What keeps you motivated?



  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    I love the biggest loser :) And Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition!

    But mostly... I guess at the beginning I was motivated by working out with my housemate... it kind of held us both accountable. Now though, she is too busy to workout with me, so it's just me. It seems like now I'm motivated by A) the fact that working out means I can eat more ;) and B) That I'm actually seeing progress and am really close to my goal!!! I just want to get there already and I def won't get there without working out! I'm feeling much stronger and really enjoying it :D

    Also the MFP community really helps a lot. I adore my friends on here and that we are all similar with similar goals :)
  • LeslieMDoyle
    LeslieMDoyle Posts: 162 Member
    I have a poster hanging in my home office (where I also workout) that says, "One year from now, you'll be glad you started today." There are tons of posters and sayings and pictures that are equally as motivating. I'd suggest finding one that speaks to you and putting it in your field of vision every morning. I have something on my bathroom mirror, on my night stand next to my bed, and in my workout space. Makes me remind myself that I CAN DO THIS! I'm only 3 lbs into my 100 lb goal, but I know I can do this!

    You'll get there! Just keep talking to us. And keep reminding yourself that you're worth it.
  • jaquwa
    jaquwa Posts: 99 Member
    I go to the most fabulous gym studio and the people there are brilliant and motivational, we have all pledged to lose 1 stone by Easter and if we don't there is a forfeit, mine is a 3 mile run (I cannot yet run!!), I am 2.5 lbs off target and got 4 weeks left!
    Also if I don't go for a few days or I am ill or anything like that the guys who run it will always email or text to see how I am and if they can do anything.
    I also do my measurments every 2 weeks and if I have put any on I have to give them £10! I haven't had to do this yet!
  • Mellowmar98
    Mellowmar98 Posts: 13 Member
    Start going to classes and start conversations with people. I started going to Zumba and have made several friends and we have become a support group for eachother.
  • jens1285
    jens1285 Posts: 34 Member
    I use clothes. I go shopping, buy something super cute, and then surprise buy it a size or two smaller. I try it on when I need a picker upper. It helps you get motivated plus you have a cute outfit to wear when your other clothes don't fit. I also set mini goals my first one was to be under 200. When I finished this, I took a day off of working out and had a "ME" day. Hope this helps a bit.
  • runderhi
    runderhi Posts: 52 Member
    I have been overweight for 15 years - I have tried all the fad diets and I always put it back on.
    I am lucky to be able to spend a lot of time in Greece and every time I go I am sitting there in clothes I don't feel nice in and I see other people around me looking all toned and fit. I have done that too many times over the years and when I got an opportunity to go there for the summer this year I made up my mind back in January that no way no how am I going to sit there this summer and be sad because I don't feel good !! :(
    So I am doing it old school - blood , sweat and tears !! And it is working for me :)

    So in a nutshell my motivation is me :)
  • moonsforeyes
    How far I have come. I keep a giant calendar in my room right behind my bedroom door so I see it every morning. I cross out ever day I don't binge and eat healthy. It helps motivate me and reminds me of how long I have come. Also, my MFP pals are extremely motivating for me. Such lovely and strong people.