How many calories??

Just wondering how many calories everyone else is shooting to burn every time they exercise?? My goal is at least (if not more) 500 calories a day!!! Also what kind of exercises do you do? I have been doing the 30 DS and am on level 3 day 22 and I also either do Zumba, go to the gym or go walk!!


  • seoid
    seoid Posts: 151
    try for 500 - but usually only hit 300.
  • Mguilmot
    Mguilmot Posts: 232 Member
    750-1250 per workout day (4d/week)
    cardio: stationary bike. Between 50 and 90minutes.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Usuaully about 250-350 through cardio or strength training. But the goal with training isn't calorie burn; it's strength, endurance, fitness.
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328
    I don't shoot for a specific number of calories burnt, I take what I can get. I do the workout I plan to do, and check afterwards.
    I have a personal trainer, work out one hour every fortnight with him, and 2-3 times a week on my own at the gym (but with programs he prepares for me), and I try to swim once a week, and go for a walk or rollerblading on weekends, if weather's fine.
  • nikrit84
    nikrit84 Posts: 46 Member
    I have been making it to my goal everyday of 500. However, I can say it hasn't been easy!! Usually takes me at minimum an hour at they gym to 1.5 hrs. But I push through it until I do. I do treadmil, eliptical, stair stepper, with an occassional outside bike ride
  • rsdgirl
    rsdgirl Posts: 246 Member
    when i can workout (i have medical problems) i try for 350-500 calories per workout.
  • YennaBean
    YennaBean Posts: 77 Member
    Between 100-300 a day.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    a 33-minute elliptical will net me 400-450 or so. and five of my six days a week I go for about 33 minutes or so. the sixth day I'm there for around 2 hours.
  • Larimartda
    i try to do a specific amount of cardio n i try to ump up the level every so often so in my 45 mins of cardio i start with walking then the next time i jog then the next time i run and like that... i want to see performance not numbers =)