need motivation and support

I had a baby Feb 1st by csection and I have been in the gym three weeks after. I gained 80lbs with this baby and have lost 45 but need to loose alot more. I have my little sisters wedding in June and would like to look good for it. I am doing well with the dieting but the working out i need a "buttkicker". :)


  • GoingForBroke
    Wow! Very impressed by your dedication. I had a baby in October and it taken me until now to get serious about losing weight (and I'm getting married in May, yikes!)

    Good luck with losing the rest of the weigh you want to lose.
  • Kaydub833
    Thanks! half of the motivation comes from trying to drop as much as I can before I go back to work, the other half is the dress my sister has picked out for the bridesmaids...trying to stuff a post baby body into this dress will be interesting.