the top. Take it one day at a time before you know it you will be into a month. You can do this!! Don't give up and stop beating yourself up, you deserve success.
  • rba0422
    rba0422 Posts: 4
    I just wanted to add that perhaps those folks having a hard time who are exercising and eating without a weight loss should consider having blood work. My recent labs showed some adjustments were essential so I'm on a couple new vitamins and under an ultimatum by my dr. I'm afraid to jinx myself by telling you but after only one week on MFP I lost 11 lbs....unbelievable to this 57 y/o grandmother who has years of no luck dieting!! My dr. (a MFP fan who sent me here) is going to be shocked!
  • AtoZNJ
    AtoZNJ Posts: 1
    I could use some encouragement as well! I am 1 week in and just weighed myself and it is exactly the same - ARGH! I am 5'3" and 125lbs, eat a healthy diet, work out regularly and just I want to lose 5 to 8lbs to get back into my 'comfort zone'. I do find it helpful to track all my calories and have identified some surprises and areas of improvement - right now I am at a net of 1200 calories or a tad bit less, depending on how much I exercise. Stick with it a while longer - I am going to keep giving it a go!
  • abibrand
    abibrand Posts: 10
    It takes time. It's not just about losing weight, it's about feeling healthier. You're going to do great.
  • Tvandevoir27
    Hi there! I just completed my first week as well. Looks like we have some of the same goals (to lose 21 lbs and I also take in around 1200 calories a day) I know it is hard and you're tired, but once you start working out, you will become addicted to it. The feeling I get after a workout is so great and I feel healthier and closer to my goal with every work out. Even if it's just a 30 minute walk. Hang in there, it takes time. :wink:
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