Scale won't move!

I am in my forties and am getting very frustrated with the scale. I lost about 40 pounds before joining MFP and can't seem to get further. I know...measure myself, it's fluid, etc. Bottom line is, I am frustrated and I want the damn thing to move! I seem to hit plateaus every 7-10 pounds and it is getting old. It also seems that as soon as I have a loss, my hormones kick in and I gain water weight. (I am like "Sponge Barb") Is anyone else frustrated? Need motivation and hope...don't want to hit the fudge cake! Good luck to all of you!


  • lstiles74
    I'm right there with you. I've been doing so well with working out. I'm not seeing a change either. My clothes do seem to be fitting better, but nothing is happening with the scale. I've stopped drinking cokes (my weakness) this past 3-4 weeks. I know I can do much better with drinking more water and eating small portions throughout the day, but still VERY frustrated. GRRRR Good luck to you though! Hopefully someone can get us on track.
  • seekingstrengthX2
    If either of you want to open up your diaries, you may be able to get some helpful feedback. Its hard to give advice not knowing what you are doing/eating.
  • kathyl05
    kathyl05 Posts: 67 Member
    Great suggestion; I just need to figure out how to do it. Do you think they would let me pull my 14 year old out of school so she can show me?:wink:
  • kathyl05
    kathyl05 Posts: 67 Member
    I think I changed it. Thanks
  • kathyl05
    kathyl05 Posts: 67 Member
    I'll bet the coke will make a difference. I read something about sugar being stored in the liver and retaining fluid. You are on track; keep it up!
  • seekingstrengthX2
    One thing I notice is that you aren't eating all your calories. You're doing well on days you don't log any exercise (except yesterday, lol). But in the past week, you were around 300 calories SHORT of your target the days you work out. Your body needs those calories for fuel. Eating too little can stall weight loss very easily. If you normally burn around 300 calories exercising, you need to be eating 1500 on the days you workout, not 1200.
  • lstiles74
    I know that's my problem too. I know I don't eat enough certain days and I'm HORRIBLE about skipping meals. It's all about planning and I'm not doing that part. UGH.
  • lstiles74
    I thought it would, but so far it is showing. UGH
  • seekingstrengthX2
    Yep, skipping meals is a really bad idea. Your body needs fuel at regular intervals, it keeps your metabolism going and keeps it so you are never starving and going off the deep end.
  • kathyl05
    kathyl05 Posts: 67 Member
    You are right; I wasn't eating enough calories. I noticed the same thing last night and ate more so I would have enough. As I added them I realized I had forgotten about the nuts and apple...figures! ; ). I think I am just so afraid of running out that I wait. Time to to readjust and plan. Soooo not my strong suit! Thanks!